I need to get better quality photos but these will do, for now. You can pre-order them here. We have coffee mugs too!!
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Nice photo of me, don’t you think?
I was going to type “Why, Booman — I had no idea you were so beautiful!”
We must be twins, separated at birth!
The photos take forever to load on a dial-up connection. Could you make them smaller?
Take along time with abroadband connection, too: must be rather sizable files…
Just be thankful I’m not in the picture. It would have been even worse when I was 9 months pregnant. It would have taken an hour to download that photo.
hope that helps.
Why is it so hard, these days, to find men’s t-shirts with front pockets? Pockets are useful things – a place to put your pocket protector and pens, if nothing else. Does it really cost that much more to make ’em with pockets? Sorry – pet peeve…
This a little better, ehh? Shall I do the other one?
You and my husband should start a pocket revolution. He doesn’t mind if I pilfer his clothes on occasion – but woe be unto me if I’m caught wearing one of his treasured pocket tees . . . or . . . gasp. . .a pair of his jersey pocket shorts. :^)
I haven’t been to Walmart in over a year but I do remember them having plain t-shirts with front pockets. Maybe like Fruit of the Loom brand? I can’t remember.. different colors but no logo on the front.
Also… try a craft store. They often have plain t-shirts for projects, some with pockets.
I hear Tarzhay has them sometimes, too. I never seem to be there when they do. I hope I have some money when I run into some – I’ll buy a truckload. Thanks for the craft store tip.
and the shirt, too. rimshot
(in all seriousness, the new logo looks much, much better.)
Playing with this stuff is addictive. Now I’ve got one that’s a little better than the last, not quite so ‘out of focus’ but I don’t want to go on posting improvements and hogging band width (not to mention boring people) so maybe Booman will email me if he’s interested.
Congratulations on another historical landmark for this site and to all who participated in making it happen – nice work!
Who’s the pretty girl!?
What a cute pic!!! I wish I still looked like that!
a question?? do i use my booman trib password?
Hey! I just got an email telling me my two Boo coffee mugs are on their way. Nyah nyah nyah nyah
Which order were you again?
nyah nyah nyah nyah 😛
lol! I refuse to give you the 4 you deserve for that.
Be careful. Remember what happened after the pie fight!