Tori Otten of The New Republic seems concerned that Sarah Palin is basically trying to instigate a civil war, and I agree with her that there’s some irresponsible rhetoric at play here, but I think it’s also kind of silly to pretend that the war hasn’t been ongoing since January 6, 2021. Now, what Palin said while talking to Eric Bolling on the Newsmax channel was in response to Donald Trump getting arrested for the fourth time in 2023.
“Those who are conducting this travesty and creating this two-tiered system of justice, and I want to ask them, ‘What the heck? Do you want us to be in civil war?’ Because that’s what’s going to happen. We’re not going to keep putting up with this,” Palin told host Eric Bolling.
“And Eric, I like that you suggested that we need to get angry. We do need to rise up and take our country back.”
The good news is that it looks, for now, as if maybe people are done arresting the disgraced ex-president. Of course, Arizona might join the party. For now, it looks like its sites are more on Rudy Giuliani, but that could change. Still, assuming that Trump will top out at four arrests, Palin won’t have to “keep putting up” him getting booked and fingerprinted.
Of course, the trials will progress, and we can’t forget he has a civil trial in New York accusing him of widespread fraud, and he has a second go-round scheduled with writer E. Jean Carroll who he sexually assaulted and defamed. So the man is going to be court as often as not, and that might be hard for Palin to take.
But her side of the aisle already started the war when they attacked the United States Capitol in an effort to keep the loser of the 2020 presidential election in power in the White House. What we’re looking at now, is our side fighting back. Call it Gettysburg, call it Vicksburg, call it whatever you want. It’s called preserving the Union by any means necessary, and we’re going to win. So it really comes down to how much kicking and screaming Palin and her lot want to do while they’re being held to account.
When I hear Palin threaten civil war, I’m not really alarmed by it. Might someone be inspired by Palin to pop off and hurt someone? We’ve already had someone break into Nancy Pelosi’s house and hit her husband in the head with a hammer. We have lunatics walking into black church and synagogues and gay night clubs and opening fire. Trump stoked this behavior and the only way to get it under control is to demonstrate who is really in charge here. Whenever I see evidence that things are proceeding as they should, I take that as a good sign not something to anxious about. These people make sure I’m always anxious, and there’s only one way I’ll even get any peace of mind.
And that’s by winning the war they started. Things are looking good.
We’ve had four attests and really not much violence has occurred. The maga folk are tired. Not to say we can discount it by any means, but hundreds of successful Jan 6 prosecutions seem to me to have had a deterrence effect.