Froggy Bottom Cafe
Newbies, Lurkers and Splashers
hop on in and celebrate the life of your community!
Peace can be achieved,
It can be done,
Whilst achieving we can have some fun.
As the days go by,
We wonder why,
A world full of beautiful things can not grow.
Many people would ask, “what do we do, do you know?”
We need to look for the answers within,
And if in peace and openness to beauty, we can win,
We can conquer the war, the terror, the pain,
And begin to grow, love, and heal again.
written by Amy at
When I need to calm my thoughts, I try to find a place outdoors where I can sit and be in wonder of the life that surrounds me and also dwells within. What about you?
I spend time with my friends, but right now I’m having a rough go of it… my work life is interferring mightily in my personal head space. I am off for a difficult day… i.e. I talk to HR first thing… so, hopefully, I’ll be in a better space at the end of the day than I am right now 🙂
Oh, I also hang out at the frog pond 😉
Hi spiderleaf, I hope it goes well. Does talking to your HR department really make things better?
It’s either that or stress leave… my boss is overworking me, disrespecting me and now that I’ve asked for help he’s trying to move me into another position without any expression from me that it is the way I want my career to progress… I’ve unfortunately run out of options… hence all the stress. ;(
Yesterday was a true epiphany for me with my boss….
I’ve made a choice…being a tough cookie I’ll stick it out as long as my stress subsides…but check the job listings every day via the internet.
You mind find something of interest in my post today at my personal site – link is in my signature.
having to leave my last job due to stress…then sat down with the spouse and figured out that we’ll do better on taxes and other expenses if I’m not working. I really do notice a general health improvement; stress does affect your overall health, I’ve found.
I still have stresses, but they’re more manageable, and under my own control for the most part…I think a lot of corporate stress is not just the stress, but that you have no control over most of it…
Good Morning!
There is a new Photography Fair Discussion Diary posted.
If you haven’t seen the guidelines, please stop by. And if you have questions, examples, test photos, please post them. There is also a link to Sunday’s conversation about the guidelines.
I love early morning Cafes!
The house closed on Friday and the money hit Hubby’s bank account last night! We’re having a credit card cutting party this evening! We’re FREE! Free to buy land and build our little farm! Glory! Joy!
Now, I’m off to my Master Gardening class. Later I’ll come back and tell the tale of how Hubby and I created a Zen garden like the one above in front of the house we just sold…
I can’t wait till you get back, so we can hear all about it.
Hooray!!!! Congratulations!!!!!
I’ll do a Snoopy Happy Dance in your honor! Cue the Piano Schroeder!
Go here and click on “Download all clips”
Outstanding! The Conga-Rats dance for you.
I’m just sitting here, reading, commenting, playing.
I looked at the clock & I’m supposed to be walking out the door!
I’m not even dressed!!!
I’ll stop by later.
Running a lot late today. Hope everyone has a good day!
KatieBird never mentions that she got dressed before she left. 🙂
Way to go!!!!!! Whoot!
First thing in the morning – hit the BooTrib, but then around lunchtime two mockingbirds start calling to me. I go sit in the garden and listen to them sing.
Then back to the only community I have. Feeling guilty that no job takes me away from home, try to be productive.
What a beautiful picture, Man, I could sit there for hours.
Another homebody here too — but I don’t feel guilty… 🙂
Wish I had those mockingbirds…at least yesterday I went out and did my errands and missed the leaf blowers (’tis the season, etc.), so I won’t have those disturbing my peace and quiet… 🙂
Mental balance, what’s that? Oh, hello all!
What do I do to maintain balance?
Outdoor activities: Biking, kayaking (which I haven’t done enough of this year), running, hiking.
Knitting: it’s a rhythmic, repetitive activity that let’s me feel productive.
And of course, doing most things with my family!
OOH ,CG, you can bring your kayak down and launch it in my back yard. Ours is sitting out there now,floating on the tide.
That is SOOOO tempting! Our summer beach vacation for the past few years involves a house where you can just walk down the steps and push off the bank into the sound…pure bliss.
The local kayak group comes here and launches from our yard-you can look at my location if you look up- 37″27.538′ N 76″26.599′ Woohoo Shycat ,the navigator!
oops 76″26.599 W– duhhh
I found it…cool!
