Froggy Bottom Lounge:
Open Mike Night
Open Mike Night
Supplies have been delivered and we’ve got a fully stocked bar and kitchen
If you’re new to the Froggy Bottom Cafe, please introduce yourself — we can’t see lurkers here!
Don’t forget, the karaoke’s in the back
FBC: Drinks: intoxicating & Food non-caloric
Am I the first arrival, wow the place looks great, nice and clean, decorations are a bit sparce, but I’m sure some of the guests will bring them…
What is everyone doing this weekend, or tomorrow, anything special..
Hi, Diane (wiping my hands as I come from the kitchen)
Thanks, yep. You’re the first.
I’m going to see how far I get making a web site for one of my sisters (tomorrow).
Tonight, hanging out here, mostly.
What about you?
Unknown toddler listening to Gooserock whistling as we wait for a ferry boat.
Here’s a spunky little e-minor reel. No offense meant to our hostess. It’s “The Drunken Landlady” in abc folk music format.
T:Drunken Landlady, The
H:Also played in Ador
D:Mary Bergin: Feadoga Stain.
|:Beed e2de|f2df efdB|ABAF D2FD|FA~A2 BAFA|
Beed e2de|f2df efdB|A2Bc dfec|dBAF E2AF:|
It’s on.
You sounded Great!
Mary Bergin music always reminds me of Irish Mist.
Did you know Diane just offered me a job filling in? I’m thrilled to bits… I hope I can make it as nice as the one this morning… that was really lovely.
Cool — and did you get my test message?
if you ever get to take a break… is there any of that taco with spinach dip stuff left over??? feeling peckish….
Sure, the fixings are on the left!
Dayum, I’m a gonna try this again, I wants an Ice Cold Beer, some gator tail, and a shot of te-kill-ya, Pulleeese maam ; )
(tucks on thumb behind the strap on his bib overalls and does a lil’ jig to the music a play’n)
Yeeeehaaaww,,,now alls we’s needs is a lil’ of dat corn licker….; ) Hooo Haaaaww
Here you are!
Hooooooo Laaawwwwdd..tanky lil’ lady, shoore nuff…myy, myy, myy…and looky dare, alls kinds of beers, and on ice…
dayum lil’ lady, is you’ins a marr-eed…cuz I’ma tell’n you now, a woman dat serves up grub like dat jest cain’t be a hang’n round on da loose ; )
psssst,,whilest yoor at eet, toss dat dare lil sniff’n glass out da winder…jest jerk da cork off’n dat bottle and let’s have a party….YeeeeHaawwww
A Little help from yer friends…

Hooooooo Haaaawwwwwwwwww, now dats da way…only use da jug ; ) LMAO
thanky dada,
LMAO…a few shots like that, and a person would get to look’n like that gal in the next booth with the balloons tied around her head…wonder if that helps hold her thoughts together ; )
Hi, katiebird. Anything left over from the cafe this morning? Since it’s 10:30 Sunday morning here in Japan, but I’d much rather have a big plate of pastries than a beer. Or, even better, some honest cake donuts? They do some pretty good pastries here, but don’t seem to have learned the esoteric art of the cake donut.
As is my habit on such mornings, I was watching cartoons and whatnot. Japanese kids shows are kinda odd in a variety of ways. Today I was tripping on some of the odd gender roles. Japan has a bad rap for being very patriarchial and traditional towards gender. There is a lot of truth to that, but as is often the case, things are more complicated.
First off was MagiRangers, the newest PowerRangers franchise. They probably haven’t made it to the States yet, but it’s pretty easy to imagine — you have all the typical PowerRangers stuff, except with a bunch of random Harry Potter things thrown in for no real reason. Not much to say about this show. Three young guys, and two young girls, all related, form a super-team of costumed magical superheroes who battle EVIL! It’s a boy’s show, and there is nothing particularly remarkable about it. The girls have stereotypically girly and cute superpowers, which aren’t nearly as useful as those of the boys. I don’t normally wake up early enough to watch this show, but when I do, I often will, just because.
Next is KabenRider Hibiki. It’s sort of a PowerRangers knock off, but with several twists and a VASTLY superior production quality. From a gender perspective, though, it’s easily the most traditional of the bunch. You have three guys who are superheroes, and they beat down monsters using musical instruments – taiko drum sticks, a trumpet-gun, or a guitar-sword. The monsters are summoned by strange, unidentified individuals in black or white robes, who inject strange liquids into the ground using their “Staff of Many Unidentified Gagues” — monsters then spring forth from the Earth. Each of the superheroes has an assistant, a girl, who helps keep their superhero-stuff in order and drives them around.
