I ask that question every single day.
Today, after hearing about the London bombings and the horrific deaths and horrible woundings, and after watching the director of the US Homeland Security Department, Michael Chertoff, telling Americans that watches will be stepped up around the US – knowing that Bushco and the Republican controlled government refuse to fully fund security measures – I ask that question again: how many more people have to die?
React, react, react.
When it comes to the threat of possible terrorism in the US, Bushco is constantly in a reaction mode. They seem to be unable, just as they were with the lack of pre-war planning, to actually formulate proactive policies. A crisis happens somewhere. Bushco throws out a few words to try to soothe the nation. The crisis passes. They do absolutely nothing.
If they hadn’t wasted so much damn money on an illegal war, maybe all of my southern neighbours could actually feel more safe and secure. Of course, that’s assuming the Republicans would actually have spent the extra money (that they didn’t have in the first place) to actually protect you. But we all know that wouldn’t have happened.
How much is your life worth to them? How much are your children’s lives worth to Bushco? Just look at what they spend on your security and you’ll have that answer.
Michael Chertoff said today that Buscho doesn’t formulate policy based on a single incident. Bullshit. And, if that’s what he truly believes, maybe he needs to be told that sometimes you have to do exactly that.
Excuses, excuses, excuses.
Oh – and don’t forget to go shopping or the terrorists will win.
Guess what, Bush? They are winning. And, it’s your fault.
May Londoners find peace and may my friends to the south find security and safety.
And Bushco will use this to their advantage – again conflating terrorism in general with the Iraq War. All those Iraq deaths all those months spent in IRAQ, as the real terrorists got stronger.My son is going to London next year and I’m scared.
All of our children deserve a safe world.
This is what it’s all about – keep hammering on it – how many more deaths? It’s easy to distract us like children with the silly clown who can’t stay on a bicycle or pull off a complete sentence in public; along with the titillation of his perverted and corrupt gang.
From now on, the proper response to anyone who speaks for this administration is “how many more deaths?” Let the talk-shows, papers and streets ring with that phrase.
George doesn’t have to set the bombs himself, but for sure he invites them. I’m so sick of watching these swine recline in luxury on Air Force One and look down on all the rest of us.
Exactly. How many more. How damn many more.
These are the worst criminals ever, pretending their hands are so clean of the blood of the innocents.
He and Blair should reap what they have sown. I have never wished anyone ill, but I make a very big exception with these people. May they meet their karma face to face and may it be today!
I’ve heard a chilling argument about why Bush really started the war in Iraq. It’s usually from those who, faced with the reality that there never were any WMD need to find another reason why we created a hornets’ nest over there.
It goes like this:
We started the war in Iraq because we wanted to draw all of the terrorists there and have them duke it out thousands of miles away from American soil.
What an evil and reprehensible justification for this hellhole we’ve created. The people I’ve heard use this argument seem not to see how evil it is to pick a land where the people don’t really count as much as we Americans do and then use them as bait to catch the really big fish.
I wonder if, in their convoluted reasoning, the Bush white house really had that in mind.
it was decided that we could not continue with our containment policy of an embargo and no-fly zones over Iraq. There were MANY reasons for this.
Listing them all would take a while. But access to Iraqi oilfields was certainly one of the motivations. The fact that the sanctions were not working to weaken the regime and were causing resentment was another.
They made a decision that Saddam would be an intolerable threat if the sanctions were lifted, and that we could not protect the people living in the no-fly zones either.
The decision to go to war was based on a variety of reasons, some cynical, some business oriented, some humanitarian (short-sightedly), some about control and stability of the region.
I think the idea of creating a killing ground for terrorists was far from their mind.
Bush redux: “Bring it on”.
that’s bluster after the fact, though. I don’t think they seriously started this war so they could kill terrorists, here or there.
Of course, they keep saying that this is some kind of fringe benefit of the war, as though they anticipated a lethal insurgency that would kill 2,000 soldiers.
After the quick fall of Afghanistan I think they thought they could repeat it in Iraq.
There are two schools of thought:
BushCo. has everything planned out, they wanted a long war to justify a permanent occupation
They screw up everything they touch.
I subscribe to the second view.
They screw up everything they touch.
I subscribe to that one too.
I think a lot of Bush supporters believe the “not on our soil” mentality and that’s helped to keep support for the war from really plummeting. The administration has done nothing to dispel this, in fact, they inflame it every chance they get by saying things like: we’ll fight them on their soil so we won’t have to fight them on ours…and we won’t wait to be attacked again. Bush apologists love that stuff.
