Left of center and lover of photography, music, pop culture, and life.
Favorite quote - "There are no innocents. There are, however, different degrees of responsibility" (Lisbeth Salander, from Stieg Larsson's original Millennium Trilogy).
Hi everyone. It’s been an insane month and a half. My spouse is recovering from a pelvic fracture. Hoping for a new set of x-rays just to make sure the fracture is actually healing correctly. At least we’ve managed to get through the first three weeks with what appears to be improvement. We’re not out of the woods by a long shot, though. We’ve had some other medical emergencies prior to that. So, if my posts have been lest frequent, or in this case really minimal (“here’s a video – enjoy”), that’s why. I think the main post for this week was just one where I had a quiet moment, could chill to a song, and remembered I hadn’t updated this space in a bit. Hopefully things calm down, my spouse fully recovers, and life goes back to whatever it is I call normal. We’ll see, I guess. Hopefully things are better for you than they are for me and mine. I know that’s a low bar, but hey, someone’s got to set it, right?
Things are still pretty hectic in the Durito household. Seems like there’s some appointment or whatnot every time I turn around. Mrs. Durito is continuing to improve. That’s what matters. I’ll have a new mid-week cafe/lounge up next week. Things might have slowed down just a bit by then.
Hi everyone. It’s been an insane month and a half. My spouse is recovering from a pelvic fracture. Hoping for a new set of x-rays just to make sure the fracture is actually healing correctly. At least we’ve managed to get through the first three weeks with what appears to be improvement. We’re not out of the woods by a long shot, though. We’ve had some other medical emergencies prior to that. So, if my posts have been lest frequent, or in this case really minimal (“here’s a video – enjoy”), that’s why. I think the main post for this week was just one where I had a quiet moment, could chill to a song, and remembered I hadn’t updated this space in a bit. Hopefully things calm down, my spouse fully recovers, and life goes back to whatever it is I call normal. We’ll see, I guess. Hopefully things are better for you than they are for me and mine. I know that’s a low bar, but hey, someone’s got to set it, right?
Things are still pretty hectic in the Durito household. Seems like there’s some appointment or whatnot every time I turn around. Mrs. Durito is continuing to improve. That’s what matters. I’ll have a new mid-week cafe/lounge up next week. Things might have slowed down just a bit by then.