Then you have Pretty Cure : Max Heart, which is just plain bizarre. It’s an animated show, whose target audience seems to be 5-8 year old girls. The main characters are two junior-high girls, who for some reason or another have super-powers and fight evildoers. One is tomboy-ish, and is a lacrosse champ at school, while the other is more quite and intellectual, and is into science. When battling evildoers, they wear seriously frilly costumes, bedecked with lace fringe, ribbons, and heart-shaped jewelery. They don these costumes in a magical transformation sequence where they hold hands and are engulfed in a giant rainbow beam, after which whatever they were wearing before transforms into their superhero costumes. They then proceed to unleash amazing kung-fu powers on the evildoers, who are normally very tall and very muscular adult men. The fight scenes could easily come straight from DragonBall Z, the paragon of boys fighting animation. They typically finish the battles by summoning their Combo Lightning Power Blast, which they activate by holding hands. This week, their Power Blast was powered up another notch because they gained a new frilly, ribbon-bedecked wristband which allowed them to tap into “The Power of Hope,” of something like that. The show seems to have next to no coherent plot lines, and follows the same formula in all of the episodes I’ve seen – but it is wildly popular. I often catch the beginning or end of it because it’s sandwiched between the two shows I like, Kabenrider Hibiki and Gash Bell, but rarely watch a full episode.
Gash Bell is just out there. The main premise is that denizens of the demon world have come to the human world to train for some big battle that will eventually determine the next king of the demon world. Some are good, and some are bad. Oddly enough, many of them seem to be around 8 years old, like the title character, Gash Bell. It sounds better in Japanese, where neither word has any meaning. To use their magic powers, each demon needs to be partnered with a human, who activates their special attacks by reading from a magic book. There are both male teams, female teams, and mixed male/female teams. The most bad-assed team has a tall blond Frenchwoman teamed up with a distinctly shorter, hairy, zombie-looking fellow – they both have a mean attitude and appearance, but are more or less on the “good” side of things. On one of the other mixed teams, the two are married. There’s also a team composed of a guy and a horse. I’m drawing straws trying to think of a coherent analysis of this show’s gender roles – they just don’t seem to matter much.
Anyway, I hope you found this interesting.
Oops, I’ve been chatting away over at the other cafe without realizing it was closed. You know me. I talk to myself a lot.
Now I want to experiment with what you taught over there, katiebird.
And if I type them here, will they go underneath?
Should I go across the way to see what you left behind?
Nah, I was just responding to comments. You’ve had a long day! Maybe it’s time for us to start bringing you drinks. Too bad you can’t put your feet up and read Harry Potter tonight like I can, heh heh heh.
Now that was just mean, kansas!
Actually, it’s just as well my copy — the
— hasn’t arrived. I’m too exhausted to hold a book that thick today.
I’m reading that new
book (nice and slim) that I ordered at the same time instead.
I think Abbott said his trip is on hold until Emily blows over.
I’m going to take a break for a little bit. But, I’ll be back soon.
Did the image and text display like you want?
All Right With Me
I want to say:
in turquoise Bold…. Verdana, or Garamond, or ComicSans,,, or anything really.
If you examine the
. The only way to control fonts or their display in the comments is through the < DIV> tag.
So here is the code to do the trick above:
< div style=”display: inline; color: #43C6DB; font-family: Verdana; font-weight: bold; font-size:xx-large;”>Allowed HTML< /div>
That display: inline; is what displays the < div> on the same line as the rest of the text. Without it the DIVs default to block display and display on the their own line.
For those who didn’t meet me this “morning” (more like early afternoon after I dragged myself out of bed) at the Froggy Bottom Cafe…well, go here.
Hello, all. A round of drinks on me. Saturday night means martinis, no? Or, margueritas?
thanks Petey, I’ll just have te-kill-ya, with the same as a chaser..LOL
Infidel, you used to sound kinda sexy when you didn’t have such an accent, what happened to you, too long in the swamp, friend.
I would prefer to see you more as the Rhett Butler, kind of fella. lol
But I still like you no matter the accent.
So what are you going to sing tonight…
LOL…well Chawlotte my darlin, let’s must be the tequila ; ) …or probably the 3 real time beers I had out by the lake this evening with my son, and ol’ yellar ; )
as for the sing’n, well now lady, that would make all the frogs leave the pond…LMAO
I see, well I do feel better then that the real Infidel is still in there somewhere.