If I only had a brain- I could post a pic of my house from the river- but I don’t– any volunteers to do it for me?
Email it to me and I’ll do it.
On the way! Thanx!!!
It’s hard to tell from the small picture, but are those logs on that thar house?
yes ‘m – it is a log house-left dormer is where I sit right now ,it is a loft.Dack balcony is my bedroom.The guy who built this house went broke apparently- he milled all the lumber himself.I felt really bad about that.
So beautiful!!!!!
I think we need to have a slumber party for the girls at ShyCat’s or CabinGirls place 🙂
Maybe we could include Nag and Shirlstars and make it a cross-country cabin tour!
I contemplate my travels and my friends around the world.
Also, I’m listening to Woody Guthrie “The Asch Recordings Vol. 1”, this morning. It’s a reminder that we’ve been through tough times as a country before…
I sit out on my back porch and contemplate the herons,egrets,beaver,otters and listen to the frogs sing.
We had some visiting dogs last week and left the food out there- something or other ate it in the night,not sure what it was-but whatever it was ,it came right up on the porch,so I am thinking raccoon- and I love raccons.Had four tame ones who would come up and sit on my other house’s back porch. I was a little nervous about interactions with the cat, and sure enough, she (the cat)jumped at ME and literally crawled up my leg like a I was a tree.I got ‘cat scratch fever’- didn’t figure that out for awhile.:)
Regaining balance…music (especially classical), a good book, writing, crochet, walking outside, coaxing smiles out of cute babies/kids (there was a dad at Sizzler last night with two adorable little girls, one 7mo. and one 3yr. — got a beautiful smile from the little one)…
Plans for today — spouse is home till noon (working till 8pm tonight), so I’m waiting for him to get showered so we can finish our grocery shopping and go to Goodwill to take some assorted stuff over there. That’ll give me less stuff to trip over when I’m trying to get the rest of the place cleaned up. Want to be home by 10am Pacific for the first of the baseball playoff games — I’ll listen in while I’m cleaning, promise…
Heading back over to Susan’s news conference thread; there’s safety in numbers, and Bush is making me crankier by the minute…
is interesting…but a bit off-putting at 7:30am Pacific…my eyes are still reeling…
Mornin, I have no zen garden, but I have a garden.
I am watching the pres’s press conference right now and feel in need of some mental balance right now, he just “took responsibility for all the Federal Failures in Katrina.”
So how is everyone today!!!!
on FEDERAL failures — look for him to put more and more blame on Blanco and Nagin… :X
I need to turn the damn TV off — my blood pressure can’t handle much more of it, and I just had a good breakfast that I don’t want to lose…
Sunset-Echizen Coast
Music and art are my sanctuaries in the city…nature is the ultimate anchorage.
I find my peace and spirituality in the woods and mountains…sitting with any trees and garden…a place of calm and reflection.
May the Goddess and God bring peace to those who seek it in their hearts.
I could use some calm right now – after the ‘unauthorized reproduction’ diary– makes me want to run for the zanax.
I use a very mild, organic calming blend with St.John’s Wort in tablet form.
Non-addictive, and my doctor actually approved the OTC product when I objected to Prozac a few years ago. I take one as needed 1-3 times a week. Or the tea is good at bed time.
Not sure if it was politics, work, menopause, home or some combination of all but the doc was adamant about stress reduction. Drugs are a last resort for me and big pharma prescriptions totally unacceptable to my body.
My herb garden had– HAD- st john’s wort growing–house is sold now- valerian is good too – although bitter.
I get so much inspiration from the pictures you post.
I’ve had a story rattling around in my mind for the past week, tentatively titled “Moondancer Ascending”…it’s a fantasy about women who want to reclaim their society, returning it to the Old Ways of equal partnership and away from the male-dominated religion (hmmm…). Now I’ve just got to get it out of my brain and onto paper…
MA-om! It’s DO-ing it again!
We’re 8 years into a big, long transition period from both of us having safe and comfortable university tech employment, with my being laid off and setting up a craft business, and the subsequent cross-continent move. Now we’re halfway into shifting Mrs. Gooserock from a difficult job situation into part time work at the craft, eventually to making it a full time family business. Not surprisingly, the circumstances and timing aren’t the best.
