Or better known as…
People are dying. Poor people are dying. They are dead. Many, many of them.
Not from the storm. But from a man-made disaster. One that was wholly preventable.
I do not care to argue your points Illusionsofmagic about the terminology people are using as they witness this destruction of humanity in front of thier eyes as their leader, their President, jokes about rebuilding that racist SOB Trent Lott’s house and sittin’ back and drinking on his front porch.
I’m a tad bit hot on the rhetoric myself now-adays… for example… I really couldn’t care less about what “the media” or “supposed rightwing nutbars who will magically do ten hail mary’s and come over to the good side if we only don’t say this, or don’t support that, or accept money from them” think about me or anyone else yelling into the wilderness as people are starving, drowning and living in rivers of shit and petrochemicals.
Sorry for ruining your tea.
However, frankly, at the moment, I would rather talk about Tim Russert and Don Imus on national TV & radio for 16 minutes this morning lamenting and raging about how the government was accountable for the aftermath of Katrina and the death and devestation suffered by tens of thousands, if not hundreds or millions of American citizens.
Forgive the poor transcription, I’m not really a stenographer, but I do the best I can… anyway, you should really listen to it and not read what I typed, but your call, c’est la vie and all… 😉
the one thing govt is supposed to do, the reason we have a govt is to protect its people
now we need to find out exactly who did not fulfill their responsibility
we were told it was not a matter of if, but when
no command and control, no communication, no preparation
that is what we have to find out, who’s accountable.
this notion now that we are all too busy now and need to look forwards, we can’t look back. we can do both.
imus – we need some answers now. the fundamental observation that many american’s are making now is that if Beverly Hills or Westport Ct were under 20 ft underwater it wouldn’t have taken 5 days to get people out, it wouldn’t have taken 5 mins.
russert – amtrak, greyhound, fedex, ups, cruise ships to evacuate people and then have a place to bring them.
does anyone in this country have any confidence that if there was another terrorist attack or hurricane today or tomorrow we would do it any better.
what has gone on the last 4 years since sept 11th?…
it reminds me so much of what happened after iraq and the wmd.. when no weapons were found it was suggested then by the admin “well, we can’t talk about that now”…
It cant be brushed under the rug.
…That’s not communications breaking down, that’s a human disaster.
Imus – Kayne West said bush doesn’t care about black people…now I don’t believe that to be the case, but I do believe that neither he nor anyone else cares enough about them. and if you’re him or a black person in NO what else are you supposed to think? the facts are the facts.
russert – you can’t say things like that, there’s no evidence…
imus – well the evidence is, there’s plenty of evidence
russert –
there were 10’s of thousands at the convention center without food or water and on thurs chertoff and brown say they didn’t know they were there? command and control, come on.
There is nothing disloyal or being not patriotic about asking tough questions thats why we’re here. we need to hold the govt accountable, especially when there are bodies floating in the streets of New Orleans.
imus – he acted like a road was flooded on that stupid ranch of his
IllusionsofMagic… Listen to all 16 minutes of it and then take 10 breaths and chill out. Actually, that’s a good idea for everybody.
The tides are changing. People are talking. People are WAKING UP. And you know what… a lot of this conversation wouldn’t be happening on a NATIONAL scale if we weren’t having it on a micro scale in our daily lives… including on a blog… so disagree or agree with the stance, it has gotten people talking… and most of what they are saying is… yeah, I can see your point or can at least understand why you might see it that way.
to the Red Cross for each person who troll rates me 🙂
… here’s a link to donate if you haven’t already….
and here’s another one to find a lost pet….
so all I had for you was a 4.
well, then you have forced me to ammend my plan… I’ll know donate a dollar for every 4 someone gives me…
(reverse pyschology, wonder if it will work?)
seriously tho’ peeps, I am planning a donation and figured this would be a nice little ‘top off’ to it… always hated round numbers anyway.
into process of finding out and establishing the facts on the ground.
Task of first responders is to be with the suffering and offering aid. Task of all Americans is to offer support and aid for all our brothers and sisters in need.
I went out of my way in trying to find the sanity after a disaster, and looked at the relief response of Holland in 1953 where the province of Zeeland and surrounding area drowned in a Sea Surge – 8% of the country was inundated. Storm damage had hit the whole country, however the rescue started during the storm and picked up within hours after the winds subsided.
In NOLA, the evacuation of people lacked organization and coordination – you need to keep local communities together, too many persons are just LOST. Human beings have been uprooted and thrown on a pile for removal. Only when they reach a new shelter out of state, you see their fellow Americans respond with great compassion and love. This needs to be continued for many months.
It’s for the blog community to monitor and give support wherever possible. It would be an asset to try some coordination on blog community level here at BooMan’s Place. You see this happen at Daily Kos with kosopedia input, and to locate missing persons at parish level in NOLA.
Keep on blogging – find the truth and correspond!
New Orleans police and volunteers use boats to rescue residents from a flooded neighborhood on the east side of New Orleans. AP Photo/Eric Gay
CHEERS to all NOPD officers who did not fail their community and were available 24/7!
JEERS to the Feds who decided NOT to start rescue missions and blocked AID – may they be punished a christian way – burn in hell.
