FAIR reports that Harvey, “one of the most widely listened to commentators in the United States, presented his listeners on June 23 with an endorsement of genocide and racism that would have been right at home on a white supremacist shortwave broadcast.”
Here is what Harvey said:
“We didn’t come this far [as a nation] because we’re made of sugar candy. Once upon a time, we elbowed our way onto and across this continent by giving smallpox-infected blankets to Native Americans. That was biological warfare. And we used every other weapon we could get our hands on to grab this land from whomever.
“And we grew prosperous. And yes, we greased the skids with the sweat of slaves. So it goes with most great nation-states, which–feeling guilty about their savage pasts–eventually civilize themselves out of business and wind up invaded and ultimately dominated by the lean, hungry up-and-coming who are not made of sugar candy.”
For Harvey, slavery and genocide are more than OK. For him, might makes right.
FAIR suggests that we let Disney/ABC know what we think about that.
Wow. I guess we finally know “the rest of the story.” Paul Harvey is a bigot. It’s scary how he speaks almost nostalgically about smallpox infested blankets and slaves.
He is one sick old man.
He’s positively glowing with enthusiasm for slavey and genocide.
Now, remind me again, how everything Paul Harvey says is good, and Dick Durbin is bad. I’m just having a bit of trouble keeping the story straight.
If you (A) praise rather than blame horrendous mass violations of human rights and (B) don’t make any specific allusions to other horrendous mass violators, then you are a patriot, and an American institution.
Is that it? I think I might be leaving something out. It’s so hard to tell the difference between patriotism and treason these days. I’d hate to get it wrong.
Paul Harvey is a glowing example of what is wrong in America today. (So is Steve Harvey, but for entirely different reasons.) I am so sick of this “white is right” mentality.
Anyone who is surprised by what Harvey’s saying now hasn’t been around long enough to hear what this jerkwad was saying in the 60’s and 70’s. They weren’t there to hear how he snidely ran down civil rights activists. They weren’t there when he laughed at John Lenon’s murder and made fun of people who were upset. They weren’t there when he railed on Jimmy Carter day after day in a way that would make Rush look “fair and balanced.”
You think Harvey is some harmless old codger who peddles back medicine in between “the rest of the story?” This guy was the origin point for Limbaugh and his kin. More than that, he’s the bridge between the proto-fascists like Father Coughlin and the scions of intolerance like Michael Savage.
just look at China, looking to take our place, and the place of a few others, by taking advantage of our weaknesses right now. What is ironic though, is China would never be in a position to do this if we had not behaved, through the years, like the world cop bully.