It had to happen somewhere, sooner or later, and none of us should be surprised that it has happened first in Texas. The rabidly anti-choice mob comprising the majority of the Texas Legislature passed a law this year that finally has abortion-providing physicians exactly where the Rapture Right wants them: subject to the death penalty.
How could such a thing have happened? In a state like mine, how can you ask?
The new law was signed by Rick Perry at a Fort Worth church three months ago, on the same occasion that he notoriously suggested that returning Iraq veterans should come back to anywhere but Texas . . . if they were gay.
But at least he didn’t sign their death warrants.
“It has been a tragedy of unspeakable consequences that for decades activist courts denied many Texas parents their right to be involved in one of the most important decisions their young daughter could ever make – whether to end the life that was growing inside her,” Perry told a crowd of about 1,000 people gathered at the Calvary Christian Academy. “For too long, a blind eye has been turned to the rights of our most vulnerable human beings – that’s the unborn in our society.”
Texas already had a parental notification bill, approved in 1999. The new, tougher measure requires a parent to provide written consent for unmarried girls under 18.
Before Perry spoke, several pastors received standing ovations and shouts of “Amen!” from the crowd as they touted the two measures being signed by Perry.“It seems to me that people of the great state of Texas will be silent no more,” said Rod Parsley, of the Center for Moral Clarity in Ohio. “Folks in this room understand, God is still watching.”
Pastor Larry White of Our Savior Lutheran Church in Houston said the gathering inside the church school was about life, family and marriage.“There are those that would drive people of faith from the public square if they could,” White said.
Perry spokeswoman Kathy Walt said many of the critics “would object to this bill-signing if it were in a public school, a library, a Wal-Mart parking lot or any other venue, because they oppose pro-life and pro-family issues.”
This particular critic doesn’t give a nickel-plated damn where Brother Perry signed such an appallingly framed and potentially lethal excuse for a statute. If he didn’t realize what he was doing, he’s merely hopelessly incompetent. But if he did know, there are no words for what he is.
Sunday, August 28
Texas Authorizes Death for Some Abortion ProvidersAbortion providers in Texas who don’t follow the exacting letter of that State’s abortion law are eligible for capital punishment according to the Texas District and County Attorneys Association’s Lindsay Roberts. “This is a case study of sorts on how changing one code can have dramatic effects on other codes that actually reference those statutes,” Roberts said. “I presented it as an unintended consequence on a change to the civil code, but you will have to talk to your local prosecutors there about how they will handle those situations. I just presented what the Legislature has done.”
The Waco Tribune-Herald notes:
Roberts noted that the Legislature two years ago altered the definition of an individual in homicide statutes from “a human being who has been born and is alive” to “a human being who is alive, including an unborn child at every stage of gestation, from fertilization until birth.”There was debate when the definition of individual was changed about whether the effect would make abortion the equivalent of murder. So lawmakers took particular care to write into the homicide statute that a lawful medical procedure performed with consent by a physician or other licensed health-care provider, if the death of the unborn child was the intended result, is an abortion. That provided a lawful defense or exception to homicide laws.
Continuing to connect the statutory dots, however, Roberts told local prosecutors that there is no such defense provided for a doctor who performs an unlawful medical procedure, such as an abortion on a minor without parental consent.
So, in effect, the doctor would have killed a child younger than 6 in an illegal abortion and thereby subjected himself or herself to potential prosecution for capital murder, Roberts told the dumbfounded audience.
OK, I’m not a doctor, so all I can be charged with is having an average degree of imagination.
Scenario #1: Kim and Katie are sisters. Kim is 17 and Katie is 19, but like many other sisters, they look alike enough to be twins. Their devoutly antiabortion parents hate Kim’s boyfriend, believe that she broke up with him when they ordered her to stop seeing him three months ago – and now Kim is pregnant. There will be hell to pay if Mom and Dad find out, so Kim makes an appointment for an abortion in Katie’s name. She borrows her sister’s driver’s license, presents it at the clinic as her own ID, and no one suspects a thing. A week later, while Kim is at school, Mom tosses her bedroom and finds a crumpled note from Kim’s best friend that mentions Kim’s abortion.
Scenario #2: There’s already a ton of paperwork required for getting an abortion in Texas. There’s a consent form for the ultrasound and the prerequisite lab tests. There’s a receipt for the clinic’s HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices, and another signature to attest that a woman has received a copy of her aftercare instructions. There’s a consent form for IV sedation, and yet another for the abortion procedure itself. And then there’s the woman’s signed certification that the doctor personally gave her a laundry list of state-mandated information (including dire warnings of such mythical consequences of abortion as breast cancer and thoughts of suicide), and that she afterward completed a 24-hour waiting period before her procedure — a document without which no abortion in Texas can be legally performed. Somewhere amid all this documenting and attesting, a woman will have questions about birth control, about how the abortion procedure itself is going to feel, and about a dozen other things.
