I am fairly certain that this is NOT what the neo-conservatives had in mind when they drew up their master plans for the Middle East:
“It’s a new chapter in our relations with Iraq,” said Iranian Defence Minister Admiral Ali Shamkhani.
He was speaking at a joint news conference in Tehran with his Iraqi counterpart Saadoun al-Dulaimi.
Relations between the neighbours – who fought a bitter war from 1980 to 1988 – have improved greatly since the overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2003.
This is the first visit to Iran by an Iraqi military delegation since the war, in which a million people died, started.
The promise of co-operation comes despite repeated accusations by the US – which has about 140,000 troops in Iraq – that Iran has been undermining security there.
“No one can prevent us from reaching an agreement,” Mr Shamkhani said when asked about possible US opposition.
Fucking morons.
can’t even control their own puppets? Is that what I am reading here? Why do Syria & Lebanon come to mind here? Why does this sound exactly like a step towards a Lebanon style civil war where Iran backs Shiites, Syria backs Sunni’s and Turkey goes after the Kurds that nobody supports?
What a mess.
That was exactly my first reaction.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Arab proverb
We are now the common foe of the two nations….heaven help us all.
“We are now the common foe of the two nations”
Plus two . . . plus two. . . plus two . . .
“Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer”
Source unknown, but perhaps appropriate given their history.
Start building your bomb shelters now before it is too late.
I’ve been reading a long article about Iraq / Iran in The New Yorker that I keep in my car when I have to wait. Let me see if I can find the article online, and share it with you.
There are deep connections between sects in both countries.
I told him about this. Then on the way to the store the story even came on the radio. After the news was over he said, “This is the part where the Jedi get wiped out by those that they were HELPING.”