What we would do for stress relief ordinarily is to take a vacation out of our flat midwest into exotic natural settings like the scene above, sometimes to woodsy hilly territory and often to maritime areas for boating.
Because we now live in a vacation area, and have compounded this with the luck of stumbling into a labor-class rental in a retirement view development, we have the odd circumstance of being busy and stressed around the clock about our evolving business and economics, yet living immersed in the kind of beauty most people including ourselves could only experience during rare getaways.
With the beauty always at hand, we can step out into it for a break 10 times a day–but its immediacy strips it of the escapist quality it always had for us. And with our savings shrunk and finances tight, we can’t travel for getaways anywhere else.
So we’re learning how to extract soul nourishment time, giving each other breaks when frustrated or fatigued, and generally paying attention to pace and intensity for the long haul.
One consolation is my firm conviction that we now live in the Time of All Times, the period all humankind has dreamed about over the ages. In our era humanity learned to fly, to travel in space, connected the world together in a network that dwarfs the Biblical Tower of Babel, and developed machines that solve problems. In the next two generations those machines will reason beyond the best of us, and we’ll begin redesigning our species itself. Change is coming so fast now that we know that by mid-century we cannot be sure of the meaning of the most basic elements of life: economy, nation, even human being.
I don’t know if there are multiple lives or not, but if there are, I figure we must have come to this time deliberately, and it’s a heck of a privilege to boot to be living through it and trying to do our tiny part to steer things in the right direction. As much as I worry about our particular circumstances, and cry over the destruction of our national heritage and potential, I still see this as the most exciting period ever.
And with that, off we go into the mist!
What is the craft gooserock? can I buy some?
Then we qualify for immediate relocation to Canada and have enough cushion to be public about our politics.
Drawing’s tonight.
Why, sure, the craft is an El Toro dinghy, and you can buy or build one if you can’t locate a nice used one like ours.
<blink, blink>
Is it a sailing dinghy? linky linky?If you noticed the pic of my house in the cafe earlier- I have water out back- need a shallow draft that can be rowed-cause the tide- comes and goes- ahem, no shit.
We have been looking at dinghies lately- and I am feeling rich.
sailing dinghy, about 8′ by 4′ or so, used everywhere for kids’ sailing instruction. I used them in open waters off Cleveland years ago. I’ve seen them from FL to WA.
It’s not the most practical all-purpose dinghy because the rig is sort of an HO racing rig. Something with a Sunfish type lateen rig or other less efficient but more versatile, practical rig would be better for an all-purpose dinghy.
Incidentally, people have been getting very creative with kayaks lately. At the last Seattle boat show we saw add-on rigs with outrigger “training wheel” pontoons, braces for catamaran-izing 2 kayaks side by side, and sailing rigs.
My El Toro is pretty mahogany plywood with an epoxy-fiberglass layer over the outside built by someone ages ago; I bought it used for a few hundred bucks. We’re tidal here too, it swings 12-13′ some of the time.
Our kayak is a weird mix- it has pedals!! through the hull there are pedals that you can use for propulsion and if you are in very shallow water you can flatten them out so you don’t dig in. It also has a sail -so it is pretty versatile.
I, personally, am not all that into a craft where I can’t pee over the side. That is a whole story in itself.(snicker)
I’m more of a Taoist than a Buddhist–raised that way–though there’s a lot in common between the two. In my experience Buddhists tend to think of Taoists as tending to be a bit frivolous, and Taoists tend to think of Buddhists as overly self-involved, but it’s a very friendly rivalry and that’s a bit of a generalization.
Either way, balance is key.
For me that means always trying to remember to “live beauty.” In every moment there is the potential to make the choice to see and act in beauty.
This morning it means watching the patterns as rain slowly drains of the screens of the porch where I write 8 months of the years. As each little bubble-sheet of surface tension gives up, it transforms a square of water into one of air. It’s mostly a top to bottom phenomena because of gravity, but wind and other factors sometimes cause lower or central squares to open. It’s gorgeous, like the evaporation patterns you get pouring water over a hot rock, only without the stress heat puts on your body.
