Greetings to you all in the Booman Tribune Community. I have liked this community so much ever since I was introduced here by Mom Diane. I have found comfort, I have been encouraged and inspired. My names are Pastor Lincoln Joel Nsubuga. I talked about the life of my mother and now am talking about the life of my two kids; Angela Joanna Namubiru and Daniel Mubiru. Daniel is aged 3 and half years and Angela is aged 2 years. Daniel has reached the time of going to school but still up to now I look for a job which can help me fulfill this. I work in the internet cafe for part time getting 80,000/= (Uganda Shillings) every month which is equal to $50 when changed to American dollars. Angela has always been sick and even as I talk she has just recovered from sickness. There is a friend who provided us with some clothes for both of them she was a lady from America and she gave us those clothes in September last year. I thank God for that. She is called Paulette. A. Green. Angela’s sickness has taken almost what could help Daniel join school. Life is a struggle in Africa when you have no qualifications to help you find a good job. If my father had not retired in 1994, I would have finished my studies. Now I serve God as one of the Pastors in our church and this is done voluntarily because our church is not yet rich.
If I can get someone to help me pay for Daniel school fees then I can save some money from the salary and prepare for Angela when she joins Nursery School also. Nursery School here requires; registration fee of 5000/= Which is $5, Fees 40,000/= which is $30 and uniform 25,000/= which is $17.
A nursery school here takes 3 years and then a child joins primary one.
I do believe that if God helps me also I will go and do a course to help me find a job. Life has been so difficult for me. But in all God has helped me to see the children growing amidst hard times. Days of sickness and where there was no food. Tears can do nothing for it is only God who knows the future.
Having seen how life has been for me, I will try to help others someday when I prosper and be an example though some people failed to help me even my relatives. I have always strived alone with my mother. I have done all sorts of simple jobs here to get some money for survival. I thank Paulette. A. Green who provided us with some clothes and also Rev. Marcia Defnet of living word ministries in USA. sent us some clothes in the year 2002 for Daniel.
God bless you all.
NB: I would like to post Daniel and Angela’s photo but I don’t how I can do it here.
My Contact Address:
Postal Address is;
Lincoln Joel Nsubuga
P.O. Box 29248, Kampala – Uganda
East Africa.
If you have you children’s pictures on your computer just go to Image shack or Photobucket and upload them there. Then use the image link they provide and post it into the message box here.
This is a picture of Angela, I do not have one of Daniel or I would post that here.
Pastor Lincoln, why don’t you post your address and how to send packages to you in case any readers would want to send you things.
Also you may want to post this diary on Eurotribune, which is the same as this site, but euro focused…Tab at the top of the page to go to the site and then join.
Yes Diane, I second that idea ;o)
Pastor Lincoln I must tell you as the father of two magnificently beautiful daughters, that on our daughters beauty alone, you and I seem to have much in common. How precious Angela is.
I too, am trying a future for my two kids (boys, 6 and almost 2) — if you tell me where to send a donation, I will help with your child’s tuition. If you tell me more about what your kids like to do, what brings that sparkle to their eyes, perhaps my kids and I can put together a package of things that they would like?
I am not rich in money or material things, but I do have many skills (computer skills maong them) that I am willing to share if it would help you to find the job that your need/want.
Thanks so much Brinnaine for the wonderful care, compassion and kindness you have shown to me. May the good Lord Jesus Christ bless you abundantly. I am so happy and I don’t know how I can thank you.
How are you doing? how is your family? I humbly convey my sincere and humble greetings to you and your family. I am so happy that you are willing to share with me many skills to help me find a job. I do welcome your ideas, guidelines and insipiration. This is what I have been looking for a long time. I need to gather knowledge and skills to fit in this world. On the computer I can use Ms Word but am not wel equiped with other Ms -programmes even excel may be in future when there is a solution I will go and study them for a short course. I have learn’t the bit of a computer through practice and observation and what I lack most is the letter of confirmation but again other programmes hinder me to find a job which is good.
Daniel is a boy who likes playing with toy cars, balls etc.
Angela a girl who likes dolls because dolls is a common play item for kids who are girls here in Uganda but in other countries I don’t know.
I don’t have a Bank Account as I am not so well to open it now. But Western Union Money Transfers can help because even Mom Diane last year sent myself $50 for christmas and it helped us and my family and since that time I have not gone back to Western Union but it works.
This is the information required from me.
Then my email on which I can receive the control number, Test Question and Answer for Test Question is;
Above is the Postal Address we use as a family at home including my mother.
Thanks so much for being so good. The package can reach safely to the postal address above.
Romans 15:13.
Hi there! I’m sorry that I took a while to respond!
This weekend, the boys and I will put together a package for you all — I can send it to the address that you wrote above? We don’t have too many dolls or other girl’s things around here (even the three animals, 1 dog, 2 cats are boys!) but I’m sure we can find something for Angela — does she like to color?
Tell me what kinds of skills you are looking to improve on (especially programs or other computer stuff) and I can find resources for you to look at and use, since you have internet access and I can help you with questions that you have through email…
Blessings on you and yours.
Yes I have just got a new idea how I can receive money and here is the working idea. You can register it with the post office of your country. Don’t send it as an ordinary mail but rather ask the Post office staff where the registration department is and send the money by registered mail. You enclose the money in the paper, put in an envelop and seal it and then take it to the Post office and send it by registered mail to this address;
Lincoln Joel Nsubuga (Pastor)
P.O. Box 29248, Kampala – Uganda
East Africa.
Thanks so much. I had to go to this idea though it takes 3-weeks to get a registered mail but it works and it is safe.
May the good Lord Jesus Christ bless you and your family.
