Listening to Gen. David Petreaus testify before Congress is fascinating. The man is an excellent soldier, by all accounts a leader who is far above average, extremely bright and well-educated, and is clearly well-prepared and smooth in his presentation. He is probably the best single General we could have commanding in Iraq.

He is also very clearly a Republican. No surprise, that. Since Vietnam the officer corps of the Army has felt culturally more closely akin to the Republican Party. Then when Donald Rumsfeld took office as Secretary of Defense in 2001 he personally approved every promotion to flag rank in the military, assuring that only dedicated Republicans got the jobs.

It is also obvious that the War in Iraq and its’ resulting disastrous occupation was desired entirely by the American Republican Party. The Republicans wanted the invasion of Iraq, they lied their way into it, and they got it. The Invasion and Occupation of Iraq is entirely a Republican war. It is an American war only because the Republican Party had to use the military that belongs to all of us.

So is it any surprise that the Republican General commanding the troops in the Republican war and occupation in Iraq has gone before Congress this week to defend that disaster? Gen. Petreaus and Ambassador Crocker have both done a very good job of defending the Republican strategy for the disaster in Iraq.

Is it any surprise that should feel that the General who is supposed to be working for all Americans, regardless of political orientation, should feel betrayed by Gen. David Petreaus?

The advertisement in the New York Times calls the General on his loyalty to the Republican Party rather than to America.

The Republican leaders really don’t like what wrote in their advertisement, because the Republicans have no electoral base left outside the fear-ridden national security voters. The Republicans in Congress obviously got a memo today to attack over that advertisement, but has it right. Gen. Petreaus is defending the Republican Party at the cost of the lives of his own troops.

The Iraq war and occupation was desired by the Republican Party. It was lied for by the Republican Party. It is a Republican war and a Republican Party disaster, and Gen. David Petreaus is a Republican General commanding American troops in the disaster that party created. And all he offers is continued high-levels of troop involvement in the nasty occupation for the foreseeable future.

It is not just Gen. Petreaus who is betraying America. The Republican Party has betrayed America and will not back down.

We should never forget. Iraq is not an American War and Occupation. It is a Republican Party War and Occupation. Every death, American and Iraqi, that occurs in that country is the direct fault of George Bush and the Republican Party which has backed his every mistake.  

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