It means looking at all the leaves that have drifted and glued themselves to the wet and translucent tarp roof of my little screen office and watching the cats as they stare at those leaves. I imagine that the way they flutter makes the feline herd think of yummy birds.
It means coming here and reading and writing and being a part of the greater online progressive community that’s appeared over the last few years, each sub-group crystallizing and growing and splitting like rock candy in a super-saturated sugar solution.
It means writing the last chapter of the next book today and taking time to remember how much I love writing and the act of creating worlds and people from nothing but imagination.
It means checking in with my wife between classes as she tries to get her students not just to learn physics but to understand it as tool for seeing the wonder of the universe. Whatever else they get out of her classes, she wants them to come away understanding that science isn’t just something for intellectuals but rather something that happens all around us every day. To take the student who fears physics and get them if not to love it, then at least to appreciate it and to let go of that fear.
It means not getting mad when a cat sits on my keyboard. Seeing it instead as an opportunity to give and get love from my furry companions, and to take a break from the current project to reconnect with the world beyond the digital one where I spend so much of my time.
It means all that and more.
Live Beauty.
Forgot the tea, Golden Monkey Oolong for becoming the uncarved block.
The only way I stay sane is to try to laugh. I think that’s what drew me to CodePink. They are silly AND serious. Nice mixture.
Speaking of nice mixture… I LOVE BostonJoe’s diary check it out if you can.
We’ve all had to give up something due to this Regime, War… most it was friends, family, some even jobs… I’m just really thankful for the family I have found here. Family… I mean that in a non-cultish crayz way, too 🙂
Balance, meeting up with incredible people at the march while being supported back at home by family AND YOU GUYS!!!!! (I’ll have some pix in here of what I mean)
Thanks I had not seen either of those. 🙂
. . .not exactly my navel. How about this? Lead him by the nose.
Would that be Zen or zany?
A little nonsense now and zen 🙂
Okay nevermind…that’s Wonka after some cheap zinfandel and a rough night out with the Oompaloompas. 🙂
HAHAHA! If his image didn’t make me physically ill, I would send alot of time messing with that animation. thx Limelite
The Exploding Cow Redux – for those times that ya just gotta ‘smite’ something…zen it ain’t…maybe this should be on the Tasteless thread instead?…nah! :{)
Good friends make the difference.
Dan O, (Steven’s D’s most excellent son)
Steven D, his picture is in the dictionary for the word “Dignity” (also see: GRACE & FRIEND)
Military Tracy, soon the FDA will be bottling up her energy and fire and selling it to the masses
CabinGirl, a whirling derivsh of super woman powers blended with sincere concern, compassion and finesse. She’s a keeper!
CabinGirls Boys, watch out pidgeons!
Supersoling, quiet, reserved passion on the edge of eruption. When he smiles, the whole world shines.
Help!!! – I can’t place her name… but she was a whirlwind of energy and giggles and determination. An American Beauty.
awwww gettin all weepy again….
Cedwyn! Another keeper!
Thanks CabinGirl 🙂 I loved her laugh!
Can you dig it? Yes I can!
And I’ve been waiting such a long time.
Bingo!!!! That damn song has been playing in my head ever since I posted that picture too! 🙂
First off let me esssplayne. No. There is not much time. Let me sum up.
Jim was over at the other blog and I mentioned I’d be at the march, too. So I see this Veteran’s For Peace flag and Ry and I go walking over to “just see” if that might be Jim.
The world is a small place sometimes. I knew it was Jim and he knew it was me. (ok ok ok I am a huggy person, supersoling was spot on :))
Friends just meeting
Friends forever
Just one more reason why the march wasn’t “meaningless”
thanks so much for sharing these pix. They are a testament to your passion.
🙂 by the way Man Eegee, I saw your photos and WOWZER!!!! You’re a cutiepatootie!
Now how’d I miss those?
i’m just glad I posted my own; wouldn’t want any drunken-stupified poses making their way into the frog pond (especially if I’m in my boxers) 😛
janet – you are so f-ing cute!
I agree. I find myself wanting to squeeze her. She has this devilish look in her eyes all the time that makes me SURE that I want to hang out with her.
is cute and probably will die very old and very cute, which is really not easy to do.
