OK, work with me here. I have been going through over and over in my head the discrepancy between Judy’s statement of what her testimony was about compared to what her lawyer said on Wolf Blitzer.

So, as I’m thinking it through, here is how I got there:

  1. We don’t know who Miller’s source is. Everyone assumes it’s Scooter Libby, but show me an article where that was EVER CONFIRMED. It never was, we all just THINK it’s Libby because the media keeps saying it. But it has never been proven that Libby is Judy’s source…
  2. Judy said today that her testimony is limited to information concerning her source.
  3. Her lawyer says her testimony is speficically related to the “Valerie Plame” matter.


  1. We all assume one of them is lying based on the belief that Libby is the source. If that’s the case, then why aren’t she and her lawyer on the same page? OH NO!! That could be bad!
  2. BUT, WHAT IF SHE AND HER LAWYER ARE TELLING THE TRUTH? What does that mean? If “Valerie Plame” was her source, then Judy and her lawyer are, all of a sudden, on the same page.

But, if that’s true, then we all must totally re-think the story. We all are convinced that Judy is working for the admin and she’s in on it. But what if she’s not? What if Libby says that Wilson’s wife was in on it somehow, Judy calls Wilson’s wife to ask her directly and figure it out. Plame then confides things to her about something. Judy then knows something. Well, I could go on and on, right?

It then becomes a whole new ball game…

Thoughts? Theories?