Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I like pie better than Air America — except for Morning Sedition (but it’s on 3AM-6AM PDT, so I listen to archives when I can) and RFK Jr’s show on the weekends, Ring of Fire.
I am THRILLED that Air America is becoming so popular. And it was a kick recently, when we were near Seattle, to be able to pick up the station in the car. We caught a repeat of Ring of Fire, featuring Bill Moyers. Can’t get much better radio than that.
I listen online cuz it’s our only choice…:-( We like Morning Sedition as well, liked Unfiltered a lot and was disappointed when they replaced them with Springer, who doesn’t do a lot for me…he’s “ok” but can’t say I would tune in a whole lot even if we had the affiliate Kansas City so desperately could use….
I would guess it’s not up to them. They would have to hope a station becomes both available and interested in the Tucson area (or, barring that, a station in Phoenix powerful enough to be heard in Tucson), then start negotiations with the station owner. Unless, of course, they decide to buy a station themselves, but if it were me I’d rather be producing content and leave the headache of running a station to someone else.
Very true, I guess I’m talking out of bitterness. We are a sea of blue in Southern Az. I enjoyed the HBO documentary of Air America, it looks like they’ve been tested by fire from the start and are chugging along nicely. I’m glad they’re expanding.
That’s OK. At least you can get it over the web, not that that helps you a lot in your car.
True story. I was sitting at my desk at work one morning listening to Franken and Lanpher (they are on from 9 to noon here) and one of the guys I work with walks into my office. I don’t discuss politics with my cow orkers as I get the impression it’s sort of a conservative place and I’m there to write code, not stump for the Left. Anyway I turn it down quickly so I can hear what he has to say, and he asks me, “Is that Al Franken?”
“Yeah,” I say, wondering if he’s going to start telling me what an idiot Franken is.
“Cool,” he says, “I listen to him every morning.”
Maybe there are more of us out there than we think.
is — for me — pretty hard to take, regardless of which end of the political spectrum. Too often too repetitive; too often too whiney; too often too, too.
But I’m grateful that others listen and sometimes post recaps or highlights. For us talk radio wimps, it’s a big favor. So, thanks in advance to all you distillating listeners.
Researchers have mainstreamed a Sony Qrio robot in a California nursery school. The robot, which is assisted at all times by an assistant, dances with the children but rarely drinks juice or has to go to the potty. I think the best, and most telling, quote follows:
“The children think of Qrio as a feeble younger brother,” researcher Fumihide Tanaka said.
Just wait until these things aren’t so feeble anymore.
So far, all I can do is listen to it online, as with most things mainstream in Kansas, it takes a while to get through all the church, religious, idiocyncratic I don’t think it will be good for our children horsepucky that comes from living in a true bible belt state. LMAO. On a more positive note. There are in fact more mainstream media outlets in Kansas and my hope is that soon one of them will carry Air America. And of course when my neighbors hear my liberal media outlets and see my bumper sticker that says ” Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzalez, Frist and De Lay, Corporate Welfare’s Dream Team” they all just have a hissy fit and call me a commie. lol God I love making my neighbors crazy.
“A daily record of America’s post-9/11 impact on the world
researched, edited and sprinkled with occasional commentary by Paul Woodward”
Sample of Paul Woodward’s writing
“People power’s a fine thing for shaking up Eastern Europe and the Middle East, but as it spreads to the Americas, it could be coming uncomfortably close to home. What if people power caught on in the United States? What if accountability was being demanded not just from governments in Kiev and Beirut but also those in London and Washington? The bread and circuses approach to democracy has so far been an effective guarantor of political apathy across America, but what if Americans in large numbers were to one day wake up from their political slumber and demand that they too deserve a truly representative government?”
We need some trolls around here. What’s the point of being a TU if you can’t use it:)
I noticed that Another Perspective is a TU. I wonder how many Dems are trusted on republican blogs? I know every time I try to post anything I get banned, no matter how tame the post is.
I am not a trusted user on Rep. blogs, but I am a poster and I have not been banned from any site. I post not as a Dem but as a citizen concerned about my country, they don’t know what Party I am in.
Funny enough, Another Perspective became a TU from just one diary, my Join the Debate with a Neocon.
I would like to see conservatives on this site so that we have someone to have discussions with that are not just in agreement with our views.
I was reffering to unofficial sites like free republic. I like have Another Respective here and at dKos, I’ve even been flamed for defending him. I’m still waiting for an answer to my last post to him though.
There is a manmade ecological disaster of geologic proportions occurring in the rolling mountains of the southern Appalachians; its called mountain range — or Mountain Top Removal (MTR) mining. It is the ultimate in theft of a people’s heritage — the destruction of watersheds — and the annihilation of one of the most diverse places on earth. You can do something about it. Mountain Justice Summer
I discovered a good new environmental site, Lowbagger. Check it out…..
It appears that Amina Ali Abduladif has been spared through a Yemeni Presidential suspension of her execution. Her lawyer says it’s not clear how long the suspension is for, although the gist of The Times’ story suggests that the outlook is optimistic.
It includes the following:
Officials in the capital, Sanaa, said that President Saleh was “moved” when he learnt of the plight of Mrs Abduladif…
The President has asked justice ministers to look again at her case while her lawyers are demanding a new trial…
President Saleh also wants to know why the courts broke their own rules by handing a death sentence to someone who was under 18 at the time.
Thank you everyone who pursued this case. I’ll take on the task of watching for further developments.
For those who can’t figure what this is all about – see Susanbhu’s front-page post last weekend.
