Democratic Officeholder(s): Blue Ribbons, Runners-Up, and Penalty Box
Congress is off, so not many contenders this week.
Blue Ribbon(s)
- (Hotline) “State Sen. Marc Dann (D) sued Gov. Bob Taft (R) 7/6 and asked the OH Supreme Court to order Taft to release records “that could help explain investment losses” at the OH Bureau of Workers Comp.”
- Moe on Dann suing Taft from Pounder
* NJ Acting Governor Codey rips Cruise over comments on antidepression drugs
From around the blogosphere. Items from various sources or compiled by me; some commentary is mine.
Overshadowed News & Outrage(s) of the Week
- Thune Banking Scandal Starting to Bubble Up And he’s only been in office for a few short months.
- Empty Suit Thursday: Smilin’ Norm Coleman gets paid!, by jimdscott
- KY GOP corruption: Governor Ernie Fletcher’s deputy CoS and two other staffers were indicted on misdemeanor political discrimination and criminal conspiracy charges.
- Republicans harass scientists when data is politically inconvenient
- Republican governor Ehrlich holds fundraiser at racist club and apparently, he doesn’t think it is his business.
- Dean fights culture of corruption–without much help Totally, unacceptable.
- Pataki’s son looking for a deferment.
Bush Embarrasses America
- Because it’s not like the media overseas is going to let him or his cronies get away with the bullshit the US media lets them get away with here.
- VIDEO: If you want to subject yourself to it, here you go.
- Blogs seen as powerful new tool in SCOTUS fight.
- “Unpopular Set of Policy Choices Through Judicial Activism” Polling shows the opposite.
- Carpetbagger Report says that Alberto Gonzales is certainly looking like a candidate for SCOTUS. He’s been making the rounds.
- Republicans try to hide the nuttery of the Christian right
- Republican lies about Ginsburg confirmation
- Swift Boat PR Team Reassembles to Market Bush Supreme Court Candidate, by e Pluribus Media
- Activist Supreme Court justices It’s Clarence Thomas.
- AUDIO: Fred Thompson interview at Think Progress
Cunningscam, Mitchell Wade, and All related Fishy Business
Rep. Duke Cunningham (R-CA) has found himself in a pay-to-play scandal.
- Target the Corrupt Republican Campaign: Duke Cunningham, by mole333
- Cunningscum is a coward. He cancels all 4th of July events, but votes yea for a flag burning amendment.
- has extensive coverage of this, as does The Stakeholder.
DeLay, Abramoff, Ney, etc.
- Ney threatened radio talk show hosts after hosts criticized him and his ethical lapses.
- Don’t Blow Off the Signatures Restaurant Story, by KagroX
- Abramoff made sure DeLay and wife got free meals and other goodies. Complete with graphic.
- DeLay bribes This is new stuff out this past week. Yes, he is that crooked that there’s new stuff like this popping up all the time.
- Lewis Libby and the Valerie Plame investigation
- Media Coverage Notes: Plame, Miller, Cooper coverage on ABCNews Related links linked at this post.
- The Miller-Fitzgerald backstory
- NYT had a ton of stuff on Miller going to jail. It was “woe is Miller” type of coverage. Nauseating, so no linkage.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: One Very Good Reason Rove Might Be Indicted
- Fitzgerald wants to know more about Rove’s chats with Cooper Juicy.
What a Bunch of Losers
This category is for things that are just too ridiculous to believe. In other words, it’s the stuff you should email to friends who are usually swing voters. It’s the stuff where you’ll go “These people are nuts!”
- Katharine Harris believes in “Celestial Drops” Hat tip to Crooks & Liars.
- (WakeupCall) Gov. Robert Ehrlich (R-MD) said that the membership of an all-white country club where he hosted a fundraiser was “not my business” (Baltimore Sun).
- Fred Phelps: Thank God for the bombing of London’s subway on 7/705
- Right-wing activists embrace hate group
More outrages & news:
- Family Research Council Chickens Out, by Frederick Clarkson
- The Republican candidate, Jean Schmidt, is under investigation for failing to report dinner and a Bengals game she received from contributors. This may help Hackett some, but we should all remember that this is a GOP-leaning district. Diary is from cova1.
- All things Bolton at TWN.
- Durbin Attack Ad Planned in IL, by thesill
- Paul Harvey: Slavery and Genocide OK!, by Frederick Clarkson
- Frist backs away from Stem Cell research All together now… FLIP FLOPPER!
- Santorum book excerpts
- More Santorum book excerpts
- Rep. Peter King, Karl Rove, and me, by Cynicor
- Team Bush paid election manipulator Sproul millions, by calistan
- Cindy Sheehan: ‘Disgusting’ Private Meeting With Bush, by redtravelmaster
- Ohio Coingate: The Third Frontier, by Pounder
- (WakeupCall) Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) criticized the DoJ for having delayed the Tom Noe investigation until after Bush’s re-election (Toledo Blade).
