“Newly released emails from the Senate Indian Affairs Committee confirm [Grover] Norquist’s role in helping Abramoff milk millions from Indian tribes, in one of the most extravagant corruption scandals to reach the Capitol in decades,” writes Ari Berman at The Nation.
The Choctaws gave ATR $1.5 million, which Norquist funneled to the Alabama Christian Coalition and Citizens Against Legalized Lottery, both of whom opposed a proposal to create a state lottery. Neither group was allowed to accept casino money, so Norquist, with the help of former Christian Coalition head Ralph Reed, kept the money’s source secret. The state lottery and video poker machine initiatives were defeated in 1999 and 2000. Norquist subsequently invited tribal groups to meet Bush at the White House for discussions on tax policy.
He’s been cut down to size, can we drown him in the bathtub now?*
*metaphorically speaking, of course…
I think years of public humiliation — Puritan-style — would be fitting.
From a series loaded with memorable lines, that is probably my favorite. I’m jealous. :}
I had to alter it from the original quote.
Oh god do I want to get copies of those scripts!
DId you watch our Deadwood diaries on Sunday nights?
They’ll be back next spring!
Sorry I missed them. I’m a relative newcomer to BooTrib. I look forward to thoughtful discussions when the new season begins.
Considering that Norquist is one of the most ruthless and reprehensible creatures contaminating government, it would be an incredible boon for the country if he could be deposed from his little K Street throne and generally disgraced as a political operative.
We have so many villains now since the bush gang brought their viral insanity to Washington that it’s hard to pick out one’s we’d really like to see gone. But given the increasing breadth of the Abramoff criminality, wouldn’t it be great if the “3 stooges” Tom DeLay, Ralph Reed, and Grover Norquist were all brought low? what a thrill that would be. what a victory for the forces of Democracy and simple human respect.
Speaking of corrupt crooks of the GOP …
As anyone else noticing the sudden lack of media coverage of Tom DeLay?
I think once DeLay was negatively received over the Schiavo matter, his threats against judges, his gun-weilding grandstanding at the IRA, and his connections to Abramoff, he was told to keep a low profile instead of continuing to antagonize everyone.
I also think the MSM by and large wanted to move on to something more sensational, and until the Senate ethics committee was reconstituted, and until Abramoff’s testimony was heard, there wasn’t enough new news for the MSM to want to bother with, (and of course we know the MSM is not going to want to have to seek out information too energetically. After all, as long as they can run simpleminded stories about celebrities on trial,runaway brides and abducted young women, why bother to dig for evidence on a story of substance).
I do think however, that his time will come. I believe the Repubs in congress are going to experience a pretty severe split in their ranks sometime around the end of this year, and that creatures like DeLay, Santorum and a bunch of others will be on the losingside ofthis divide.
I forgot to paste this in the last comment; an excellent short video of one of DeLay’s recent public appearances. Keep in mind DeLay mad a big deal of stopping drinking several years ago. (I’m a 24 yrs. sober ex-boozehound, so I don’t wish the problems of alcoholism on anyone, nor do I want to gratuitously ridicule anyone about such things). Having said that, I think it’s important to know when our so-called leaders have substance abuse problems that may affect their judgement, and this little video seems to indicate Tom Terrific has a serious problem.
Anyway, here’s the link, courtesy of Dembloggers.