Tom Delay needs to go. Drug costs need to come down.
It is so windy on the blogs right now. We get swayed from one important topic, blogged down on another and forget about others. It’d be nice if there was a corner on Booman Tribune that kept the main Democrat Issues in the forefront as a constant reminder of what we are suppose to be about and need to keep our focus on until the problem is resolved.
So here’s a reminder of 2 important issues:
It’s not hard to put a dollar figure on House Majority Leader Tom DeLay’s importance to corporate America. For drugmakers, his support is worth $13 billion; for petrochemical companies, it could be as much as $375 billion.
Business Booster: Tom DeLay is U.S. companies’ friend in Congress
DeLay, R-Texas, led the fight to protect Valero Energy Corp. and other companies from pollution lawsuits. For Greenwich-based UST Inc., he helped block Food and Drug Administration regulation of tobacco.
For Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., DeLay employed his parliamentary prowess to win passage of a 2003 Medicare overhaul bill that prevents the government from negotiating with drugmakers for lower prices.
I am one of the millions who cannot afford the drugs I need for managing my disease (scleroderma)
I am one of millions who cringe every time a drug ad is on tv. Millions of dollars wasted on advertising. But that is another topic and I don’t want to hear about the need for money for researching something that most Americans cannot afford even if a new wonder drug is created blah, blah blah..because I speculate that the drug companies are also responsible for causing many diseases with their covert testing practices on unsuspecting human guinea pigs. A vicious cycle worth ‘speculating’. But that’s just little old cynical me thinking.
I know a lot of good things have come from drug companies and corporate America, but seems there is much more bad, like Tom Delay’s power and corruption in OUR Congress.
I know our attention gets diverted with each new outrage, whether it is political, or a news event etc., but when that happens the blogs get like over blown chat rooms and chaotic and ineffective.
I hope we don’t forget about what Delay has done and needs to be accountable for.
I would like to see him carted off to jail, and “delay” his freedom ; ) (for the remainder of his life)
Along with all the corporate thieves he helped, strip them of every cent, property, and presteige, and see it put back in the hands of the people who were/are being robbed by all these crooks.
Nice dream huh? oh well, at least I can dream, they’ll never take that from me ; )
The wheels of justice grind small and incredibly slow.
Life really is too short isn’t it? Will we ever see this man brought low?
I for one will never relent. We all must avoid being distracted from these things that really matter, and keep on taking action (however small it may be.) I expect people like tom will learn a new definition of the ‘death by a thousand cuts.’ He’ll need a friend in the drug biz – I understand victims of this torture in the olden days were given opium.
Thanks Rosee – we have a tendency to forget things that need attention, it helps to have a reminder.