A White House official who once led the oil industry’s fight against limits on greenhouse gases has repeatedly edited government climate reports in ways that play down links between such emissions and global warming, according to internal documents.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Is it Friday yet? It feels like such a long week and it is only Wednesday…
“Bush Aide Softened Greenhouse Gas Links to Global Warming”
shouldn’t it be…
“Bush Aide Softened Whitehouse Gas Links to Global Warring”
Oh, bood dude, you don’t know me but I so love your funny posts. I hadn’t seen them in ages on you-know-where and I’m pleased as Judy to see them here.
Just up the road from me, maybe half-mile, there’s a disputed lot. It’s full of trees, and Cornell wants to take down the trees to build a parking lot. I just went by there: there are platforms in the trees with people sitting up there.
Civil disobedience lives. If I find a camera, I’ll take some pictures.
A friend of mine has a family member who is doing that in California – but don’t know where, exactly. I should ask her. Are you in CA?
I’d love to see photos. Civil disobedience can be very encouraging : )
Until today, there were two hidden comments total for the history of the site. One of them wasn’t even trollish, it was just Booman asking to be rated down. Today, three more comments were added to the Dark Side. That is a 150% increase in the number of comments hidden.
No, it was not exclusively because of the Pie Wars. I just found it fascinating is all.
Not sure where we are on this…I am feeling that she will pass through…I wrote a diary last week about PRYOR..who is coming up next. If you haven’t please check it out. I would link it but my linking still sucks. Please check out my PRYOR diary from last week. Besides PRYOR discriminating against Gays..PRYOR on “ROE V WADE”(It is)“The worst abomination of Constitutional Law in our HISTORY” Please….he is only 42 y/o and would be around for possibly over 40 years. Once the nomination comes up..Please call your Senators and let your voices be heard. He is an Extraordinary case and should be filibustered.
to Chamonix1’s diary. Check it out everyone, it’s important stuff. (understatement much?)
appreciate it. One day I will learn about links. It is really important to bring PRYOR down. I am watching the Brown vote now…
Things are a little crazy here at work so I can’t stream CSPAN right now.
Oh, and check out this diary for some HTML tips. I’ve had it hot-listed since superscalar posted it in April.
Looks like PRYOR will get the up or down vote tomorrow….this is making me sick.
The information on the edited environmental reports was being discussed on the Ed Schultz show on Air America today – by an Oregon senator IIRC.
It’s nice to have this out on the air waves as well as the blogs.
Yes, I heard this, too, on Ed Schultz. I’m new here, and mostly I just want to see if it works for me to post a comment.
I was/am a lurker on the Daily Kos, not by choice. I signed up the day Stephanie Herseth won the election in South Dakota, and I posted a few times–not often enough or recently enough that anyone would remember me–and then because of some technological glitch I was no longer able to post.
Kos told me I was in good standing, but (understandably) he didn’t have time to figure out why the blog would no longer accept my comments.
Anyway, if this works, I’ll probably say more. One thing I wonder is whether my name will be signed automatically. If not: I’m using my real name, Maureen.
I don’t know if people actually use open threads around here, but I’ll give it a shot.
I realize some people (on both sides) don’t want to heal the rift which dares not speak its name. Some like a new enemy now and again, some enjoy righteous derision. I submit they are in the minority. So, peacemaking majority, help me out here please.
Let’s say I wanted to write up a proposal for a “blog decorum covenant” containing clear rules of debate conduct along the lines of the Unitarian principles. And this covenant would be signed on to and affirmed by Daily Kos and BooManTribune users as a sort of mutual covenant, the signatories of which would behave within certain bounds and treat those who hadn’t signed on to the covenant harshly and without mercy. The signers of said document would take ownership of the culture of the site and would — as a bloc committed to a “set in bytes” list of principles — ensure that those outside the bloc were either pressured into signing and being true to the decorum covenant or were forced to leave.
I think it deserves a shot, but I want to know what items you all would like included to ensure that, at least among the covenant signers, nothing like what happened happens again at dKos or a dKos “affiliated” blog.
You could give it a shot, but I think it would be fruitless. There are too many users on dKos to get a majority to “sign” and keeping track of those who signed vs. didn’t would be a nightmare.
Sorry to be a pessimist, just not feeling optimistic about healing the rift at the other place.
Addison I like the idea of being part of a community that tries this out.
I’d want to step back and let the “old” BooMan members take the lead, and if they don’t want it, then I don’t, either. I’d hate the idea of changing their beloved site into something they don’t like anymore.
As for dK. . .well, that would be up to them.
