This is from Jim Kuntsler by way of Atrios.

The new assumption will be that when shit happens you are on your own. In this remarkable three weeks since New Orleans was shredded, no Democrat has stepped into the vacuum of leadership, either, with a different vision of what we might do now, and who we might become. This is the kind of medium that political maniacs spawn in. Something is out there right now, feeding on the astonishment and grievance of a whipsawed middle class, and it will have a lot more nourishment in the months ahead.

The Republicans are paralyzed and aghast at how badly Bush has functioned, Rove is flailiing hoping for traction, and the Democratic leadership is paralyzed by focus-group induced fear of losing the Independents.

I think Kunstler is saying there is someone or something out there crazier and more frightening than Bush could ever be, and that this is prime time for him or it to appear and provide leadership.

Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, FDR and Juan Peron all did that.