It’s now possible that the tribunal process may be crippled by a severe brain drain.
“Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Chalabi, a former Pentagon favorite” — I love that description — has dismissed nine members of the Iraqi Special Tribunal because they’re Baathists. Chalabi is reviewing the “cases of 19 others, including the chief investigative judge.”
I liked how INN World Report began its report of this story on today’s broadcast:
“While he awaits his pardon* from Jordan for fraud and embezzlement, interim Deputy PM Chalabi…” (Typed from memory; there’s no transcript.)
* Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has asked Jordan’s King Abdullah to absolve Ahmad Chalabi of crimes for which Jordan sentenced him, in absentia, to prison. (Science Daily, May 20, 2005)
“We believe that many Baathists have infiltrated the special tribunal and they should be dismissed,” said Entifadh Qanbar, Chalabi’s spokesman.
“The reasons behind the delay in the trial of Saddam is the presence of Baathists in the special tribunal, and they represent an obstacle to the trial of the former regime members.” (AP/TimesLeader)
Col. Pat Lang (bio) at No Quarter adds this observation to today’s news story:
Hmmm! What is that noise in the distance? Tumbrils? Can we not manage a fair trial for these people. They are undoubtedly guilty of crimes against humanity. Can we not manage the dignity of Nuremberg?
On June 12, Juan Cole commented — in reference to the Baathist opposition leaders, not the tribunal participants — that:
a political settlement has to begin with a formal amnesty for all Baath Party members who cannot be proved to have done anything criminal.
My feeling is that Cole’s simple, logical standard should also be applied to Baathist tribunal members and judges. Chalabi made a wrong move here, and I predict this may complicate, not fix, any problems in the tribunal process.
Chalabi has, in effect, cut the head off the judicial process. Without experienced tribunal members and judges, the process is doomed. Is that what Chalabi wants?
Update [2005-7-20 22:58:5 by SusanHu]:
I just found this in my Inbox:
U.S. Said Delaying Saddam Interrogations
Iraqi Justice Minister Says U.S. Is Trying to Delay Interrogations of Saddam Hussein
Iraqi’s justice minister said Tuesday that U.S. officials are trying to delay interrogations of Saddam Hussein.
Justice Minister Abdel Hussein Shandal, in Brussels for an international conference on Iraq, also accused the U.S. of concealing information about the ousted Iraqi leader.
“It seems there are lots of secrets they want to hide,” he told The Associated Press in an exclusive interview.
Shandal also said Saddam’s trial would be over by the end of the year.
American officials have privately urged caution about rushing into a trial, saying the Iraqis need to developed a solid judicial system. They also worry it could interfere with the important constitution writing process and inflame sectarian tensions.
Though Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari’s Shiite-led government is determined to put Saddam on trial, circumstances may not allow it.
His government earlier this month said Saddam’s trial would be held within two months, but later backtracked. No trial date has been set for Saddam or any of the other former regime officials being held in custody.
Saddam’s trial could be a highly divisive issue in already turbulent Iraq. If court proceedings begin in two months, they will coincide with the crucial process of drafting the constitution. The draft must be finished by mid-August and approved in a referendum two months later, clearing the way for December elections. …
Just what do you do in a country where all the judges, etc. with any experience were part of the previous regime? Junk them all?
What’s going on here?
Interesting,isn’t it, Susan?
This whole mess is developiing into something else!
Maybe we ought to give him to Judith to help him out…;o)
I like how you’re always thinking and plotting, Brenda!
but this series of events with Judith, Chalabi, Cheney, Tenant and Bush are stuck in my brain. I know Judith and Chalabi were really close. I wonder if Judith’s contact in the White House spilled the Iran intelligence to her and then she spilled it to Chalabi.
May 20, 2004: U.S., Iraqi Forces Raid Home of Ex-Ally Chalabi
June 2, 2004: U.S. Investigates Chalabi for breach on Iran Code
June 2, 2004: Bush finds a lawyer to use if called in the CIA leak case.
June 3, 2004: George Tenant Resigns
June 4, 2004: Confirmation that Cheney had testified before the grand jury.
Sorry to throw a Traitorgate comment on this but whenever I see Chalabi’s name, I can’t help but wonder why in the hell he has any position of authority over there in Iraq.
My mind reels at the possibilities ….
What if big mouth Judy was chatting it up with Chalabi and mentioned Plame and/or Brewster Jennings? Chalabi in turns mentions it to Iranian intel — because obviously they’d want to know about an undercover CIA operative monitoring sales of WMD devices.
reminds me of Austin Powers. Don’t ask me why.
I cross-posted this at DKos where I was lectured about the insensitivity of my title so I chickened out and changed it.
what a pain.
Just having an Ali G moment.
Speaking of which, is he coming back?! Please.
Yeah, people with nothing better to do than criticize. I noticed he didn’t contribute anything to the discussion.
Maybe some people find when their creative juices have dried up they feel the need to apply the heat to everyone else’ because as far as I can see comments like that only serve to suppress thinking.