It’s coming. This might be the biggest Kossack gathering until Yearly Kos in 2006.

Harpers Ferry National Historical Park.

Saturday, May 28. 11 a.m. Meet at the visitor’s center. We’re making a day of it.


Harpers Ferry National Historical Park was selected as a great place. It’s scenic, it’s easy to get to, we can hike around town, tour the museum exhibits, throw rocks in the Potomac or Shenandoah rivers and re-learn some history.

Special musical guests U2, AC-DC, Rob Zombie and the Rolling Stones

(More on the jump)

(with poll)
will not be there. But some of your favorite people — fellow Kossacks — will be.

Harpers Ferry is about 90 minutes from Washington, D.C., plus there should be plenty of carpooling opportunities.

So those of you Kossacks in Western Maryland, K9Disc, etc, those of you in suburban Maryland, southern Pennsylvania, northern Virginia,the eastern panhandle of West Virginia or the nation’s bluest zone, Washington, D.C., this is your chance to meet those people you only know by their handles. Plus you’ll get the chance to carry little Carnackis up hills. It’ll be great fun.

This also seems like a very appropriate exhibit considering how much Kossacks and Democrats care about protecting the soldiers (as opposed to the Bush administration which claims to care for soldiers, but cuts funding to arm them properly).

May 28-29 – “Defend and Protect: Arming the American Soldier.” Special exhibits and programs highlight the Harpers Ferry Armory, technology, invention and how soldiers used these weapons for national defense and exploration. Special attraction this year is a musical interpretation of the industrial age by the Indiana Brass Band.

Some have asked about overnight accomodations.

Here’s some hotels with reviews. Personally I’d pick the Hilltop House, but that’s just me.

Here’s camping information for the Harpers Ferry KOA.

If you have any questions, email me. It’s in my profile.

Also, thanks to Rena, jsmdlawyer, DCDemocrat, pastordan, Mrs. Pastor, Mrsdbrown1, teacherken and msaroff for their reminders.