This site could always try it and agree to think about it again after some use. It sounds like an interesting experiment for the blogworld.
Btw, that was a righteous rage you had on dK last night. You were great. I was proud to “know” you, even without knowing you.
As far as “old” BooManTribune members go, ohhhhh yeah that’s what I want too. I was posting this largely as a dKos member, I realize it’s extraordinarily presumptuous of me to try to organize BooManTribune in this manner. But no one else was, and it seems like a good idea to prevent conflagrations in the future whether here or at Dkos. So.
If anyone, ANYONE, wants to take the lead on this away from me, and work something out with a mcjoan or a plutonium page or an armando or an MSOC, I will be delighted beyond words. DELIGHTED. Just please respond to this comment and say your gonna email some old time dKos member at some point to hammer out a proposal.
Thanks for the kudos on the righteous rage.
I consider myself part of the peace making majority here so my .02.
There were a couple of minor incidents on this site in the past few months and they were handled respectfully.
Here we have made every effort to resolve things by our written word AND have followed through by our actions. Actions will always speak louder than words, and unkind words can not be stopped by a “covenant”.
I will give my verbal pledge:
-That when I disagree I will always try to be gracious.
-That name calling and derision will not be done.
-That others opinions are always respected.
– – – –
Separate note:
And I apoligize to Oui for some rude comments I previously made if I haven’t done so before. My actions have been to support Oui’s diaries and comments and will continue to be so…but the words are nice. I am sorry for those comments before.
I understand that a covenant couldn’t stop unkind words. But there has never been — to my knowledge — and guideline for decorum for the dKos cluster of sites. So when unkind words were spoken there was no document or list of principles that you could point to and say, “this is what you’re violating, and we take this seriously, so stop it.” It was just an ever fluctuating standard and was bent and twisted to make room for whatever unkind things people wanted to say at the time. I think an objective document that people could transgress against would be helpful.
of this site, BooMan put up a diary with a rule on civility. At this point, he’s still working on the final drafts of FAQ’s and other site guides. <grin>
From BooMan on March 22, 2005:
In a word: Respect. Welcome to you all and I’m glad to see more faces! 🙂
Oh good, you found that. I was thinking of that the other day, but wasn’t sure where to look. That needs to be put somewhere, it’s pretty much all in a nutshell, lol.
It was amusing to read some of the original threads at the site’s beginning because I was still a lurker at that point. Glad to see you around today Nanette 🙂
Last night when I was looking for an old post, it was fun to see some of the old online quizzes and comments from the beginning.
And your FAQ still rocks, isn’t it up yet?
the FAQ’s and Newbie Guide will be live starting Monday, the “surprise” is nearing–a little froggie told me that those two things will be tied to the big announcement.
Post that as a diary? With a little background, just saying it was from the early days or something, and that it has stood us in good stead? More will be able to read it that way.
I’ve been working on something all morning but have been all over the place on here. (plus I’m here at work and actually have to do some stuff every once in awhile, the nerve huh?) Thx for the prodding, I’ll work on it now.
Well, when you have time, that is! No big rush… I’m just glad you found it. I think it’ll go a ways to showing how we handle things.
Oh, and good to see you here too ;). I decided that crawling into bed and pulling the covers over my head just wasnt’ an option, sigh. (just kidding!)
the diary is up. I wish I could’ve stayed in bed today, it sure beats “working” It’s a good thing my boss is in another room. heheheh
I would not especially like a covenant, probably because I don’t like the idea of a bunch of ‘rules’, per se. It might be something good to do for the kos site, though, as it is much different from this one.
Here, however, I think once people settle down and look around, that they’ll realize we pretty much already have a tacit covenant of mutual respect, even in disagreement. And our topics cover the spectrum… not just breaking news and Iraq, but other non US matters, social structures and things, Majority World (aka “Third World”) matters and so on.
I don’t believe we (here) need “fixing”, but when we do, we pretty much just talk it out… that would go for people who have been here one day or have been here since the beginning. And I think that actually works better because you wind up having the interaction with whichever group or individual and presenting your side, and listening to theirs and then coming to a concensus and moving on. We’ve had to do that a time or two.
Anyway, Man Eegee found the BooTrib Creed 😉 and has posted it in this thread. That one still works, I think.
Oh, and welcome to the Trib 🙂
Yeah, that’s true. But this site is getting bigger and bigger, and before you know it you will need such a thing.
Maybe so. I think probably that the community itself sets the tone, and without that no amount of written material will make a difference.