So you have a son, how old…don’t think you mentioned him before.
He’s 19, just joined me here a few weeks ago, and I’m gett’n him used to da swamp ; )
ps. He still thinks dad is a lil’ crazy, chas’n gator’s out of the lake and the ponds, LOL..truth is, it’s only the agressive ones, and mainly for the sake of the pup, Ol’ Yellar, gators love dog, they will follow him around the ponds and lake, and wait their chance, so I move them out, and most times, they really don’t wanna go, but I “encourage” them..
My son is enjoying all the fishing, and hang’n out in the woods though, he thinks it pretty cool. He’s my youngest son, and is going to be working with me.
19 is an interesting age, my youngest son is about to turn 25. Big difference between when he was 19, and now, he has matured so much in those few years. He now has wisdom in many areas that I have relied on myself and that sure is nice.
How old is your oldest and how many kids do you have.
What size gators do you have there?? How do you get them to leave?
My oldest son would have been 36 this past April, lost him about 11 years ago. Oldest daughter would have been 33, lost her 32yrs ago.
Now have the second family, son 19, daughter 15, and she’s with her mother, but comes down for the summer season and holidays. Both pretty good kids, they are just normal teenagers, you know how that goes.
The gators vary in size, and mostly don’t bother anyone or anything, but some are more agressive, and it’s been the breeding and nesting season, so their a lil’ more touchy this time of year.
I discourage them by harassment, and some fireworks, that usually makes them find another place to hang out, and since I’m in an area of over 60,000 acres of lakes, they have plenty of places to go. They range from 3 feet to a couple have passed through that were in the 12+ range, they are a lil fiesty when you go to mess’n with them ; ) but hey, I’m a persistant ol’ fart…LOL
have a wonderful even’n folks, and NO driving after drink’n ; ) (may cause harm to your keyboard and monitor, and possible crash damage to hard drive ; )
Time for this ol’ fart to turn in, and start the world anew in the morn’n…..N’nite all…
Peace be with you and yours always.
Hi Petey, I did see your intro this morning and welcome to the site…I hope you like it here, seems like you feel at home already!
It’s so easy to feel at home here.
Katiebird, you’ve been working all day… did you get a break, and who’s on crew with you?
I hope the old cafe doesn’t get deleted… I really loved it… the artwork, and the books, I’d like to go back there from time to time… it was such a safe harbor….
Which reminds me, can I have one of the usual and where’s Abbott?
Hey can I help you here, I will be glad to step in. Cafe’s don’t get deleted, but there are many, many…
I notice you are new to the site and we haven’t met yet so, hi and welcome…
If you like the cafe would you be interested in hosting on occasion. We are a little short and need fill ins from time to time.
Let us know?
But I don’t think I’d be as quick with the food and drink as katiebird, kansas, cabin girl and brotherfeldspar…. but I can fill in… and I certainly know my way around a bar… I can mix some drinks and fake what I don’t know… but I can’t clean the place, or anything too strenuous… and I would have to take breaks every few hours, as there are always communiques from the Loved One, checking up and little nidges of work to file away…..
Been a busy day here in the Scribe household!
After I logged off for the day, I had my breakfast; by the time the spouse got showered and moving he decided it was getting too late in the day to head to Urgent Care to get his blood pressure checked, so we decided to wait and go first thing tomorrow morning when they open at 7am (I thank God/Goddess for a strong union that gets good medical benefits for the members!). So we spent the day running errands, including a stop at Borders to get Harry Potter and a few other books, and Target for a wrist blood pressure monitor to help him keep on track (we hope).
Magic Bullet(tm) report for those who requested it this morning: worked like a dream. I mixed ice cubes, frozen berries, and some orange juice in one of the drink cups that comes with the unit, mixed for a bit, then added a banana and mixed more. Absolutely delicious! The ice didn’t get crushed like it was supposed to, but if I’m going to be using frozen fruit I don’t know if I really need the ice anyway. Had the fruit smoothie and half a bagel with light cream cheese; good start to eating better. The cup rinsed out easily with warm water, and all the parts (except the power base) are dishwasher-safe. The one thing to watch out for is not to run the unit longer than one minute continuously, or it overheats; doing the pulse seems to be okay.
Have a great evening, everyone! 🙂
Goodnight everyone, see you tomorrow.
Thanks, Kb. Sweet dreams.