I used one of those online services to send a message to my Senators about the Downing Street Minutes.  Senator Santorum was kind enough to reply with a computer generated mass mailing (although he could use a better name stripping algorythm- “…, Esq.” is no way to finish off a salutation.
The defense he presents of the Bush administration really makes me think that he beleives Chimpy to be guilty as hell and going down.  I do some nickle and dime midemeanor defense work, and no matter how much I despised my oh so guilty client, I’d never make suuch a lame argument.
Santorum’s conviction by faint defense below the fold.

Dear Mr. [Cicero], Esq.:

Thank you for contacting me regarding a memorandum prepared for British Prime Minister Tony Biair, now known as the “Downing Street Memo.” I appreciate-hearing from you and having the benefit of your views on this important matter.

As you may be aware, a British newspaper released the Downing Street Memo on May 1, 2005. This memo refers to a meeting alleged to have taken place on July 23,2002 between British Prime Minister Tony Blair and his senior national security team. At this alleged meeting, concerns were voiced over the legality of possible options in resolving the conflict with Iraq.

The Downing Street Memo, reportedly written by Blair aide Matthew Rycroft, highlights the minutes trom the meeting. The minutes of the memo claim that military action against Iraq seemed to be the decided route favored by the United States long before any effort was made to work with the United Nations (UN) toward a diplomatic resolution. The memo also claims that there was no strong evidence to support military action against Saddam Hussein and his regime.

Before the invasion of Iraq, the United States and the coalition forces were in the process of reviewing the intelligence information available at that time. At that time, the appropriate course of action was to formulate a range of options to ensure the safety of our citizens and those abroad, especially in the aftermath of the September 11 th terrorist attacks. According to the world’s best intelligence sources, Saddam Hussein posed a serious threat to the United States and the Middle East as a whole.

No consensus position could be reached on Iraqi non-compliance with the UN Security Resolution 1441. Therefore, military action was seen as a viable option to ensure compliance.

Prime Minister Tony Blair has restated his firm belief that the United States, as well as the Coalition forces, acted correctly and justly based on Hussein’s resistance to comply [sic] with the UN Security Resolution 1441.   

As you may know, the Bush Administration has stated that the decision-making process to resolve the Iraq conflict has been made public and that taking military action was only pursued after Iraq did not adhere to its international responsibilities. The U.S. did go to the UN in an effort to build international support for mandating Saddam Hussein’s compliance with his UN obligation.

As you may be aware, several Democratic Members of Congress have signed letters to President Bush requesting a response to the Downing Street Memo. Please know that I believe the President made the correct decision based on the intelligence that he was given at the time.

The hard work of our men and women of the Armed Forces serving in Iraq, together with Coalition forces, have helped transition the once brutal regime into a country that now embraces democracy. Since military operations began in Iraq, approximately 33,000 teachers have since been trained, and 2,500 schools have been renovated. Over one hundred health clinics have also been opened, and approximately five million children under the age of five have been immunized.

Please know that I fully support the men and women of our military who put their lives on the line each day to help provide security and stability to the people of Iraq and the Middle East as a whole.

Thank you again for contacting me. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call on me.


Rick Santorum United States Senate


P.S. Sen. Santorum should really save Pennsylvanians some embarassment and change his name.  I certainly would if I were named after something that nasty.