I was inspired to do a couple of photoshops today. I worked pretty hard on these, and I think that they turned out nicely. Hopefully this latest contribution from the “surreality based community” won’t detract too much from the seriousness around here.
New pictures after the fold! Trust me, I think you’ll like them… If you think they’re worth it, recommend so everybody can see them…
These are hot off my digital camera from my latest trip to the future:
A stunned Karl Rove is overwhelmed in his own home by reporters seeking comment after the story breaks in the Washington Post that he orchestrated the the outing of Valerie Plame with a phone call from Air Force One. Ironically, he is seen here reading the very article in the Post. When asked for a comment, Mr. Rove simply spluttered, became flushed, and said “No comment… and could you people please knock, for Christ’s sake!”
And the simultaneous scene from the White House:
“No! YOU calm down, Dick! Christ, we are SO f…ed! NO! I’M calling this one! Yeah?!? Well… you and the horse you rode in on, too!”
“Scotty… get me Rumsfeld… and make it tonto! I don’t care… wake his ass UP! Don… listen up… this is POTUS… verification code: dubya niner-niner… “Chicken Hawk Down!”… I repeat… “Chicken Hawk Down!”… and may God help us all… “Broken Arrow!” I repeat… “Broken Arrow!”
Quit taking photos of my girlfriend!
That looks like a thong!
You need to take a time-out after putting that vision in my head. Darn you all to heck!
I did a double take. I looked at his hugely swelled head first and then I noticed his thighs looked womanly…and then…I saw the panties! OMG! lol
May he be dethroned ASAP.
U da man bood…is that a Koran on the tank?…not to be confused w/ a tiger in your tank…KILLER!
Hey dood, you are soooooo good at this photo shop thing. I suspect that he has just got done with Gannon and he was on bottom too…:o)….VEry good, Man.
Pretty decent work; the blend lines are pretty much unnoticeable.
But you’re a little off on your scaling; Karl’s head and butt are about 15, 20% bigger than he ought to be relative to the size of the paper and the toilet he’s sitting on, and you’re getting kind of weird angular compression effects.. his torso and calves are markedly shorter than it ought to be. If it were just wide-angle distortion, then his head might be so big but then his thighs would be proportionally SMALLER than his torso.
The shrub shot works well. There are some minor issues with DOF and focus zones but I think those would only bother someone like me… (for the last 20 years my entire life has been looking at photos and making them…) A very fine effort.
I just wish I could find real photos to work from… I’m constrained by what detritus is available on the internet, and I have to sacrifice a lot to pull it off most times… but that’s also the fun part in making something out of a bunch of nothings…
Yup. It’s not something I’ve spent time learning to do, though I’ve gotten decent at learning to look for the little clues that usually slip by an artist and give away the tweaks.
Since I’m by profession a news photographer/documentary photojournalist, it’s probably NOT a good idea to have a serious sideline in the creation of high-grade documentary images as they SHOULD have happened.
Still, I’ve fooled around just a little with high-end software, enough to learn that it’s an art form in itself.
You do very good work, some of the best I’ve seen, and you have the honesty NOT to pretend they’re actual images of “facts on the ground.”
But hey, if our enemies cannot be honest, may they at least remain incompetent.
Did you say Rove “became flushed”??
I’d like to see that one!!
You are the best Dood!!
You always pick me up and let my sense of humor come back to the forefront.
Let’s also wish some major hemmorhoids on him!
totally outdone yourself this time!
I don’t know Ms. Plame, nor for that matter do I know Ambassador Wilson. Both have been done over big time by this administration (where the buck stops nowhere and ooze spreads everywhere, especially upward).
But I must say, out of respect for Ms. Plame … ummm .. your title … “Rove Caught With Pants Down Over Plame” … ummm … I think she could have enjoyed her latte’ with a little less mental imaging going with that one! 😉
Thanks for the levity, a few laughs will help keep us sane.
ya know, Karl had to shit out GW ; )
no other tird on earth could’ve come closer LMAO
as always, great work, K&R