Newsie’s Week in Reviewsies: Jailbird Miller and We Are All Londoners

Democratic Officeholder(s): Blue Ribbons, Runners-Up, and Penalty Box
Congress is off, so not many contenders this week.
Blue Ribbon(s)

  • (Hotline) “State Sen. Marc Dann (D) sued Gov. Bob Taft (R) 7/6 and asked the OH Supreme Court to order Taft to release records “that could help explain investment losses” at the OH Bureau of Workers Comp.”
  • Moe on Dann suing Taft from Pounder

* NJ Acting Governor Codey rips Cruise over comments on antidepression drugs

Pinocchio Politicians…Phony, Weak, Useless, Incompetent, Hypocritical, Radical, Petulant, Regressive, Corrupt & Power Hungry Right Wing “Worse Than Nixon” Republican “Do As I Say, Not as I Do” Coward Watch!

From around the blogosphere. Items from various sources or compiled by me; some commentary is mine.

Overshadowed News & Outrage(s) of the Week

Bush Embarrasses America


Cunningscam, Mitchell Wade, and All related Fishy Business
Rep. Duke Cunningham (R-CA) has found himself in a pay-to-play scandal.

DeLay, Abramoff, Ney, etc.


What a Bunch of Losers
This category is for things that are just too ridiculous to believe. In other words, it’s the stuff  you should email to friends who are usually swing voters. It’s the stuff where you’ll go “These people are nuts!”

More outrages & news:

Republican(s) Off Message
* Could terrorism go from Bush’s strength to Bush’s weakness?

National Security/Foreign Policy/War/International Issues, News & People in the News

Note: London terror attacks got blanket coverage, so there’s less London coverage here.

Action Alert That Didn’t Get Enough Attention
Call/Email Sen. Pat Roberts, by Viceroy

Featured Diaries

Quote of the Week
From David Sirota

The idea that, because our troops are in Iraq, terrorists will only attack us there and not “in the streets of our own cities” is, first and foremost, an insult to our troops because it treats them as if their entire mission is to serve as bait for terrorists. That’s not what our troops – or America – was told this was all about.

War, Military

National Security, Terrorism

From Around the World

Domestic Issues & Other Issues, News & People in the News

Campaign News Update: 2005, 2006, 2008 Electoral & Campaign News, Notes & Analysis for 7/1 to 7/8

Media News Monday (RWCM coverage here): Media News Monday 7/4/05

Complete blogroll & website listings that I’ve come up with:
(I’m always happy to add more blogs; would also appreciate being linked to your site.)