If the patient is a minor, her mother will have many questions of her own. And while a clinic’s staff is making sure that having an abortion really is the teenager’s idea and not just what her parents want, detailing the patient’s medical history, flagging the chart for medical evaluation, filling out the lab requisition form for a Pap smear or selecting informational materials for the girl to take home — or while they’re doing any number of other necessary things — it’s humanly possible that they could overlook yet one more form, the one that certifies parental consent.
Scenario #3: The parental notification law was part of the Texas Family Code, but in its fervid zeal to tighten restrictions on abortion, the Lege attached the new consent law as an amendment to an entirely different section of the state statutes. The law requires the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners to provide doctors with an official consent form for compliance, but TSBME says that it will be next spring before they create that form and make it available. Until then, doctors are on their own, and simply will have to hope that whatever documentary standards they come up with now eventually will prove to have met legal criteria yet unknown. But I’m sure that’s nothing for them to worry about — not in Texas.
Before September 1, performing an abortion without having a teenager’s parent sign a form could have cost doctors their licenses to practice. Now, under the law of the State of Texas, it could cost them their lives.
And it seems odd that some of the holy hyenas who howled the loudest about stopping abortion during the legislative session now seem unusually reluctant to comment about what they’ve accomplished.
In signing the parental consent bill, Perry said, “Today, we are laying down a significant marker in the effort to create a culture of life by protecting those who can’t protect themselves, by giving voice to the voiceless who yearn for life.”
Robert Black, the governor’s deputy press secretary, said last week that his office was not aware of the potential created by the new bill for doctors who perform illegal abortions to face possible death sentences.
“During the legislative process, a lot of folks see conspiracies everywhere,” Black said. “But the fact is that the parental notification law as well as the parental consent legislation that the governor has always supported is intended to protect young girls and protect the rights of parents. What you mentioned is a hypothetical and we are not going down the road of hypotheticals.”
Cold comfort, when everybody knows how they enforce the death penalty down here in Texas — hypothetically.
Roberts said he is no conspiracy theorist.
“We are just giving facts. . . . Roberts said. “It shows you that when they change one thing, for whatever reason they changed it, it can have an effect on other things. It happens all the time. We are just telling it like it is.“
And I can’t think of a single reason not to believe him.
moiv… O.M.G.
Everything in your diary is extremely worrisome and frightening.
But this just blows my mind:
but that has been the law in Texas since September 1, 2003. And as you can see, it is rigorously enforced.
And next, it’ll be “Just prove that miscarriage was spontaneous, and we won’t have to execute you…” and before long, we’ll truly be living in Gilead…
moiv, is there anything we can do to stop these people? I read someone else’s comment earlier about Bill Maher saying on Friday, “face it, Roe is gone”. Do you feel that way too?
but in some places, it might not really matter all that much either way.
I’ve posted this diary at Kos, too, where Gooserock snarkily commented that we shouldn’t worry, because we’ve got the Supreme Court to protect us. And I replied that yeah, Roe still survives . . . on a feeding tube.
In all too many states, TRAP laws ensure that that’s just the way it is.
They’re about to introduce their “95-10” plan, which, among other things:
The materials couldn’t assert very much, as most procedures are quite easy medically. But that won’t stop the sensationalist rhetoric, vetted of course by the white men in Washington.
So forget parental rights after all. The State now has direct authority over the womb. –Or so the Democrats “for life” would have.
Let’s all welcome back that lovely old practice pertaining to abortions..something to do with coat hangers I believe.
And signing these laws, any law, in a church drives me crazy. Is that even constitutionally legal? Then again isn’t it Texas that has right in the republican party platform the statement or by laws that the bible takes precedence over the Constitution?
let’s think this thru: On the first test case, some TX jury finds a doctor guilty in a scenario like those you’ve suggested. This is not a peon; this is a doctor with money and legal insurance and the ACLU, NARAL, etc. It gets bumped up to the District Court level and ruled un-Constitional. Then it gets bumped to the Supreme Court and… oh yeah, we’re fucked; they’ll side with “state’s rights” when it suits them.
Oddly enough, “state’s rights” will not apply when CA wants to penalize gas providers over emission standards or WA decides doctor-assisted termination of late-stage cancer patients is okay. CA legalizes medical marijuana — not allowed. TX legalizes murdering doctors — allowed.
One of my Republican friends reacted to my latest irate email by saying, “Take some condolence from the fact that Bush will be gone soon and because of the tragedies that have fallen upon him, I’m sure a Democrat will win next time.” She’s a very sweet person, by the way, and wasn’t being snarky at all. <gag>
I hate to ask the obvious question to Christo-fascist parents, but… If your teenage daughter has gotten pregant, in what way does your colossal, total failure as a parent qualify you to have a say over whether she gets an abortion or not? You didn’t give her the tools she needed to prevent unwanted pregnancy, so shouldn’t you be the last place anyone should be looking for advice?
