This is a test to see if I can upload a song and have you all listen to it. In this case, the song is Roy Buchanan’s live version of Can I Change My Mind off his classic album Live Stock. If it works, you’ll see what kind of mood I’m in.
Update [2005-6-29 18:48:47 by BooMan]:It looks like it worked. So how about another: Lyle Lovett and Rickie Lee Jones’ version of North Dakota. I’m obviously in a bit of a funk. 🙂
Update [2005-6-29 19:24:36 by BooMan]: This one is for Susan, because I love her. Play It.
Update [2005-6-29 19:43:41 by BooMan]: Here’s the last one for tonight. Bonnie Raitt and John Prine duet.
Hey Booman, I love your music!!!!!!!!! way back when ….oh about 8 years ago, I was on a med chat room and we all learned how to post music and I fially bacame the DJ of the room…I loved so much finding the music and making everyone happy while they posted. It was a good thing to unwind by too. THANKS for the music…when you can let me know how you did it please…
you liked it. Roy Buchanan is one of my favorites and I’ve loved that song since before I understood what it meant.
Unfortunately, I can’t make music uploads available to everyone 🙁
Bu-bu-but it would be so kewl for the FBC Happy Hour on Fridays! ;^)
I might be able to provide a song here and there but it is a costly luxury. I’m just glad I can do it at all. I wasn’t sure it would work.
You can always upload songs to your own webspace and link to it from here.
what I was wondering if one cold go to the real audio sight and download their songs and then bring over here to play…I know that they used to not let someone do that after a while for the copyrights thingeee was not good to do it. but just wondering if someone could do something on that order.
…or is there a way to do it from a CD rom to bring over to this site>>>>just owndering
It played perfectly and it’s great music. I love Lyle…. saw him in Seattle back in, oh, 1990 or so. Leo Kotke opened for Lyle. It was at the 5th Avenue Theatre downtown.
Leo Kottke is amazing! I saw Lyle and Rickie Lee together back in 90, too…but it was in Philly.
Lyle Lovett is so fucking cool. Brainy, wry, subtle.
who to my ear could outplay the Kottke I’ve heard infrequently over the years since. 15 years old, the terror period of life for learning instrumental music. He’d finger pick the 12 string at the speed of a banjo, as if it were 12 separate strings. No artificial picks–just nails.
I used to sit a foot off his soundboard where they put the mikes. Awesome; 40 years later I still have several of his compositions by memory that he probably never recorded.
I just discovered perusing iTunes that Glen Campbell’s original gig was as a 12-string whiz. I need to get the record(s) he made; maybe something familiar will turn up there.
Years later in Irish music I had a guitar friend with a 12–I thought it was a stunning sound for backing trad. But good as he was, he found the 12 very uncomfortable, so all I got out of it is one demo tune on scratchy cassette. It probably saved my life; if I’d played for a couple of months with a 12 behind me, I’d have probably stroked out and died young with a huge smile on my face.
This is a great idea! Mood music! 😉
There have been more than one or two times when I have been reading ’round here when a song or two just leaps into my heart and soul…but actually HEARING it is way better!
Thanks, BooMan!
how long did it take to download?
About 5 seconds!
what is it you want to kown the length of download for brie in her mind and soul or the actual music? It took a fe minutes here with me using windows media
Do you have broadband, Brenda? That may be the difference! 😉
My mind and soul now, hmmm, try not to download things there too much! JK!
:o)…no brie,,,,do not have broadband…been thinking of doing it, but never thought I would actually need it for I am not able to be online too much except when home from work..which sometimes is never…..:o)
the only reason we have it is because I used to make my living from facilitating an online community — man, I miss those days! We just kept it after that — but it (and the cable for that matter) may be on the chopping block soon….if I don’t find a job.
They finally put the Meters albums on iTunes a few months ago…Ever heard Look Ka Py Py?
How do we upload a song?
you will like Darden Smith (I love LL and like DS even better!! I have always been of the opion that the only reason darden Smith didn’t get as much national recogition is because he came up at the same time that LL was making it big…) — If you have heard him, I suggest Deep Fantatic Blue as a starting point — one of the(few) great things about being in Texas is the music….
