Author: Rick B2

The primaries as America’s rorsach test

The many candidates for nomination for President represent a breakdown in what had been an American consensus about what problems America faces and what the best solutions were for those problems. Each of the Parties and each...

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Presidential ambition and Hillary hatred

Name the candidates for a Presidential nomination who are displaying a massive, achingly obvious ambition to become President, causing them to conduct carefully calculated and expensive campaigns that display their personal...

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Gen Petreaus Represents the Republican Party

Listening to Gen. David Petreaus testify before Congress is fascinating. The man is an excellent soldier, by all accounts a leader who is far above average, extremely bright and well-educated, and is clearly well-prepared and...

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Bone and blood is the price of "No New Taxes."

Digby pretty much says what is really important. …you cannot look at something like this and not wonder if the years and years of infrastructure neglect at the hands of GOP propagandists who have been starving government...

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"What are we doing here?" Iraq echoes Viet Nam.

Airborne Staff Sergeant David Safstrom is on his third tour as a member of the Airborne in Iraq. It is his first time to question whether there is any value in what he is doing there. “In Mosul, in 2003, it felt like we...

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