I will be praying for you.
Pastor Lincoln Joel Nsubuga.
I should have posted this earlier, I don’t know why I didn’t think of this but this is the blog I created to work on this Project Africa with Linclon and all of the diaries he and I have written are on there.
Diane, I looked for, but couldn’t find any information about where donations might be sent. Maybe I missed it as my eyes are still half shut so early in the morning. Maybe Pastor Lincoln will post an address.
I have sent an email to Lincoln asking him to post his information about mailing packages or donations to him.
You can also email him yourself, his address is listed.
Sorry I am not more prepared, but I had no idea he would be posting this diary yesterday and didn’t even see it till late in the afternoon. Of course that is when he is sleeping so I couldn’t get any answer till this morning..
Anyway I got an email, just now, and I think he will be posting the info.
Thanks so much Peace for the compassion, kindness and good heart you have shown me in your response. I may have little words to express my happiness but I cannot fail to bless you. May the almighty God, the Father of Jesus Christ our Lord bless you abundantly and see you through in all that you. Thanks so much Peace.
I realised that I did not put on the contacts
Postal Address is;
Lincoln Joel Nsubuga (Pastor)
P.O. Box 29248, Kampala – Uganda
East Africa.
If its a donation, Mom Diane sent me $50 last year through Western Union Money Transfers and I received them.
Then my email on which I can receive the control number, Test Question and Answer for Test Question is;
Romans 15:13.
Yes I have just got a new idea how I can receive money and here is the working idea. You can register it with the post office of your country. Don’t send it as an ordinary mail but rather ask the Post office staff where the registration department is and send the money by registered mail. You enclose the money in the paper, put in an envelop and seal it and then take it to the Post office and send it by registered mail to this address;
Lincoln Joel Nsubuga (Pastor)
P.O. Box 29248, Kampala – Uganda
East Africa.
Thanks so much. I had to go to this idea though it takes 3-weeks to get a registered mail but it works and it is safe.
May the good Lord Jesus Christ bless you and your family.
I will be praying for you.
Pastor Lincoln Joel Nsubuga.
This is a pic of Lincoln’s son Daniel at 1 year, that he just emailed to me, but it is years old, he is going to send a more recent pic. when he gets one taken, I think.
Lincoln did you post this story on EuroTribune yet..If you do make sure you include all your mailing/contact info in your diary there…
Pastor Lincoln, can you use any more clothing for your children, besides the school uniforms? What kind of clothes do they need? I have some things from my daughter’s young years. Does Angela wear only dresses, or do girls there wear pants too?
From what I know about Lincoln, they all need all kinds of clothing…He as well, as there is no money left to buy any extras which clothing is considered.
The problem is shipping charges, which I hope you or someone can find info for the best and cheapest way to ship.
When I tried to do it I decided instead to send money,I used Western Union and even that is high….so I would sure appreciate if anyone knows the cheapest way to send money or packages.
I was thinking of a paypal account, but I am not sure if he can set one up due to having no bank account. If we could set up a paypal donation account, then it would be cheaper to send the money if he got some donations.
Seems like it was up to 100.00 for a cost of 15.00. I do not rem. the breakdown for larger amounts…
Any suggestions are appreciated…
I was thinking that toddlers’ clothes would be relatively light and cheaper to ship, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the expense would still be prohibitive. I’ll try to look into the shipping thing. (I don’t know anything about how Paypal works…)
Thanks so much friend. May the good Lord Jesus Christ bless you abundantly for responding back to our request. I am so happy to hear of your willingness to help Angela. Yes Angela puts on dresses and pants. Even male clothes for young ones here are not dicriminative to either sex male or female. The girl puts on even a boy puts on when they are still infants. Thank you so much. When I get your contact I will thank you more and more also keep in touch. May God bless you abundantly.
Pastor Lincoln Joel Nsubuga.
Yes I have just got a new idea how I can receive money and here is the working idea. You can register it with the post office of your country. Don’t send it as an ordinary mail but rather ask the Post office staff where the registration department is and send the money by registered mail. You enclose the money in the paper, put in an envelop and seal it and then take it to the Post office and send it by registered mail to this address;
Lincoln Joel Nsubuga (Pastor)
P.O. Box 29248, Kampala – Uganda
East Africa.
Thanks so much. I had to go to this idea though it takes 3-weeks to get a registered mail but it works and it is safe.
May the good Lord Jesus Christ bless you and your family.
I will be praying for you.
Pastor Lincoln Joel Nsubuga.
When I checked first from the countries with paypal, Uganda was not indicated even some other African countries. I saw South Africa.
I will open an Account when I get money to help in the future processes.
May God bless you all.
Pastor Lincoln Joel Nsubuga.
Greetings everyone who has promised to help me. Its my prayer and was my prayer yesterday in the church that God may bless you all, protect you, guide you and give you more wisdom in all you do and put your hands on in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. May God bless your families as well. I am so happy to meet wonderful people here in the booman community. My thanks go to Mom Diane who introduced me here and she has always been there for me.
I leave this scripture to everyone who will take time to read it.
Romans 15:13
Pastor Lincoln Joel Nsubuga.
Greetings everyone who has promised to help me. Its my prayer and was my prayer yesterday in the church that God may bless you all, protect you, guide you and give you more wisdom in all you do and put your hands on in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. May God bless your families as well. I am so happy to meet wonderful people here in the booman community. My thanks go to Mom Diane who introduced me here and she has always been there for me.
I leave this scripture to everyone who will take time to read it.
Romans 15:13
Pastor Lincoln Joel Nsubuga.
P.O. Box 29248, Kampala – Uganda
East Africa.