I blame Bush for the Tush! Bush Tush, much like BushTSD but it’s due to blogger’s butt. 🙂
What evil look??? I’m not evil, I just have a distorted view of the world sometimes 🙂
Feel free to squeeze 🙂
Ok, there is a big difference between devilish and evil. Think of the Cheney sneer. That’s evil.
People who were with me and Ryan on Sunday, (brotherfeldpsar, Tracy, Supersoling) KNOW I’m evil 🙂
I’m Austin Powers Dr. EEEveeel type.
Hey, it’s hurrrrd wurrrk being an older sister and a Liberal. 🙂
Let me take a moment to say Happy Birthday to Shirlstars who reaches the grand old age of 65 today.
I hope you have a great birthday!
Any other bootrib birthdays?
Happy Birthday Shirl!
I’ve got the goodies:
And of course virtual goodies are calorie-free, for those of us trying to regain the girlish (or boyish) figures we never had to begin with…
And to exercise off the virtual goodies, how about the Happy Birthday Dance?
Have a great day, Shirl!!! 🙂
Ooh. Undulating kitties.
Both pics are so cool and I have stolen the birthday pic…….yes stolen…
Wherever did you get the cat’s dancing.
I think we need a speech from Shirl today as birthday girl….come on Shirl, tell us how it feels…
I’m pretty sure was “adopted” off of Cheers & Jeers over at dKos, from the good old days when we could post without fear of pie fights, and the discussions were about margin races not marginalization.
sigh I miss those days…haven’t even been to C&J in a couple of weeks, though I have posted a few things in the Shark Pond just to keep my TU status current (Goddess knows why)…
I finally lost TU status after a couple months of not posting anything. Know what? It feels great! Now I can go over there and do a hit and run and say what I really think without getting that Sally Field thing going ….”you like me, you really really like me!” There’s something so liberating about not giving a shit anymore.
My warped mind sees this and thinks, “a good reason to have your pooties wormed” 🙂
I used to have the one of the same cats but with a martial arts twist to it 🙂
Happy Birthday, Shirl…65 looks damn good on you!
for the birthday wishes.
As for the speech. . . ehem. . . (clearing my throat)
Let’s see, age is a state of mind, except it seems hard to remember things. . .or sometimes find the state that your mind is in. . .
When I went to the Post Office yesterday to mail some important papers, I forgot how signature confirmation on Priority mail works. . .like I didn’t work for the place for nearly 20 years. . .The clerk at the window helped me out and reminded me it was okay because I was “retarded now”. . .that’s what happens when you retire, she said.
Actually, I am healthier, happier and wiser than I have ever been in my life, so I really have no complaints about the years piling up. (even with my whining about things in the political scene)
I love who I am and I love what I do and basically I know that hardly any of it matters in the grand scheme of things.
I am still that adventurous 20 year old with all the universe before me to explore. I felt a lot older in my 40’s than I do now. Which reminds me of the conversation I had with my 94 year old mother about how it felt to reach her age. She said inside she still felt like she was 25 but her body just didn’t cooperate like it used to. Made me smile a lot and confirms my belief that our spirit is of such an age as we can relate to as 20’s, 30’s or whatever, but a whole lot wiser than those “earth years”.
So let’s party!! and don’t you just love the dancing kitties? I have them also and they always make me giggle. . .but then what doesn’t these days?
And I love the no cal goodies, so let’s all enjoy them to the fullest!
Hugs everyone,
Applause, that was a great speech, Shirley, I loved the story of your post office trip…I have had similar problems; it seems as if I have to drag my mind back to the ‘present earth life’ all the time to perform and function when I perforce to leave the house.
It is like we all have an advanced case of A.D.D. and there are just too many “bright shiny objects” out there to distract us. LOL
Ellen Goodman columns is titled, “At The Age At Which Mozart Was Dead Already” — it was in one of her books, I forget which one. It was when she reached a birthday, thought about all she hadn’t done, then realized that at the age she was, Mozart was dead even though he’d done so much, and that realization freed her from a lot of the self-expectations and self-pressures.
