We’re all familiar with the leaked minutes from that infamous pre-Iraq war meeting.
Now in the July 10th Sunday Times there is another leaked dossier – codenamed Operation Contest – discussing the British connections with Al-Qaeda.
Leaked No 10 dossier reveals Al-Qaeda’s British recruits
A network of “extremist recruiters” is circulating on campuses targeting people with “technical and professional qualifications”, particularly engineering and IT degrees.
This could lead to explain why the bombing occured in middle class Muslim neighborhoods (i.e. Edgware Road) and could corroborate the thought that the attackers were homegrown in the UK.
The dossier was ordered by Tony Blair after the bombing occured in Madrid.
Cross posted on Daily Kos and European Tribune
Much more after the jump
There are more than 100 pages of letters, papers and other documents. It is split into 4 separate PDF files on the Sunday Times website.
I am in the process of reading through these at the moment.
The number of British citizens who have passed through Al-Qaeda training camps was shared last night.
The recruiters are targeting schools and colleges in the UK.
However before people become hysterical with fear – the MI5 conclusions explictly note that the numbers of actively engaged terrorists is very small.
This equates to fewer than 16,000 potential terrorists and supporters out of a Muslim population of almost 1.6m.
Recruiters are targeting loners who are attracted to university clubs because, “attracted to university clubs based on ethnicity or religion” because of “disillusionment with their current existence”.
The terrorists come from what would be the stereotypical terrorist “usual suspect” countries in Africa and Mid-East – either as foreign nationals, naturalized or resident of the UK. Addtionally they come from 2nd or third generation British Citizens of Pakistani or Kahmiri background.
But interestingly (which will likely become red meat for war hawks against liberals)
For those who believe that the War in Iraq will only lead to battles abroad and not at home, the report arrives at obvious opposite conclusions. The appearance of Western hypocrisy sears hot as a n additional driving force in this dossier.
“The perception is that passive `oppression’, as demonstrated in British foreign policy, eg non-action on Kashmir and Chechnya, has given way to `active oppression’. The war on terror, and in Iraq and Afghanistan, are all seen by a section of British Muslims as having been acts against Islam.”
The former Scotland Yard Chief (Stevens) believed it is strongly likely that the attackers were British born and raised
“There’s a sufficient number of people in this country willing to be Islamic terrorists that they don’t have to be drafted in from abroad,” he said.
This leaked dossier dovetails to Robert Fisks comments about how the insurgency would come to the UK to continue the fight (I diaried this earlier).
I hope to put up more thoughts after I read through the PDF files. To this point, I am shaking mad with anger and am reduced to 4 sarcastic words – thanks George and Tony
Thanks for the link and commentary. Excellent find, providing much food for serious thought.
Here’s one by Harvey Wasserman showing how Bush hides behind the skirts of the so-called War on Terror while he proceeds with his terrorist attack on Planet Earth.
Harvey Wasserman
London terrorist bombings mirror Bush’s terrorist energy plan
July 9, 2005
Amidst Thursday’s awful carnage, Bush leapt to deliver his set sermon on good versus evil. But in the same breath he bullied the G-8 nations into groveling at the feet of Big Oil, on whose behalf he is slaughtering thousands in Iraq.
Bush is the Osama bin Laden of climate change. Even conservative Republicans on the American corporate right are growing nervous about the continued emission of carbon dioxide into the earth’s atmosphere, which has reached apocalyptic proportions.
Mediterranean temperament, undergoing some personal hardships, separation of parents, one parent passed away, feelings of western hostility towards Muslim community, no equality on labor market although highly qualified and educated. More often 2nd and 3rd generation nationals from Arab descent, deepening religious soul-searching, welcomed in mosques by foreign clerics as teachers of fundamental, pure Islam, attachment to a new ideology and vision of life, contacts with international brothers, focus on evil of the West.
All Islamist troublemakers in the Netherlands are well educated and very young from 16-23 years of age, Dutch citizens, double nationality with two passports and allegiance, traveled to Chechnya, Yemen, Middle East or Pakistan/Kashmir.
Indonesia and Malaysia is another fertile region for Islamist recruitment with extreme popularity of Muslim hero Osama Bin Laden. Fueled by backlash on Muslims after 9-11 attacks, Israeli-Palestinian conflict [Bush doesn’t want solved], Madrid bombing and minor incidents in The Netherlands that gain prominent attention by the media, TV panel discussion, Arab Satellite TV, and Internet hate sites by both White Power and Islam fundamentalists. Access to modern media is 100% with no age limit or threshold.
OBL wants George and Tony exactly positioned where they have led the Western Free World – Afghanistan, Iraq and in partnership with dictatorial regimes with poor Human Rights record. Countries fulfilling the latter description: Russia, Uzbekistan, Gyrgystan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE and Egypt where minorities are oppressed.
OBL wants George and Tony to stay the course and crow victory. Meanwhile recruitment of Islamist followers is remarkably high, setting the stage for further confrontation, especially as Condoleezza Rice is now advocating it’s a CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS.
thanks George and Tony
PS One of the group members was put in solitary confinement as he was actively converting other prisoners to the Islam cause.
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As for the bombers being British-born Arabs, Juan Cole wrote this Saturday:
The 9-11 Saudi Arabian hijackers never wrote letters, except their own testament before their mission.
Assuming members of the Al Qaeda affiliate were the perpetrators of London attack: ofcourse, it’s the European AQ leadership who carefully coordinated the Madrid and London bombings. Similar to 9-11 NY and DC attacks, the AQ leadership in Afghanistan made all PR statements and claimed the terror attacks at a later date through video presentations.
The Secret Organization Group of al-Qaida of Jihad Organization in Europe (Jama’at al-Tanzim al-Sirri, Tanzim Qa’idat al-Jihad fi Urupa) – link to their statement.
Dutch intelligence informed Portuguese police that Noreddine had written a will saying he was prepared to die for Islamic jihad, or holy war, Salvado said.
A similar letter was found in Mohamed Bouyeri’s [van Gogh’s alleged killer] pocket after he was arrested in a shoot-out with police November 2, 2004 shortly after Van Gogh died of gunshot wounds and a slit throat.
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