by Philip Curtis
ePluribus Media
Also posted on Dailykos
Did I know sin before I knew salvation? Absolutely. But, this is a country that believes in redemption and second chances and I’m looking forward to mine.
— Jeff Gannon, CBC’s The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos, 05/10/2005
Screen shot of JG from CBC’s The Hour, “Press, Politics and Prostitution”
Although Jeff Gannon has offered repeated reassurances that he has moved on to a new life, several Web sites appear to continue to market the former White House reporter’s services as a male escort. Domain names for two of these active Web sites were first registered several months after he began regularly attending White House press briefings. Often aided by media support, Gannon has employed a variety of arguments to deflect attention from escort-related questions. He has neither confirmed nor denied the specific allegations, nor has he designated a time when he may be willing or able to do so.
Argument 1: An Invasion of My Private Life
Gannon has characterized allegations against him that do not directly relate to journalism as an assault on his personal life. He explained to CNN’s Anderson Cooper:
How I’ll address that is that I have made mistakes in my past. And these are all of a very personal and private nature…What’s been done to me is far in excess of what has ever been done to any other journalist that I could remember. My life has been turned inside out and upside down. And, again, it makes us all wonder that if someone disagrees with you, that is now your personal life fair game? And I’m hoping that fair-minded people will stand up and say that what’s been done to me is wrong, and that — that people’s personal lives have no impact on their ability to be a journalist, you know. Why should my past prevent me from having a future?
When Deborah Solomon of The New York Times confronted him with allegations of earning a “living running a gay escort service,” Gannon replied:
Don’t let that confuse the issue. We have driven so many good people from public service through the politics of personal destruction. People on the left who disagreed with me decided that I needed to be punished by any means necessary.
Former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer’s Fresh Air interview appeared to echo Gannon’s argument in his defense of the White House press office’s handling of the matter:
As for his private life, I would fear the day if ever the government outside of the Secret Service for security purposes, but the government, started looking into the private lives of reporters.
Argument 2: A Left-Wing Conspiracy
In his essay “Fear and Loathing in the Press Room,” Gannon further described his recent encounters with media scrutiny as part of a larger movement:
The Left is engaging in “21st Century McCarthyism” in an effort to blacklist conservative journalists in order protect their domination of the media.
He offered no examples of other targeted journalists. However, Gannon did provide Lifelike Pundits with details of the specific tactics used against him:
What has happened to me is 21st Century McCarthyism; the Left is playing the sex card, despite spending most of the 1990s screaming that “sex is a private matter.” Don’t you have better things to do besides look at sexy pictures?
With the exception of a single Washington Blade article documenting Jeff Gannon’s purported attendance at a Virginia holiday party that “always turns into an orgy toward the end,” the media has not reported on any private sexual activities. Instead, it has focused on Gannon’s alleged work as a professional escort and its potential impact on national security issues.
Gannon’s comments to The Washington Post appeared to blur advertising as a paid escort with one’s “sexual history”:
Why would they be looking into a person’s sexual history? Is that what we’re going to do to reporters now? Is there some kind of litmus test for reporters? Is it right to hold someone’s sexuality against them?
Argument 3: A Hypocritical Attack on Gays
Gannon’s responses also blurred the distinction between being gay and being a gay escort. He described to Ace of Spades HQ his encounters with liberal antigay bigotry:
There is no doubt that the Left devoted so much ink to me because they hoped to humiliate and embarrass on the basis of perceived sexual orientation. They do the same thing to African-Americans and Hispanics who don’t toe the liberal line. It is clear that everything is on the table now when it comes to the politics of personal destruction.
Ann Coulter effectively summarized Gannon’s argument in her column:
Now the media is hot on the trail of a gay escort service that Gannon may have run some years ago. Are we supposed to like gay people now, or hate them? Is there a website where I can go to and find out how the Democrats want me to feel about gay people on a moment-to-moment basis?
…Liberals’ hateful, frothing-at-the-mouth campaign against Gannon consists solely of their claim that he is gay.
Cliff Kincaid at Accuracy in Media also offered his support to Gannon on this issue:
Gannon, who may or may not be homosexual, was targeted because there are some in the left-wing blogging community who believe homosexuals can’t be conservatives in good conscience.
And PBS’ Tucker Carlson empathized with Gannon:
I’m struck by how you were essentially outed, or these implications about your personal sex life, were made by people on the Left. Somehow the implication was because you may be gay, that you shouldn’t have access to the White House.
Gannon expressed the extent of his outrage to Carlson:
Well, I mean the hypocrisy is stunning. If I were a liberal there would be marches in the streets with pitchforks and torches in support of me. But because I’m a conservative, it seems to be that there are no rules and we can – those people can leave their principles behind about personal privacy and sex doesn’t matter and diversity and inclusion. They can leave all those things behind if it’s useful to attack somebody who’s a conservative.
