Laura Flanders is away, and veteran newsman Bill Crowley is filling in. Next up: Paul Reichkoff, founder of Operation Truth, who’s going to talk about W’s broken promises to vets. Go to to find out more.
The House and Bush have to step forward. Below the fold, the e-mail I got from Sen. Patty Murray, who is leading the fight for the veterans and WHY she has had to bring up legislation twice to get the $1.5 BILLION extra funds for veteran health care.
Sen. Murray has been a true leader for veterans. See why below:
This week, I led an effort on the Senate floor to reaffirm the Senate’s commitment to provide $1.5
Murray Amendment Passes Senate Unanimously
billion in emergency spending to fill a shortfall in the VA’s 2005 budget.
In an amendment to the Homeland Security Appropriations bill, I called on my Senate colleagues to stand by the commitment we made two weeks ago to fund much-needed health care for our veterans. My amendment passed 95-0 on Tuesday.
Get more information on my amendment:
Two weeks ago, recognizing that the shortfall in VA funding had to be corrected immediately, I successfully sponsored an amendment to provide $1.5 billion for veterans’ health care. This amendment passed the Senate 96-0 on June 29th.
Unfortunately, the House of Representatives passed a bill that only provided $975 million. Just after the Senate voted for a $1.5 billion boost, the Senate Majority Leader pushed for the Senate to accept the House’s lower level of $975 million (rather than $1.5 billion). That sent a message that the Senate was backing away from its commitment to provide $1.5 billion — and that reduction in funding would hurt our veterans.
At the House level of funding, our veterans would face:
- A continued hiring freeze at the VA;
- No new specialists hired for pressing health care needs like Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; and
- * No new clinics opened in Bellingham and Wenatchee.
I’m glad the Senate passed my amendment to maintain $1.5 billion in funding for veterans’ health care. But there is still more work to do. We must continue to work for the Senate funding level in negotiations with the House, and we must see that that the President signs this bill into law.
How could any representative not vote for this amendment? Now getting Bush to sign it is another thing.
One of the problems with sociopaths is that they can’t empathize with other people.
It’s quite remarkable that DEMOCRATS are leading this fight for veterans. I hope those veterans remember that in 2006.
the way I see it, it is not gonna happen as long as thsi administration has other targets in mind for us Americans. The vets are just a side item of dispair. No need to worry our little heads about this thing! Why in hell would they worry? it is not consequence of theirs! When someone gets hurt while on duty, it is their worry and the DuD and Resinut goes on about their ugly business. I want to be at the door of heaven when they get theirs!!!!! I really do!!!! I will be jumping up an down with complete joy over this one!
Let’s be sure we write our members of the House, no matter if they’re Dems or GOP, and push them hard on this. The dimwits. As if anyone had to tell them.