A little bit of surreality eye candy today in honor of the remake of “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” by Tim Burton. Thanks to a friend, David Boyle, for the suggestion of using the new movie. I think this one really captures the macabre message that Burton was afraid to really shoot for… Coming soon to a theatre of operations near you!
(After the fold, so as not to displace diaries!)
And another swipe at “stick-a-fork-in-him” Karl Rove:
I’ll be gone for a bit as we’re entertaining guests!
Hey Bood,
Well done…again.
Check this nugget out:
I’m going to email that one around…
That is so cool to see someone else patronizes ICH… That is one dedicated guy pulling all of that stuff together on his own every day…
Yes, I send him some loot when I can.
Those same people sending out the hateful emails have imapired sarcasm detectors. Next thing you know this little rant will be showing up all over, quoted as the gospel truth and more evidence of Arab aggression.
BTW nice picture Booman.
I’m going back to bed, I have to get some sleep before I get up again to do Sunday Griot. Especially if I’m going to be making mistakes like that.
Very good. Funny. Sad because its true.