Although Gannon informed The Advocate that “his sexual orientation is a private matter,” he was comfortable informing Vanity Fair that, “Some of his fiercest gay detractors had even come on to him … shedding their convictions `like a sweater on a hot day.'”
Argument 4: Legal Concern
Gannon has also responded by indicating he needed to comply with the wishes of his team of lawyers. When confronted with questions from regarding his alleged escort activities, Gannon stated:
There is a great deal of misinformation and exaggeration surrounding these matters. While my lawyers review this information for libel, slander and defamation, they have advised me not to comment on any of these things.
Similarly, he informed the National Press Club, “You are speaking of things that have been alleged and I am not commenting on those things.”
Newsweek reported that he may elect to take the initiative to launch a legal offensive, “… considering suing liberal interest groups, bloggers and others for a `political assassination’.”
Argument 5: Casting Doubt
Gannon’s responses have often cast doubt on the allegations without specifically denying them. When Anderson Cooper asked him about offering escort services, Gannon said, “Well, like I said, there’s a lot of things being said about me out there.”
In his New York Times interview Gannon implied that others may be responsible for obtaining images of him and publishing them on the Web:
We do have tremendous freedoms in this country, and one of the drawbacks of that is that people are free to take images of me and manipulate them however they want. At some point in the future, everyone is going to have a picture on the Internet that they are unhappy about.
Also addressing the alleged escort photographs, The Washington Post reported:
Asked how recently he was putting his photo on escort sites, Gannon said that “so much of this stuff” was “years in the past…. Anything that goes on the Internet is there forever,” he said. “Every day I learn about another site where there are allegedly pictures of me.”
Offering another variation on the story, Vanity Fair reported that Gannon:
…implies that he never actually worked as an escort, despite the fact that he advertised himself as one. Look. I could put up a Web site that says, `’– does that make me a millionaire?
Argument 6: Self-Deprecating Humor
Appearing on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, Gannon shelved his outrage and quipped, “[U]sually the way it works is, people become reporters before they prostitute themselves.”
Argument 7: Repentance After Finding God
Gannon has also argued that unspecified infractions had occurred in his past only before he found God. In February he expressed the rewards of God’s forgiveness at
This is not to say that I have not made mistakes in the past. Like all of us have at one time or another, I made poor choices and exercised bad judgment. But I believe in a forgiving God who changed my life. It was through that renewal that I went on to have a career as a reporter and further blessed to become a White House correspondent.
He subsequently offered Vanity Fair a revised interpretation of the events of his life, however, employing a metaphor based on Christ’s suffering:
God, Gannon believes, bestowed a White House gig on him not as a reward for cleaning up his act, as he had first thought, but as, in a sense, another Station of the Cross, affording him a chance to burn away all his transgressions and purify himself once and for all.
The Active Web Sites
Vanity Fair reported that “whatever he did ended once he found God, sometime around 2001.” However, four of the nine escort Web sites that appear to continue to advertise Gannon’s services did not exist prior to 2001. In addition, two of the sites were registered after Gannon’s first known White House briefing on February 25, 2003: was registered on May 30, 2003, and was registered on September 26, 2003.
It is difficult to pinpoint the precise date a particular escort may have added his profile to each Web site. However, barring the unlikely manipulation of the Web server, one may assume that the escort was added between the time the domain was registered and the last modified date of the escort image.
John Aravosis’ first published the escort allegations on February 14 of this year. Only one of the sites listed here,, was included in Aravosis’ article. Aravosis provided considerable data documenting Gannon’s alleged involvement in marketing his escort services at The images and escort profiles included in the eight additional sites identified by ePluribus Media are consistent with those found at
Warning: All of the following links contain adult content.
Domain Registered: 11/26/2003
First record: n/a
Image Modified: 02/13/2005
Domain Registered: 12/30/2001
First record: 01/30/2002
Image Modified: 07/26/2004
Domain Registered: 11/11/1999
First record: 03/04/2000
Image Modified: 06/29/2004
Domain Registered: 05/30/2003
First record: 11/05/2003
Image Modified: n/a
Domain Registered: 02/17/1999
First record: 07/06/2000
Image Modified: 11/02/2004
Domain Registered: 03/08/2002
First record: 06/02/2002
Image Modified: 09/22/2002 indicates that the site was scheduled to launch in September 2002.
