Physician who told Cheney to go F*ck Himself Lost his Home in Katrina, Detained, Cuffed by Cheney’s M-16-carrying Goons

Update [2005-9-10 0:1:47 by susanhu]: Raw Story reports that EBay has nixed the auction of Marble’s video.

by Jackson Thoreau, OpEdNews

(Via Crooks & Liars … News Footage Video)

Dr. Ben Marble, a young emergency room physician who plays in alternative rock bands:

“I had no intention of harming anyone but merely wanted to echo Mr. Cheney’s infamous words back at him … At that moment, I noticed the Secret Service guys with a panic-stricken look on their faces, like they were about to tackle me, so I calmly walked away back to my former house.”

His friend videotaped a little bit longer and then came back to Marble’s house. As they were salvaging a few things from Marble’s home, two military police waving M-16’s showed up and said they were looking
for someone who fit Marble’s description who had cursed at Cheney.

“I told them I was probably the person they were looking for, and so they put me in handcuffs and ‘detained’ me for about 20 minutes or so,” Marble wrote. “My right thumb went numb because the cuffs were on so tight, but they were fairly courteous and eventually released me after getting all my contact info. They said I had NOT broken any laws so I was free to go.”

… A physician with a newborn baby loses most everything he owns in the hurricane, does what most of us WANT to do and “echoes” Cheney’s words he spoke on the Senate floor last year, walks away [and] once the media cameras leave, he is treated like a foreign terrorist as Cheney’s goons waving M-16s handcuff him in front of his destroyed home? Had it not been for the media cameras filming the initial scene, I doubt Cheney’s goons would have just let Marble go after 20 minutes. […]

So go to eBay here and place a bid for this important video to help Marble …

Marble also has an Internet site with photo[s] at HurricaneKatrinaSucked. A photo of him is here, and you can also email Marble at