I like pie better than Air America — except for Morning Sedition (but it’s on 3AM-6AM PDT, so I listen to archives when I can) and RFK Jr’s show on the weekends, Ring of Fire.
I am THRILLED that Air America is becoming so popular. And it was a kick recently, when we were near Seattle, to be able to pick up the station in the car. We caught a repeat of Ring of Fire, featuring Bill Moyers. Can’t get much better radio than that.
I listen online cuz it’s our only choice…:-( We like Morning Sedition as well, liked Unfiltered a lot and was disappointed when they replaced them with Springer, who doesn’t do a lot for me…he’s “ok” but can’t say I would tune in a whole lot even if we had the affiliate Kansas City so desperately could use….
They haven’t made it to the Tucson market yet. I emailed them about it and never got a response as to their future expansion plans. Oh well.
I would guess it’s not up to them. They would have to hope a station becomes both available and interested in the Tucson area (or, barring that, a station in Phoenix powerful enough to be heard in Tucson), then start negotiations with the station owner. Unless, of course, they decide to buy a station themselves, but if it were me I’d rather be producing content and leave the headache of running a station to someone else.
Very true, I guess I’m talking out of bitterness. We are a sea of blue in Southern Az. I enjoyed the HBO documentary of Air America, it looks like they’ve been tested by fire from the start and are chugging along nicely. I’m glad they’re expanding.
That’s OK. At least you can get it over the web, not that that helps you a lot in your car.
True story. I was sitting at my desk at work one morning listening to Franken and Lanpher (they are on from 9 to noon here) and one of the guys I work with walks into my office. I don’t discuss politics with my cow orkers as I get the impression it’s sort of a conservative place and I’m there to write code, not stump for the Left. Anyway I turn it down quickly so I can hear what he has to say, and he asks me, “Is that Al Franken?”
“Yeah,” I say, wondering if he’s going to start telling me what an idiot Franken is.
“Cool,” he says, “I listen to him every morning.”
Maybe there are more of us out there than we think.
is — for me — pretty hard to take, regardless of which end of the political spectrum. Too often too repetitive; too often too whiney; too often too, too.
But I’m grateful that others listen and sometimes post recaps or highlights. For us talk radio wimps, it’s a big favor. So, thanks in advance to all you distillating listeners.
Sony Qrio Attending Nursery School
Researchers have mainstreamed a Sony Qrio robot in a California nursery school. The robot, which is assisted at all times by an assistant, dances with the children but rarely drinks juice or has to go to the potty. I think the best, and most telling, quote follows:
“The children think of Qrio as a feeble younger brother,” researcher Fumihide Tanaka said.
Just wait until these things aren’t so feeble anymore.
— e-mailed to me by my daughter
I mean Gizmodo, not Gozmodo.
So far, all I can do is listen to it online, as with most things mainstream in Kansas, it takes a while to get through all the church, religious, idiocyncratic I don’t think it will be good for our children horsepucky that comes from living in a true bible belt state. LMAO. On a more positive note. There are in fact more mainstream media outlets in Kansas and my hope is that soon one of them will carry Air America. And of course when my neighbors hear my liberal media outlets and see my bumper sticker that says ” Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzalez, Frist and De Lay, Corporate Welfare’s Dream Team” they all just have a hissy fit and call me a commie. lol God I love making my neighbors crazy.
Just one Liberal’s opinion
Very Interesting blog/site
“A daily record of America’s post-9/11 impact on the world
researched, edited and sprinkled with occasional commentary by Paul Woodward”
Sample of Paul Woodward’s writing
Laisseez-moi rire!
We need some trolls around here. What’s the point of being a TU if you can’t use it:)
I noticed that Another Perspective is a TU. I wonder how many Dems are trusted on republican blogs? I know every time I try to post anything I get banned, no matter how tame the post is.
I am not a trusted user on Rep. blogs, but I am a poster and I have not been banned from any site. I post not as a Dem but as a citizen concerned about my country, they don’t know what Party I am in.
Funny enough, Another Perspective became a TU from just one diary, my Join the Debate with a Neocon.
I would like to see conservatives on this site so that we have someone to have discussions with that are not just in agreement with our views.
I was reffering to unofficial sites like free republic. I like have Another Respective here and at dKos, I’ve even been flamed for defending him. I’m still waiting for an answer to my last post to him though.
been extremely busy of late.
Where’s the post you’re looking for me to respond to?
Both time’s I’ve said something you alway’s pop up. Did someone email you or were you lurking?
Here is the post. I didn’t think much of it since it took me a while to respond and the diary had since scrolled off the front page.
I have my ways…
Nice to see you here again. Wish you would join us more often.
We need a good discussion here!!!!!
Zell Miller is supposed to be on The Daily Show tonight, that should be fun to watch.
I really hope they replay the tweety clip for him.
While looking into this:
I discovered a good new environmental site, Lowbagger. Check it out…..
It appears that Amina Ali Abduladif has been spared through a Yemeni Presidential suspension of her execution. Her lawyer says it’s not clear how long the suspension is for, although the gist of The Times’ story suggests that the outlook is optimistic.
It includes the following:
Thank you everyone who pursued this case. I’ll take on the task of watching for further developments.
For those who can’t figure what this is all about – see Susanbhu’s front-page post last weekend.
because you only have room for one answer.
I listen online, in the car and at home.
This may be out of place here but has everyone seen the new Troll at dKos?
Wow. I was frightened and laughing hysterically at the same time.
Pastor John.
pastordan’s “Mirror World” counterpart.