Domain Registered: 08/31/1996
First record: 09/24/2004
Image Modified: 02/13/2005
Domain Registered: 02/12/2001
First record: 12/02/2001
Image Modified: 06/29/2004
Domain Registered: 07/25/2000
First record: 12/06/2000
Image Modified: n/a
ePluribus Media Credits
Researchers/Contributors: mkt, georgia10, Rayne Today, intranets, thorswitch, silence, SusanG, Aguas de Marco, ricardo4, mlk19569, kfred, blogslut, luaptifer, madhat, Chewy, susie dow, Sue in KY, Cho, DEFtuning, NYBri, JeninRI, XicanoPwr
Note: Please let us know of any contributor not listed.
How is displaying yourself masterbating in some pictures and peeing in others, ON THE INTERNET, categorized as personal and private?
He’s just found another way to sell himself. I’m sure his whitehouse connections have been good for business. He probably tells great erotic stories about seducing whitehouse officials.
Watersports. First, it’s trickle down economics and now it’s trickle down porn.
I think the WH connections are what’s at issue here, BECAUSE they have been good for business. Somebody signed the Guck-ster in, why hasn’t the Secret Service released all the records on why he didn’t sign out? Who was also in the WH at the same time, each and every time Guckert signed in? Why was someone with such questionable background allowed such access to the SITTING POTUS?
I used to be quite respectful of the Secret Service, and I am sure that 99% take their role very seriously, willing to literally take a bullet for the President, and by extension for the continuation of the United States government. Someone very high up, and very influential, has his fingers deep into scandals involving Guckert, planes flying over the capital, My Pet Goat moments — and those are the ones I know about and have seen with my own eyes. I won’t even venture into conspiracy theories revolving around 9/11 or anthrax attacks against the press and certain Democratic leaders.
Just another Republican-Bush-Sleight-of-Hand to not pay attention to the Texas Air National Guard AWOL and instead a typewriter forgery, the Clean Skies Initiative; the list is long, I’m sure this choir has heard them all.
Thank you, e Plurbus Media — once again, true investigations so sorely needed, so sorely lacking.
Are any of Gannon’s sites active today, July 2005?
All 9 sites listed above are advertising Gannon’s services today.
The original investigation on Guckert (isn’t that his real name?) centered on his access to the WH, and possible role in the outing of Valerie Plame. I find nothing in this article related to that investigation. OTOH, I’m sure he appreciates the free publicity, which includes having his talking points being plastered all over the liberal blogosphere.
I personally don’t care if the man had a relationship with a barnyard animal. I do want to know how in the hell he had access to the WH press room, whether or not he had access to, and/or released classified information, and who were his inside contacts.
This dog don’t hunt.
I disagree. I think this is important info on what looks to be a hotbed of corruption. I agree with you that personal morality should not be an issue in the political sphere, but I except illegal and abusive behavior. I would absolutely want to know if any public person was having sex with a barnyard animal, because that’s abuse, is extremely damaging to the animal, and connotes a disturbed mind. It’s similar to pederasty. We just value children more highly than animals. As far as Gannon/Guckert goes, the point is not his sexual practices, but the fact that he is a prostitute, which is an illegal activity, and whomever is using his services, in the White House is also participating in an illegal activity. Furthermore, the fact that it is a gay scene, points to their incredible hypocrisy. We know full well that if anything remotely this seamy went on the Clinton White House, it would be front page news 8 days a week, and Congress would be convening hearings already. Someone, in this White House, greased the wheels to allow a prostitute to have an unusually high degree of access to government business. I think that is serious, indeed.
The issue here is that a man who advertised his services as a prostitute was given unprecedented access to the White House. The mainstream media, which ordinarily thrives on the sensational, has completed ignored facts that are inconvenient to the administration. Members of the media have even echoed his evasive arguments. All seem to have accepted his mantra of finding God and changing his ways despite significant evidence to the contrary.
The mainstream media’s pass on the escort issue mirrors how they have avoided covering other serious aspects of the Gannon story. The fact that they have opted out of covering this extremely titillating, easy to understand part of the tale demonstrates the extent of the commitment to keeping the story out of the public eye.
Please re-read my post. I’ve been following this story since it’s “birth” on dKos. My point remains: how does this story advance our knowledge of Guckert’s involvement in the Plame leak? What does the article prove? That he can’t get his story(s) straight? Whoa, what a surprise.
The MSM has absolutely no credibility on this story.