I hate to ask the obvious question to Christo-fascist parents, but… If your teenage daughter has gotten pregant, in what way does your colossal, total failure as a parent qualify you to have a say over whether she gets an abortion or not?
It does not matter. Look, the guy who started and runs the Promise Keepers, an organization which exists to reinform men as to their proper dominant role in a proper Christian marriage had this problem. He owned a football team and he was gone a lot starting the Promise Keepers. His wife became depressed and stayed in her bedroom for several years and his teenage daughter reacted by having not just one but two OOW babies with members of the football team.
I listened to him and his wife in an interview on NPR several years ago discussing the problems in their marriage and with their parenting. And yet he makes his stamp on the culture by presenting his ideas as the final answer for a healthy marriage. It was as if his grandchildren and an untreated clinically depressed wife were minor gliches.
And don’t get me started on Randall Terry….
oooh shit oh shit oh shit-I
am so glad I am not a mother facing a teenager who is totally un-nerved and scared -in F-ing TX- where I used to live and where hate was the flavor of the day.
OH shit
Aright alright this apparently calls for an ‘underground railroad’ goddammit. I thought this was over but it is not.I had friends in the 60’s who went to NY and Sweden for theirs- so now we have to do that AGAIN? Goddammit.
goddammit- i will fucking finance it godammit-I was in that situation a zillion years ago and there is nobody- NOBODY that wanted to do the right thing more than I did -and I did — DO THE RIGHT thing – which was not to bring an unwanted child into the world- and be a burden to people who DID not WANT her-like I was.Because I was not wanted and I was never allowed to forget it,so I know.
NOTHING NOTHIN NOTHING makes me madder than this
I guess living under Taliban rule isn’t so bad, if you’re a devout follower, I suppose…
At this point I don’t count on the sheeple waking up anymore.
The only think that stops the theocrats is the moneygrubbers. I’d sure be nice if we could find a few issues that would piss off the moneygrubbers, that the theocrats would be forced to push for, to pop the fetid pimple that is the Republican party.
Oh, and its about damn time we liberals/progressives get off our asses and push for a constitutional amendment to protect privacy and personal freedom.
Tie it to contraceptive rights, medical records rights, anti-telemarketers, gun rights, right for individuals to pray in public, and whatever right-wing ‘individual privacy/rights’ we can co-opt — craft the language wide enough to encompases them all…
… and dare the Republicans to oppose the sucker.
Roe is dead. By leaving it at a supreme court decision we opened ourselves up for this line of attack. Only thing to do now is to get out there and fight to get them back.
Even if the amendment isn’t passed, the backlash against its opponents will be much higher than that against the silly flag-burning amendment proposals.
But until then, Texas is officially lost. Bastards.
Bastards ,one and all.
I tell myself that, with Perry’s approval rating at 38%, we’re gaining on the bastards.
But on my bad nights, I fear that I lie.
Good idea- your medical records will be open, your children’s medical records will be open, your legal history will be open, your ANYTHING will be open- OOPS was that a divorce decree I just saw? oops TOO BAD
yeah i hate to RUIN everyone’s evening.
but what really sucks about this rethug TRAP law is
it was empowered
by the democratic party.
as background the post linked above gives the voting records of the DINOS in texas who supported this bill. i posted it trying to get an answer ABOUT WHY out of the democratic candidate for texas governor who’ll be running against Rick Perry.
i AM STILL HOLDING MY BREATH awaiting a response.
:::Renee <—turning blue here::::
try searching Chris Bell’s site for mention of women’s reproductive rights.
damn, you know?
you won’t finda thing.
women in texas. fucked by both parties. coming and going.
don’t hold it til you turn blue bayprairie
I have had ENOUGH of this –ENOUGH- time to stop f-ckin around -email me moiv – -I aim to stop this shit in its tracks. ENOUGH
Moiv, thank you for taking pains to keep us all aware of what is happening on the battlefront! My husband and I just spent the weekend in Savannah, getting a little coupleship time away from the kids. Sadly, we originally had reservations for New Orleans. We just wanted to go someplace close that was romantic. While we were coming home though yesterday I received a frantic call from my daughter. It is hard to be an outspoken, educated, realistic parent in the South. My daughter told me that a girl that she doesn’t know well phoned her very upset and has nobody to talk to. She is 17 and pregnant. She is from a prominent religious family here. Her boyfriend and his parents know and want her to have an abortion and are willing to provide all that is needed, but all agree that her parents must never know! This poor girl has heard through the grapevine about my daughter and her bizarre mother and called attempting to get some support of some kind. She is scared to death and feels like she has no “choice” right now! I have not spoken with her yet but told my daughter that I certainly would if she wanted to talk with me about EVERYTHING so that she can make HER CHOICE! These are such difficult and sickening times we live in. Look at what it is already doing to our children! The poor girl can’t even figure out what she wants because of everybody else’s SHAME! These people aren’t preventing abortions! They are forcing them further underground!!!!!