It’s a mentality that is spoken here in America every day. Oh yes, there should be mental institutions, prisons, halfway houses, drug treatment centers, but not in my neighborhood. Let’s face it as long as it does not affect some people on a very intimate level it’s sort of oh isn’t that awful, what do you want for dinner.
I think of the out pouring for the USA after 9/11 from all around the world. It was amazing, we grieved, we hurt and the rest of the world grieved with us. I really haven’t witnessed that about London today or Madrid last year. It is that same old jee shucks ain’t that a shame want to go to the mall. It is a very sad place we are in right now and what scares me more than anything is that I won’t see it get better in my lifetime and what will that leave for our kids and grand kids to clean up, if there is anything left.
protecting the people living there?
We now know that the bombing of Iraq began long before the invasion.
I do believe that the strength of the resistance was not
predicted by the invaders. They didn’t care much for the
Iraqi people at all. It was about the oil, the military bases and the logistics of the two.
Politically, it was about Bush being a War President, a
Commander-in-Chief, he had so little else going for him.
-the murderers are among us and there is no keeping them out.
We are helping to create the murderers by our own murderous policies.
The selfishness, immorality and cold-blooded cruelty of that idea absolutely floors me. If any of those people saying it purport to be Christian they might want to think back to their Sunday School lesson that taught them that Jesus died for them. If he’d been a neocon I guess he would have tried to lure the Romans to kill somebody else so that he didn’t have to die.
with the rant I did up this morning, “Tell Me Again, George . . .
The more people asking these questions, the better.
I think the Bushites are already spinning this into 1) bolstering support for their policies, 2) “proving” that the war in Iraq has kept terrorism out of the U.S. – after all, this bombing today didn’t happen here, did it?
There is no event so terrible that it will not be used to spin out support for their policies.
That, and even more references to 9/11 for years to come.
Dear mythmother,
Just a note to respond to all of the notes that you have appended to various petitions sabotaging my exalted administration. You think you’re so smart just because you see a pattern in world events that spell disaster for everyone else while they spell glory for me. Get a clue, mythmother!
Just because I was smart enough to take a copy of My Pet Goat along with me and be innocently reading this charming story to innocent children on the morning of September Eleventh, and was so engaged in reading the story to a classroom full of rapt elementary school children that I couldn’t really worry about the fact that thousands of Americans were jumping from a collapsing building in Manhattan, doesn’t mean I was happy that this incident would obscure the news that the verified vote count in Florida produced Al Gore as the true victor in the 2000 presidential election! Get a clue, mythmother!
I also took a well-worn copy of My Pet Goat along with me on the current G8 summit. Hey, there are 8 nations on this earth that are really important, and I’m the most important person in the most important and powerful nation in the world. We set the world agenda. Don’t think so? Well, just watch me!
So lucky thing for this trip to Scotland, I packed My Pet Goat with the addendum about continuing the WAR ON TERROR. Wow, the rhetoric of a WAR ON TERROR has given me and my clever love-slaves unlicensed freedom to dismantle the American Constitution and declare me THE EMPORER OF THE WORLD! Awesome. How can you beat that, mythmother?
I was perusing through this charming story, and just because less than 40 London commuters died and less than 1000 were wounded doesn’t mean I was happy that this incident would get 1) the investigation leading to Karl Rove’s criminal activities in outing a CIA operative to punish her husband and warn any other degenerates who weren’t going to help me FIX THE FACTS AROUND THE POLICY of invading Iraq, and 2) the story about my thralldom to corporate America at the expense of the environment…. OFF THE FRONT PAGES. [Whew. That was a close one!] Get a clue!
Hey, not my fault, Mythmother! I’m just an innocent bystander, here. Life is full of coincidences in the INTELLIGENT DESIGN that has delivered me as the Leader of Free Democracy in the Free World, so just get OVER your conspiracy theories and resentments, WILL YOU? Do you think you look cute in that tin foil hat?
Writing this letter was so annoying and stressful, it makes me want to FALL OFF MY BICYCLE again, just for relief!
Get a clue, mythmother. I am President of the United States, and who the FUCK are you?
heh. Just one thing – I seriously don’t think he could even put together a letter like that without screwing up at least one or two words or phrases. Heck – can he even write a letter that long by himself??
That’s what my son said! “Bush just got a lot smarter.” 🙂
to your son, for recognizing a moron when he hears one.