I have a lot to talk about my mother who gave birth to me on 26/March/1973 in Mulago Hospital. I grew up with my mother who was hardworking. She worked as a midwife nurse for 25 years in Mulago hospital and retired in 1997-1998. The little money she used to get catered for the family of five who were at home including me. We had a garden at home where she grew banana plantations and cassava, rice, maize and beans. Many times, we fed on the produce from the garden. The salary she got was not all that enough and we used to receive little help from my father and this always happened once in a while.
Hers names in full: Margaret Mukiibi Nakabugo. She was born to a family of 12 and there way of life was so difficult that they used to walk 8 miles everyday on foot and bare footed to go to school. After retiring she started a small medical centre which also collapsed after a while and now she treats people from home who rarely come. I suggest that given ability and sponsorship to re-begin the medical centre for treating people, she can do it. She is a loving Mom who raised us with good morals. She used to cain us whenever we did wrong and thank God that we are well behaved in the society.
She has skills in mid-wifery, maternity, and also treating people. I can say that she is well skilled in the medical profession but its a pity today to see that she is at home seated after her small medical centre collapsed due to lack of capital and rent.

She is hospitable to many people. As I talk now, our home is a resort of many visitors most especially our friends.
She also has skills in poultry keeping and agriculture.
That is the way of life of my mother.
If we had access to capital she would resume her medical centre but this time starting it in a vacant place.

Contact Address for My mother;

E-mail: magruthmukiibi@yahoo.com

For the Postal Address;
Margaret Ruth Mukiibi
P.O. Box 29248, Kampala – Uganda
East Africa.