North Dakota is beautiful….I love the mood music, just love it, even if you are in a funk!
Oh, and for your wife — metholatum on the chest and neck along with the tea will do wonders…
Was just listening to Circo yesterday. But I’m happy to listen again (playing on the iTunes as I type.)
Years ago I went to a fundraiser thingie at the Cactus Cafe – for KUT, maybe? Anyway, it was cheap and I was bored that night, so I went even though I’d never heard of any of the people playing.
It was Tish Hinojosa, Darden Smith, and Lucinda Williams. I walked out of there in a daze. In-fucking-credible.
Don’t even get me started on Lucinda. Sometimes I think her music is the soundtrack to my life.
Lucinda rocks, as does Trish….there are just so many awesome musicians in this town…but soon we’ll all have to go to Buda to hear music above a “whisper” in any decent venues at all….
Did I ever tell you I have pieces of Liberty Lunch in my living room? One is signed by Bob Mould….damn, but I miss that place.
well, I listen to music while I post online here. I have learned to relax that way after a hard day at work…so love the music this way…love it lots..
Here is a link to an AMAZING website:
Click around and you will find a map where your cursor will illuminate the front pages of hundreds of newspapers all over the world.
This is the big picture that will disable the media monopolies.
thanks I bookmarked it. looks like a great site too..
Wow! You dedicated a song for me!
I can’t get it to play, but let me try another media player. I can see it’s that John Prine song though 🙂
I hope it works. The song is “It’s A Big Old Goofy World”.
Hey Booman, I like the idea of mood music, but please be careful you don’t run afoul of the Copyright Cops. I’d hate to get you or BT raided by the RI bleepin’ AA.
That said, here’s a link to a song I plug every chance I get: Roy Zimmerman’s Chickenhawk
Hey Booman, I just listened to “It’s A Big Old Goofy World” and it was the perfect song to end my crappy day with. It put a smile on my face. Thanks for that, and thanks for the insight into what kind of music you like. It says a lot of good things about you, and Susan too :). I hope the funk you’re in is a short one and tomorrow is a brighter day.
Ah yes.
That song is uplifting after all, isn’t it?
Because when it comes down to it, it’s just a big old goofy world man, and there are some things we just can’t do anything about. So it’s best to just let it go……….and get goofy. 🙂
Oh Yeah!…a Blues fan are you? Roy was a god w/ a guitar, listen to the live version of “The Messiah”, if you’ve never heard it.
Been a serious Blues fan since my teens, and that’s a fair long time ago.
So I’ll pimp my radio gig…Blues Legacy, Friday nites, 6-9 pm mdt, KGNU. There’s 5 of us in the rotation, i’m the senior one, 16 yrs. and counting…I’ll leave it to you to figure out which one I am…gotta keep the mystique, heh?
BTW, we’re community radio, listener supported, VERY independent for 27 years and counting. Yawl’ invited to come by any time:
Bandwidth . . . give . . . me . . . bandwidth . . . .
I’ve got some audio (and a BIG bunch of photos) I recorded at Austin DemFest including about 8 minutes of Molly Ivins, from the “Survivors of Texas Political Wars” that is absolutely hilarious. If a bit raunchy. Actually, that whole panel, an hour’s worth of Ivins, Hightower, Maxey, Smith, is all hilarious. And a bit raunchy. It was recorded as a wav file and converted to MP3. I wish I could share it with everyone here…
and all I got was the ability to post ABC text notation.
Thanks Booman! Angel from Montgomery is one of my all time favorites. Don’t know why but it makes me melancholy every time I hear it. To hear Bonnie and John singing it tonight was magic.
I want to hear Bonnie and John!! Waaa…I can’t get the music to play. Is there a trick?
try opening RealPlayer or Windows Media Player first, and then clicking on the link.
Sorry, but I can’t hear diddly-squat. But that’s OK, I just downloaded Mocca Flor by Guadro Nuevo from the iTMS…
I’m on a Mac and can hear everything jes’ fine!!