[Recordkeeper: funny with the barnyard animal thing]. <grin>
Actually what this story demonstrates is that he’s a very weak link in the chain. To mix my metaphors, he’s a loose thread that needs to be pulled. Because my hunch, and it’s a just a hunch, is that his story could lead to much greater revelations. He’s not just any male prostitute. He’s a male prostitute with powerful connections who knew about Valerie Plame, and who knew before anyone else in the press corps when we were going to begin shocking and awing the poor Iraqi people. If he knows these things because he’s sleeping with powerful people, like say Karl Rove, and he’s learning official, government secrets, because he’s the kept boy of one or many powerful political players, at that point, it becomes my business as an American citizen. If the administration of the highest elected official is mixing business and pleasure to that degree, I damned well deserve to know about it. I think he needs to be placed under a microscope, and the media is not doing the job. That means his inconsistencies, his illegal enterprises, his apparently fraudulent claims that he was a Marine… everything. He’s not just some low rent journalist wannabe. He’s been groomed by Bobby Eberle to perform as a shill and functionary, for this Administration. No stone should be left unturned in finding out just what the hell is going on here.
I agree with your analysis of the importance of Guckert’s involvement. I followed the story for exactly those reasons. But for publication in/on larger media outlets, investigative reporters must make damn sure the reader is constantly reminded of which thread is being pulled.
That was, and is, my only concern. At this late stage a fundamentally he said/”it” said story will simply get washed downstream.
mkt: ….ePluribus Media actually addressed in an article last week..
That was last week. I’ve read/scanned at least 100 stories since last week. So have most of the reading public. Can’t even count the blog diaries that have passed before my eyess. One sentence of context, and a link to the repository should be in every article.
You are correct. This story doesn’t address Gannon’s involvement with the Valerie Plame memo. That is an extremely important issue that ePluribus Media actually addressed in an article last week.
In addition to the issues I stated above, please keep in mind that the subject article also provides extremely strong evidence that damages Gannon’s credibility on public statements he has made. The mainstream media has made little or no effort to identify and prove his apparent ‘misstatements’. Documenting evidence of such misstatements will hopefully assist in increasing the motivation to address other claims and unresolved issues.
You say
Last time I checked, JeffyJim supposedly was unemployed and had a Delaware tax lien against him for something like $20,000. And now he has a “team of lawyers”?
Who are these lawyers and who is paying for them?
Follow the money.
this, undoubtably, is the most corrupt administration EVER! To just look at all that they have done in the 5 1/2 years they have been in office is mind-bogglingly unbelievable.
I want to know what JJ/GG is doing yet today. Is he still doing the same ol, same ol? Does he still frequent the WH or not?
I personally think that this WH has lots of explaining to do to America on many issues. God only knows that someplace, sometime, there possibly could be a person who could tell all is just mind-boggling. Even just a janitor or maid would be good to talk to.
Quoth Cliff Kincaid: “Gannon, who may or may not be homosexual, was targeted because there are some in the left-wing blogging community who believe homosexuals can’t be conservatives in good conscience.”
Subsitute “Republican” for “conservative” in the above quote, and I’d argue it’s true. Being a gay Republican makes about as much sense as being a black Republican or a female Republican or a Jewish Republican. The GOP is a party of white male heterosexual evangelicals, and everyone else who belongs to it does so because they’ve been hoodwinked or they’re consumed by self-loathing or both.
That’s also entirely beside the point.
Gannon was “targeted” because he was violating the rules to pose as a reporter while actually serving a covert propaganda role with the connivance of someone in the White House. Period.
That he turned out to be not only gay but also a prostitute is what made it interesting to the mainstream media. (There was, to be fair, a little ugliness on the gay angle at dKos, but that’s par for the course.) It would have been nice if the mainstream media had chosen to investigate Gannon based on the pertinent facts alone, but if it has to be juiced up by pointing out that Gannon is a gay prostitute to attract their attention, so be it.
Ann Coulter’s assertion that we’re supposed to hate Gannon because he’s gay is utter nonsense. Liberals are, by and large, entirely tolerant of gays. Tolerance for propagandists and expensive prostitutes is, however, not a core Democrat value.
I can understand Coulter’s disinterest in the prostitution angle, of course, since the clientele of high-end male prostitutes tends to be drawn from the overwhelmingly GOP business traveler class. And a male prostitute with privileged access to the White House — what a black book that guy must have!
The important angle there, really, is GOP hypocrisy. Are we to believe that Ann Coulter has suddenly decided that gay prostitutes are okay because there’s now a fine upstanding GOP propagandist among their ranks? Will Coulter now be arguing for legalizing gay marriage and prostitution, having seen the error of her ways through Jeff Gannon’s shining example?
Don’t give me the hypocrisy spiel, Coulter. Liberals are still in favor of equal treatment for gays. This includes pursuing them when they engage in covert propaganda operations for the White House, just like we pursue their hetero collaborators. The hypocrisy is all yours — trotting out a phony sympathy for gays to argue that some slimy miscreant should be protected from legitimate questions.