Conservative religious leaders said the campaign will target 20,000 pastors and congregations using Christian talk radio, satellite television broadcasts, direct-mail advertising and aggressive grass-roots organizing.
“This is the moment that social conservatives have been awaiting for more than a decade — a real chance to change the philosophical balance of the Supreme Court” and reverse the direction of its rulings on abortion, school prayer, sodomy and religious displays on public property, said Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council.
These people are nuts.
I just hope I never have to pull out my “Not tonight, it’s a felony” button again.
And how they HANDLE their subjects:
Taken from PSYOPS Field manual–published by U.S. Army
is that a new expression for “extremist?”
The whole world watched the USA, and now ladies and gentlemen we are about to watch that great nation debate “a woman’s right to a safe medical abortion.” It’s not evolution, it is devolution back about 75 years. What a waste.
How scarred we should be right now. Since we don’t know who the nominee is yet – it could be a bit premature. Or at least its difficult to focus on what might happen. On the other hand – do we have any doubts about what kind of nominee we will get? I just don’t know where to go with all of this right now.
Let ’em rant. I’d really like to know why some groups have already appeared – live, in living color – to state their intention to ensure/block an unnamed nominee. Brilliant. Until the Boy King sends a name to the Senate, I think I’d rather concentrate on things like the economy and our totally screwed up “mission to mars” in Iraq.
But hey. Whatever floats yer boat. Welcome back to November ’04. “Idiots On Parade”.
This is fucking scary. Atrios just put up the link to this blog:
World-Herald Paves Way for Persecution, from the New Nebraska blog.
First paragraph:
Today, the Omaha World-Herald went ahead and revealed in a front-page story the name of the plaintiff in “ACLU Nebraska and John Doe v. the City of Plattsmouth,” the local variant on a series of court cases nationwide challenging the constitutionality of displays of the Judeo-Christian Ten Commandments on public property.
But — do read the rest — it’s quite scary what they did to John Doe.
No one should be surprised that these nuts are stepping up their aggression against democracy and reason.
History makes it abundantly clear that Fascists never relent, never reduce the intensity of their assault against any and all who would stand in the way of their achieving absolute power. And whether they are “Nationalist Fascists”, “Political Fascists” or evangelical “Fascists”, the objective is always the same. Just as rape is about power, not about sex, so too the Dobson, Perkins jihad is about power, not about God or spirituality.
Let them spend their millions. They managed to weaponize the ignorance of millions of people who contribute to their coffers, but they are already starting to fail in their quest.
Slowly the tide is turning. Nutjobs like Dobson are beginning to scare more true evangelicals that they are able to recruit new followers for their violent overthrow of America. Even the Republican politicians are beginnng to realize that aligning with these lunatics now, (in light of the fact that the Bush gang will be leaving soon), may be an extremely bad choice.
Certainly, Dobson,et. al. will be able to do a lot more damage over the next couple of years, but, even though he and Perkins think they’re in control, they’re not. They’ve suffered some recent failures, and public opinon remains pretty firmly against their extreme policies.
We must oppose them energetically at all times, but they carry with them the seeds of their own destruction, the inability to stop their jihad until everyone is their enemy.
How about launching the meme ‘Christo-fascists’?
I’ve been trying for a long time to get traction with; “Evangelical Fascists”, but it hasn’t seized the imagination of the public yet.
It’s so depressing to know these people have so much political power.
And that is good.
I hope the Family Research Council spends millions upon millions to try and get a total & complete loon as the Bush nominee. I want them to spend all their cash on advertisments so the average American sees what these whack-jobs are all about.
I want the Democratic Party united.
I want the Moderate GOP scared spitless. I want the GOP Senators to realise that their jobs are history if they kowtow to the Christian Right. I want the GOP in the middle of a huge faction fight over the next year. I want the Dobsons to pout, scream, and stamp their little feet vowing to leave if Bush doesn’t do what he wants.
This is a huge opportunity for us to splinter the GOP and the beauty of it is 80% of the work will be done by the GOP. All we have to do is stand firm, do the work, and throw gasoline on the fire.
This echos my most heart-felt dreams. Most people who are power hungry eventually self-destruct. I’ve seen it on a smaller scale: I just hope that it plays out on a national scale.
We’ve not only chosen to sit out for a quarter century, we also don’t understand the system.
“Liberal academics and interest groups are frightened that President Bush’s judicial nominees may limit their ability to enact policies through the courts that have failed at the ballot box,” Coburn said. “Some of those groups will stop at nothing to vilify anyone who threatens their grip on power.” Tom Coburn (R-OK)
Yes, that’s right, Tom. We need to stand up to these liberal academics who have a death grip on America. Why, they’ve taken over the White House and both houses of congress…Oh, wait…nevermind. That’s us.
they’ll have to specifically target Democratic senators who would consider filibustering, right? Senators they’d never support anyway?
I don’t get it. What kind of threat do these groups think they represent to Democrats?
They don’t.
The wingnut GOP’ers are only dangerous to Republicans — ain’t it great?