CHEERS to all volunteers who saved their brothers and sisters lives :: made it Priority nr. 1
JEERS to all high paid Feds who consider press conferences their means of survival.
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I hit the post button and realized …
where is the edit function?
hey oui my friend… just cause there’s a CA after a name don’t mean it’s automatically catnip…
I’m hurt you didn’t recognize my particular brand of snark… after all this time splashing in the frog pond together… that’s it.. I can’t handle it anymore…
to the frog pond bottom …
don’t know yet whether to surface and start to breath again!
Oh get over it! Everybody knows I must be thanked at least 3 times a day or I’ll turn into a Republican pumpkin. Join the movement. Save me! Save Me!
No – thank YOU! 🙂
Is everyone OK???? I can’t do it myself, but has there been a head count?
I know I’m not… I’m crushed actually.
But then again, who am I to call a lighthouse a lighthouse?
ps – speaking of lost Canucks… we’re down to 7 missing in NOLA now, so here’s hoping they come home safe soon.
Don’t tempt me, spiderleaf!
For the love of Pete – you haven’t been banned yet?!?! Stunning. Simply. Stunning. Oops – did I just say that out loud? What I meant to say was this:
Good morning dear lady – I could never overlook an opportunity to comply with your requests for troll ratings (or a lively banning, for that matter). So. . .POOF! I gave you a “1”. (It’s an extra special “1”, straight from my heart – a rating I’ve been saving just for you. I planned to give it to you on your birthday . . . but. . .)
Sadly. . .<sniff> I lost my TU superpowers, so I’m no longer allowed to sit at the grownup table with the cool people, and I no longer have the ability to give you a zero. (Please be assured – I’d be the first to super-troll you, if only I could.)
Thank you for sharing this thoughtful idea. (It’s so. . .um. . .uncharacteristic of you ;^) All snark aside – you’re a real gem and I feel blessed to “know” you.
Wishing you – and all – a very peaceful day surrounded by hope, love and kindness.
(((BIG HUGS)))
I knew I could count on you A!
Man, what a sight for sore eyes you are… and still out there proving that you’re the only one on the site who pays attention to me!
Thanks to all for the ratings, We’re at 22+13 (I’m counting another comment as well just because)… so that’s umm… $35 extra greenbacks.
I’m waiting until 5pm eastern and then in it goes, so encourage all your friends to come on over, join Boo and troll rate me. It’s for a worthy cause.
ps – Anamolous, where ya been all these weeks, we’ve (okay, I’ve) missed ya!
Tonight, Brinnainne and I had a HUGE LONG RANT conversation together– and it eased my mind — ALOT.
I recommend it highly.
Well I actually ventured out of the blogosphere and attended the North County Coastal Progressives meeting tonight. Pretty good turnout but where do I start? They want to do all these little feel good things like candle light vigils and setting up an Arlington West on a beach and alot of nice little environmental projects. I voiced my opinion that these were all ncie things to do but what did they accomplish? Have you called your senator today? Have you called your congressman today? How do we get rid of George Bush? Let’s have a candle light vigil so we can feel better. Needless to say I was very disappointed. Three of us ended up leaving after about two hours of this and disaster preparedness lectures. One gal was great she is an attorney and we exchanged emails and phone#. We both felt the same about looking for the same thing…action. Getting Bush out now. I’ll keep working on it guys but boy was that disappointing. There was no one there younger than 50. We both feel we need to get the younger folks involved. Any ideas gang? I am new to all this activist stuff.
There are sometimes moments of people’s true anger that needs to be vented.
In Europe what comes to mind is Madrid 3/11 and Brussel’s white mars.
Madrid 3/11 Bombing
In Holland the practrise has become an affront to its own intention. Many, many times a vigil is combined with quiet protest mars through the city for a youth killed in night time “useless murder”. Often caused by late night – early morning – quarrel turns into a fight and out of vengeance someone pulls a knife or a handgun and some bystander gets killed. The people of the town want to protest the lack of police patrol or the inability of the AG or Justice to find appropriate punishment.
When the lead person in the mars is the mayor or fellow politicians, that turns me off for sure. Leadership demonstrating the failure of leadership. Now where do we see the same very recently?
Bush bypassed New Orleans
22 bodies found lashed together
Sheriff Jack Stephens of St. Bernard Parish said rescuers found 22 bodies lashed together around a pole -- a desperate, futile attempt to survive the storm in the tiny village of Violet along the eastern bank of the Mississippi River. He said he believed they had tied themselves together, one by one, so they could escape the rising water.
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A follow up to my comment above. Awoke to an email in my box this morning from one of the men that was at the meeting last night. He started with, “Hey, meeting got a little hot tonight…it’s about time.”
He has organised a protest for this Fri, at the county court house downtown. You see, my great leader of district 50 is none other than “Duke” Cunningham. He goes on trial there Fri,. I had said last night that id we are going to do anything to get rid of the filth that is ruining our country we must satart at the local level. Many shook there heads in agreement. It’s a start. Too bad I have to work at the time it is being held or I would be there in a heartbeat.Maybe, just maybe I planted a seed. Maybe instead of having a beach cleanup day here they will restructure their priorities. Call me crazy, I still hold on to that thin thread of hope.
how we make this demand is up to each of us. But it starts with the demand, and goes from their.