Greetings to you all in the Booman Tribune Community. I have liked this community so much ever since I was introduced here by Mom Diane. I have found comfort, I have been encouraged and inspired. My names are Pastor Lincoln Joel Nsubuga. I talked about the life of my mother and now am talking about the life of my two kids; Angela Joanna Namubiru and Daniel Mubiru. Daniel is aged 3 and half years and Angela is aged 2 years. Daniel has reached the time of going to school but still up to now I look for a job which can help me fulfill this. I work in the internet cafe for part time getting 80,000/= (Uganda Shillings) every month which is equal to $50 when changed to American dollars. Angela has always been sick and even as I talk she has just recovered from sickness. There is a friend who provided us with some clothes for both of them she was a lady from America and she gave us those clothes in September last year. I thank God for that. She is called Paulette. A. Green. Angela’s sickness has taken almost what could help Daniel join school. Life is a struggle in Africa when you have no qualifications to help you find a good job. If my father had not retired in 1994, I would have finished my studies. Now I serve God as one of the Pastors in our church and this is done voluntarily because our church is not yet rich.
If I can get someone to help me pay for Daniel school fees then I can save some money from the salary and prepare for Angela when she joins Nursery School also. Nursery School here requires; registration fee of 5000/= Which is $5, Fees 40,000/= which is $30 and uniform 25,000/= which is $17.
A nursery school here takes 3 years and then a child joins primary one.
I do believe that if God helps me also I will go and do a course to help me find a job. Life has been so difficult for me. But in all God has helped me to see the children growing amidst hard times. Days of sickness and where there was no food. Tears can do nothing for it is only God who knows the future.
Having seen how life has been for me, I will try to help others someday when I prosper and be an example though some people failed to help me even my relatives. I have always strived alone with my mother. I have done all sorts of simple jobs here to get some money for survival. I thank Paulette. A. Green who provided us with some clothes and also Rev. Marcia Defnet of living word ministries in USA. sent us some clothes in the year 2002 for Daniel.
God bless you all.
NB: I would like to post Daniel and Angela’s photo but I don’t how I can do it here.

My Contact Address:

Postal Address is;
Lincoln Joel Nsubuga
P.O. Box 29248, Kampala – Uganda
East Africa.