ain’t going to be easy. On one hand you have them saying that they still haven’t been able to recover the aircraft (and you have to be careful with the military because they say things like that to throw people off and they probably can’t get what’s left of that Chinook out of there) and everything coming out in the media tonight is just more of the same thing we heard this morning and it’s starting to sound a little fuzzy…..and then on the other hand we have family members claiming that their loved one was on it. Oh how I love the military subterfuge!
Did you see my comment that the local news — Seattle ABC affiliate KOMO — reported at 430PM PDT that seven of the soldiers were executed by the Taliban, according to the Taliban? And that the Taliban took video of the executions as well as the crash?
Now, sometimes in the past, KOMO has been inaccurate … i.e., they pick up unverified wire reports.
I didn’t see that comment Susan. If KOMO has an accurate report on this, it is going to be a tough happening for us in the U.S.A.
Here’s the link:
I suspect this cannot be confirmed until/if the video footage shows up.
Not a good time for many families waiting for news.
There’s this too:
“A Taliban spokesman said the helicopter was in the area after rebels seized and executed seven Afghans “working as spies for the Americans with satellite phones and maps” and trying to track down militants.”
– China Daily
13 bodies have been found. link.
No more sitting on this one.
Also, given all the headlines … just look at — and the 1,404 stories — this crash is overshadowing Bush’s speech.
It needs to! My husband said when he got home also that a strange happening for him today was finding out that nobody at work had watched the speech. A whole building once full of Kool Aid drinkers in uniform and nobody watched the speech last night. Because I wouldn’t watch it he genuinely wanted a report on it.
Give your husband a big hug from me and the rest of us. All of this must be hard on him.
me last night about 10 minutes into his speech. This is a woman who has been seduced by Rush for the past 10 years (sorry for the visual) and thought Bush was the second coming. In order to maintain our political truce, I had to really bite my lip not to ask why she wasn’t watching his commercial.
As parents don’t we all wish better for our children than we had ourselves? In my opinion your mother’s wish has been granted though she may not know it yet.
Here is a link to an AMAZING website:
Click around and you will find a map where your cursor will illuminate the front pages of hundreds of newspapers all over the world.
This is the big picture that will disable the media monopolies.
Today’s nationwide message? The sacrifice in Iraq is worth it.
Who buys this from the one who has profitted astronomically from these calamities and made NO SACRIFICE?
The other nationwide message, Bush asks the American people to be PATIENT while their children die for NO REASON based on LIES and a BOGUS link to the events that occured on 9/11.
You must be an asshole if you aren’t patient enough to put vanity stickers on your car while other people risk life and limb and make sacrifices that liar and warmonger Bush can pass on as BIG PROFITS to his corporate buddies.
This is a pretty cool website!
the Houston Chronicle presents the “worth it” headline. I used the Newseum’s site to find that this morning. (pdf file)
Damn fine work, Chronicle. Hats off.
Isn’t looking like a lucky number today considering 7 missing troops, or 7 Afghan spies rumored executed, or seven troops rumored killed in a separate attack in “Mission Accomplished” Afghanistan.