This last weekend I announced that, after much pressure by some of my readers, my Progressive Democrat newsletter is now being blogged. This newsletter is very activist oriented and also designed to help people hook into their local DFA and Dem groups. Originally intended only for NYC, it now has a national readership even before being blogged.

But I have another project that people have wanted me to start blogging: my Target the Corrupt Republican Campaign. More below.
I started the Target the Corrupt Republican campaign once the Tom DeLay scandals started hitting the news. What struck me most about those scandals is how eager DeLay’s fellow Republicans were to defend DeLay’s corruption, and, when you looked carefully, how many other Republicans were just as corrupt. So much for the myth of the Republicans being the “moral party.” It is clear that they are the Greedy Old Party, mired in corruption. So I have set out to publicize this corruption and have been doing so for some months. Not too many people have joined in, but those who have are very enthusiastic about the campaign and I hope it has been generating many letters to the editor and to congress.

Now the Target the Corrupt Repubiucan Campaign has its own blog. So far it only has one post, focusing on Tom DeLay himself. But over the weeks I will add posts focusing on Ohio and Missouri, as well as other individual corrupt Repubs. Please check it out, let me know what you think and keep your eye open for new entries. I appreciate any helkp you all can give publicizing these efforts. The more of us who join in the more effective our efforts will be.