- Getting conservatives on the record about biology.
Republican(s) Off Message
* Could terrorism go from Bush’s strength to Bush’s weakness?
Note: London terror attacks got blanket coverage, so there’s less London coverage here.
Action Alert That Didn’t Get Enough Attention
Call/Email Sen. Pat Roberts, by Viceroy
Featured Diaries
- Paralyzed Vet of America (Ex-Republican) Speaks Out, by storiesinamerica
- Our Own Downing Street Memos, by Michael Alton Gottlieb
Quote of the Week
From David Sirota
The idea that, because our troops are in Iraq, terrorists will only attack us there and not “in the streets of our own cities” is, first and foremost, an insult to our troops because it treats them as if their entire mission is to serve as bait for terrorists. That’s not what our troops – or America – was told this was all about.
War, Military
- CA National Guard: Emerging Scandal? By Marching Orders
- Military cracks down on soldier blogs in Iraq, by Steven D
- VIDEO: Vietnam Vets Being Called Back to Duty… in Iraq!
- Pentagon Admits Iraq, Afghan Wars are Jeopardizing our Defenses, by Dan K
- The Guardian in the UK writes about the state of the US military. Unfortunately, Bush mismanagement has left the US military not looking so good. A diary by SusanHu.
- Bush Lies in 7/2/05 Radio Address, by Steven D
- Bush invaded Morgantown, WV, by WV Democrat With photos!
- Lawsuit to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.
- Acid thrown on women in Iraq who don’t cover up, by SanJoseLady
- Italy is pulling out troops from Iraq in starting in Sept.
National Security, Terrorism
- Bish demonstrates total misunderstanding of terrorist threat.
- The shameful Bush record on transit security.
- Bush leaves coastlines unguarded
- Bush failure to make borders safer
- Halliburton gets a raise, by kingubu
- Damaging National Security, by Armando
- Increase in the Number of Documents Classified by the Government Since 2001
- US Reports Major Increase in Terrorism Worldwide
- Must-see BBC Newsnight interview, by John Drake
From Around the World
- Global warming = intensified hurricanes?
- Oil prices: Could hit $105, if …
- Al Gore was right about oil, by Sterling Newberry
- Bush administration lackeys lie about aid to Africa
- London wins bid for 2012 Olympics. NYC was eliminated from contention early on in this final round.
- Snapshots From Around the World 7/6/05
- Snapshots From Around the World 7/4/05
- Guess who is in charge of fixing Medicaid?, by FleetAdmiralJ Crooks & dumbasses?
- Action Alert: Saving the Buffalo Trail, by mcjoan
- Insurers more the problem than lawyers when it comes to rising malpractice costs
- Supreme Court at Talk Left.
- SCOTUS & Ideology
- Want to make a conservative a liberal? Make him a Supreme Court Justice, by DHinMI Yes, because the Constitution is essentially a liberal document.
- Supreme Court Roundup June 26, 2005, by Hoyapaul
- Supreme Court Preview (Cert. Grants of 2/22/05), by hoyapaul
- The Specter Standard for the Supreme Court
- Minnesota Shutdown Ends, by Sterling Newberry
- Bill Clinton proposes SS fix, by Viktor
- Why Toyota chose Canada over Alabama/Mississippi., by wegerje Education.
- College Tuition Crisis, by bonddad
- A political issue- teacher pay, by teacherken
- Some Evangelicals Are For Gay Marriage, by Sean Robertson
- Major Christian Denomination Endorses Gay Marriage, by Frederick Clarkson
- “I love Jesus FUCK YOU!” by getmeoutofdixie
- Enough with the Blanket Attacks on Religion, by AnnArborBlue Yes, not every Christian or even conservative Christian is Dobson-like.
- What does Independence Day mean to you? By ColdblueSteele
Campaign News Update: 2005, 2006, 2008 Electoral & Campaign News, Notes & Analysis for 7/1 to 7/8
Media News Monday (RWCM coverage here): Media News Monday 7/4/05
Complete blogroll & website listings that I’ve come up with:
(I’m always happy to add more blogs; would also appreciate being linked to your site.)
- Complete Blogroll: Issues, Activism, Political Info, and General Political Blogs & Websites
- Penndit’s News, Media News, Advertising/PR/Marketing, and RWCM Watch Links
- Complete Blogroll: Electoral Politics, State/Regional sites/blogs, Official & Unofficial Democratic Party Websites & blogs Democratic Party Donation Links and Campaign Donation Links at this link.
Selection of Newsie’s Entries: