I edited the titled from “More Guantanamo Outrage”
The commanding officer of Guantanamo Bay prison was relieved from duty on July 9th due to “allegations of inappropriate management practices” [Duh!]
From the Boston Globe:
The officer, Captain Leslie J. McCoy, who had commanded Guantanamo since March 2003, was the subject of an investigation into inappropriate personnel and administrative practices unrelated to the base’s detention camp for suspected terrorists.
McCoy was relieved of his duties Saturday by Rear Admiral Annette E. Brown, the region commander, who had ”lost confidence in his ability to effectively lead,” Dooling said.
More Guantanamo outrage below the fold…
The military is already trying to spin this as being unrelated to detainee practices. They are refusing to give any details to the “allegations”, but they are obviously strong enough to merit a transfer.
It’s not a secret that the United States is using torture practices to extract information from “terrorists”. We are seeing widespread deterioration of our justice system as a result of the Republican Administration. How do they respond? By pretending that there isn’t a problem.
Inmates from the US-led war on terror held at the prison camp at the US naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba are well treated, play outdoor sports, and have access to a broad Muslim-approved menu, a US senator who traveled to the site said.
US Senator Pat Roberts, a conservative Republican from Kansas, said on “Fox News Sunday” that he just returned from visiting the Guantanamo detention site.
“They have a Muslim menu down there of 113 dishes,” said Roberts, chairman of the US Senate Intelligence Committee.
“I saw them playing soccer. I saw them playing ping-pong. I saw them playing … I think it was volleyball,” he said.
AFP via Yahoo – emphasis mine
Face it folks, we will continue to torture people until enough of us call for change. We have to summon the energy to fight back hard against the spin.
Well, here’s a good start for a rebuttal: “They’re not all guilty in Guantanamo”
The Pentagon has determined four more prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, no longer pose much of a threat and plans to release them, a senior official said Friday.
No information on those four was available. The State Department is making arrangements to send them to their home countries, said Rear Adm. James M. McGarrah, who oversees the reviews of prisoners and whether they should remain at Guantanamo, told reporters at the Pentagon.
Their fate was determined by a quasi-judicial process called an administrative review board, which the Pentagon created after human rights groups complained about the indefinite nature of the detentions at the U.S. naval base.
LA Times – emphasis mine
Keep fighting everyone! We’re making a difference. For starters, add your name to the list here. Make a stand for justice.
I urge you all to join the Center for Constitutional Rights blogroll. Let’s send a message that “Enough is Enough!”
at DailyKos
Thanks for the reminder Manny.
Good diary. Signed up and doing my part.
The key now is to spread the word that unless we demand justice, then there is a real possibility that we are holding innocent people in captivity, perhaps forever.
I noticed that the WSJ ran a snarky editorial in response to the bombing in London, criticizing those who have objected to Guantanamo. Rather than shutting it down, the WSJ sees Guantanamo as being filled with precisely the kind of people who carried out the London bombing. Gee, what do they know that we don’t?
is so absurd. Gitmo personnel new that group was coming first of all. Secondly, do they think we are totally ignorant? They may be able to dumb-down 1/2 the pouplation but the rest of us are PAYING ATTENTION!!!!
Like they were going to show the group from the Senate what is really going on there. I am sure the orders went something like, get these creeps cleaned up and make sure everything looks like the Gitmo Ritz guys. We don’t want no stinking problems here. Isn’t there ONE, JUST ONE officer that is sickened by the torture?
the Republicans are consistently apologetic when it comes to our torture policies. We need to tie this issue around their necks and throw them out next year.
Republicans = SpinMasters of B.S.
Republicans = Pro Torture
Rinse and Repeat
oh and I put that flag in the back window of my car. No one has rearended me yet.
and have had several friends also download the flags. It helps that I’m working with a bunch of Latino activists. Good job Aloha!
I feel it is my duty as an American to display the flag….lol!AND tell the truth!
Source: U.S. Department of State
From DallasNews.com:
I will search for more information on this, but it was something I found via a Google search this morning.
From United Press Int’l via ScienceDaily.com:
There is an article at the Inter Press Service News Agency website that peaked my interest regarding Brig. Gen. Rick Baccus, another former CO of Gitmo who was released from duty in 2002:
I have to run, but if someone has some free time, could you try and find the Guardian article referenced? I would like to see more of the quotes from this guy. Thanks.
Also, why the $%#*! is Rumsfeld still around? He admitted to resigning twice and was denied by Bush. BLAH!