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Author: AZnomad

TX Gay Marriage Foes Now Favor Limiting Divorce

Well, it looks like the über-religious, nutjob busybodies will not be happy until they are dictating the personal lives and controlling the bedrooms of every man and woman in America, gay or straight. They now want to make...

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Rapid Rise in Global Extinction Rates – Protect the ESA

Crossposted at Daily Kos and My Left Wing

With the recent overhaul of the 1973 Endagered Species Act in the House of Representatives, the issue of protecting endangered species from extinction has become that much more important. Global extinction rates are on the rise, and by revoking many of the protections provided by the ESA, extinctions could skyrocket even further.

From the Animal Welfare Institute’s Endangered Species Handbook:

The current extinction rate is estimated to be up to a thousand times higher than prehistory rates (Leakey and Lewin 1995, Stearns and Stearns 1999).  This phenomenon has been described as the sixth wave of extinctions by scientists Richard Leakey and Roger Lewin – ecosystems are being disrupted around the world, and the wondrous tapestry of living things that supports human existence is unraveling.

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Rainforest Disappearing Twice as Fast as Previously Thought

Crossposted at Daily Kos, European Tribune and My Left Wing

They say when it rains, it pours… except not in the Brazilian tropical rainforest. Today we get this piece from The Independent. (Pictures and captions from Greenpeace).

A small stream runs through what was once a huge lake. In an area used to ample rainfall a drought as severe as this in the Amazon basin is having dramatic and devastating effects on the wildlife and people of this unique region. The mighty Amazon River is being reduced to a trickle in places, grinding the entire region to a halt. The people of the Amazon rely on the river and its many tributaries for everything from food to transportation.

More below the fold…

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