I’ve noticed that some posters coming here from kos noticed a difference in attitude almost right away, and many of them seemed determined to take on that same attitude and they will spread it to the next ones that come in and so on.
Obviously it’s not a perfect method, and I am in charge of precisely nothing at all, so if it’s something you want to do, why not just do it? And then present it as a diary, get comments and suggestions and so on. I don’t think anyone will get mad at you! Well, as long as you remember what our name is ;).
I think susan diaried this, but just in case here it is again. [Just got the announcement via Moving Ideas]:
Eighth International Women’s Policy Research Conference
When Women Gain, So Does the World
June 19-21, Washington, DC
Assembling policymakers, advocates, researchers, and practitioners from academia, labor unions, business, government, non-profits and NGOs, and the media to share information and discuss policy strategy that can be used to improve the programs and policies around the world that protect and promote women and girls.
It’s great having a lot of people here but I so so miss having my diary stay up longer. Not that I am selfish but it was for a Deanish cause. If you can, check it out out. We raised over $1,100 in one day in the “We’ve got Dean’s back” campaign. Please stop by and take the poll and give me some more suggestions on how we can help stop the Dean bashing.
We’ve got Dean’s back
I read the diary Hausfrau….please keep us updated on the website information.
My focus has all been local – DFA here in Northern California. I’ll watch for more stuff on the National level. It’s very conflicting – appeals for the national campaign and yet trying to do the local stuff that Dean has promoted from the beginning. Oh well – that kind of conflicted is good for us!
Yes, I was just noticing today that there will probably not be much meandering over to a diary a day or so later to read and comment, because it might be gone. I do hope even when that starts to happen more that we’ll still have discussions that last a long time, even if the diary is off the page.
I’ll look for yours on Dean, sounds like a good thing.
Hi everyone, there are still a lot of new members lurking around, don’t forget to check out the Welcome Wagon Diary. It’s a tradition here at the Frog Pond to introduce yourself (and get some mojo to BOOt). Recommends are much appreciated!
I’m new here and easily perplexed. Armando posted a diary earlier which I can’t seem to locate. Am I incompetent or was it deleted (not that deletion proves my competence)?
So many menus so little me. 😀
I noticed that too.
Kinda a shame, really.
Not because it was a particularly helpful diary. Rather, it was classic Armando.
But because some of the better comments (IMO) I’ve ever written over at “the other place” were to diaries that were pretty durned lousy. And the diarists, not getting the reaction they were seeking and not liking the way the community commentary was responding, nuked their own diaries.
I know diaries are ephemeral things. But when the community speaks, its a bit of a shame someone else (the diarist) is given the ultimate authority to rub-out their comments.
I guess I’d be happy if the diarist could wipe the contents of the diary itself, but if it took the site admin to decide the topic itself was out-of-bounds, and flush both the diary and its commentary from existence.
Not sure which happened in this case. Either way, a lot of time and effort from folks was ultimately wasted, both refuting lame accusations and providing detailed and heartfelt feedback beyond a simplistic “agree or disagree”.
At least I saw Armando’s intent finally declared (possibly unlinking booman tribune from dKos’s blogroll if too many folks agreed with “the quote”).
Weird stuff.
but it’s off the front page. Check out the Recent Diaries list.
I can’t find it (thats a vote for my incompetence if you found it and I can’t). I even tried looking at my comments and my comment from the diary is gone from my list. So if you do see it can you post a link. Thanks
I noticed it was missing when I tried to see my comment from it and found it missing. I know it wasn’t because I was troll-rated out — at least, I strongly suspect that isn’t the case. I haven’t commented enough here to earn trusted user, but it was 3.88/9 last I caught it, and the probability that innocuous post was overwhelmingly troll-rated in the intervening 10 minutes is… unlikely.
(yeah, I saw it was still on the recent diaries list even after being de-frontpaged, but its missing from there as well now)
for my incompetence. Armando must’ve deleted it. Sorry for the mixup.
I agree that it’s a shame although not for all the reasons you do.
I know it wasn’t necessarily everyone’s best moments, but I think we can learn from it. In a few weeks we could have gone back and reread and see how many things were misinterpreted in the heat of the moment. And we could find ways to better address such issues in the future.
Thankfully I’m not a good enough writer that one of my comments will be missed if deleted, but it is a shame that the thoughtful comments of others are so easily erased.
is doing a series all week on major environmental
crisis issues.
Today he had someone on who blatantly said our
oceans are seriously polluted and at great risk.
I was thrilled for because it’s “the ocean” plus
international waters, there is hardly any “whistleblowing” on what is being dumped into the sea.