Sorry for not posting this sooner, but I’ve been working my ass off around the house and yard.
I did have time to read the paper, though, and I could not believe today’s letters to the editor section.
I live in Lewiston, ID which is in the northern part of the state. We are across the river from WA and about 60 miles north of OR.
I thought for sure when I moved here last summer that I would be the only liberal Democrat around for 100 miles, but I was wrong. Lewiston is a mill town with remanents of the unions and a fair number of Democrats. Up the road 30 miles is Moscow, home of the University of Idaho and Washington State University in Pullman, those liberal hotbeds, especially Moscow.
Our little paper, the Lewiston Morning Tribune, is quite liberal. Today’s LTE section had 26 published letters. Of those, four were in reference to the Downing Street Memo. One person was calling for impeachment, another compared it to the loss of salmon due to hydroelectric dams, the similarity being that the government lied in both cases (this is a way hot topic around here these days).
I am almost feeling hopeful. If a red area of the country keeps talking about the DSM, can the rest of the country be far behind?
that’s good news. I would have sworn you were in Indiana, but I should have payed attention to the end of your name 🙂
Hey Lewiston. . .Howdy from Rigby! Thank goodness we have you panhandle folks up North to balance out the rest of the crazy folks elsewhere! Go N Idaho! Go! Now if we could just elect some dems to the state gov. and get us a Dem. Gov. I’ll tell you the small town city and county commissioners are a good old boy’s club from Hell out here in SE Idaho! Never saw a deal they couldn’t make to help out their buddies and have no thought for the citizens whatsoever. Very rude about it too! A bunch of arogant jerks they are.
We’ll take any good news for Idaho we can get. Thanks!
Haven’t seen any of the other Idaho-ans here, like Sophie Brown or Seraphin.
Yep, I’m here. Seems like it kinda fits my laid back pace of life to spend most of my blog time here. Right friendly folks too. Haven’t seen much of the other I-Dee-Ho-ans over here yet, maybe they are still across the street. Good thing we are all just neighbors and can give a holler back and forth.
Wow. I drove through ID on I-90 a couple years ago on my way to Seattle. We’d been on the road about 10 hours and were really ready to stop for the night. ID was wayy scary. We drove all the way through.
So for folks who don’t know ID, this is a big deal.
Glad to hear it, though you may laugh when you hear what I thought your title meant. I read it and thought, “Oliver North was involved with DSM?? His identification is all over it?”
Wouldn’t put it past him!