I’m still trying to get to that point; there are a lot of books, stories and poems in me trying to break free, I still have visions of myself as the Perfect Housekeeper (but I’d probably have to ditch the spouse to make those a reality lol), and I wouldn’t mind an ultimate victory in The Battle Of The Bulge (though being a woman of size means having fewer stores I actually spend money in…). Maybe in another 20 years or so, I’ll have a better perspective…assuming we’re all still around in 20 or so years…
Happy birthday again, Shirl… 🙂
Ellen Goodman column about growing older… 🙂
Thanks Cali. . .
I went through the “all that I haven’t yet accomplished” thing when I turned 30. . . I came to realize that there is more time in heaven and earth than we can ever imagine, and becoming who we truly are is the most important thing we can do while we are here. All the rest of what we view as accomplishment is just icing on the cake and we will add those things that bring us the greatest joy as we go along. Nothing else really matters. And from my perspective, it is the things we call “the little things” that matter more than anything else. Bringing a laugh to someone else, touching someone who needs to feel loved (and everyone does), being there when someone needs your support or encouragement. . .standing up for those who feel too weak or to vulnerable to do so themselves. . .these are things of true importance, and the things that reallly matter.
I love Amy Goodman. . .thanks!
But still wishing you a wonderful day!
CabinGirl, thanks so much for the good wishes, and especially thanks for the picture of your “cabin”. . .no wonder you couldn’t resist it! Really beautiful.
And it is never late at my party. . .
You’re so inspiring.
I’m coming in late, but wanted to send happy thoughts and wishes your way. I hope you had a wonderful day!
Wow. . .thanks Olivia! I would have to say it is your writing that I find inspiring. . .so I guess we are even.
Many thanks for the good wishes, and yes it has been a wonderful day.
Many wishes will we sing you
Many wishes will we bring you
For this day- is Shirlstars
Natal day.
Happy birthday ,honey.
Libra with Leo rising. . .
The scales of justice and balance with the fire of Leo, the Lion of Truth. . . (makes me wonder what I was thinking of at the time I chose it. . LOL)
Born in the Chinese year of the Dragon. . .looks like I had a plan in mind here.
When we bought the house in Roswell, back in 2000, the front and back yards were barren red clay with dead bushes sticking out of it. It’s a cluster house so the front is L-shaped where the garage sticks out from the entrance and living room wall, making a little rectangle of dirt that never sees sunshine.
We hauled in top soil, laid sod for the front lawn and planted a line of holly bushes with a flower bed in front of them. That left the dark space behind the hollies and we decided to fill it with a Zen garden.
Well, you can’t have a Zen garden without some significant rocks. We hitched a flat-bed trailer to the back of Hubby’s vehicle and off we went rock shopping. After touring a number of landscaping yards, we finally found one with big enough boulders.
I’m sure the guy at the yard thought we were nuts because we had to lay our hands on them to see if they had the right vibrations, ya’know.
Now, looking at the photo at the top of this diary you’ll notice that Zen gardens have to have upright and reclining stones. The phallic uprights are male and the recliners are females. In the garden above, there appears to be a head of household, his wife, his mother or mother-in-law and a couple of female children. The rocks are a family living in the interconnected force-flows of the raked pebbles around them.
Since our children are grown and flown, we decided to get just two rocks — a Papa-san and a Mama-san. Our Papa-san is almost identical to the one above and he weighs a mere 750 pounds. Our Mama-san is a sexy rounded babe, so smooth and worn she looks like a big cushion even tho she’s hard as a brick and weighs 500 pounds.
They were individually loaded onto the trailer with a heavy-duty fork lift and I said to Hubby, “Ah, honey, how are we going to get them off of the trailer?”
“Don’t worry,” he tells me, “I’m an engineer. I’ll figure something out.”
We get home and he backs the trailer into the yard (he’s very good at driving backwards) and gets as close as possible to the line of hollies. They were only about 2′ in diameter then and there was still space between them to move the rocks thru.
He fetches a crow bar, does the lever thing, and Mama-san rolls off the back end of the trailer and keeps rolling — crushing one of the holly bushes — but actually ending up pretty close to where we wanted her. A little more crow bar/lever action and she’s in place. Hey, that wasn’t so hard! And we could get another holly for under $20.
Next, we look at Papa-san, up there closer to the front of the trailer. Hmmm. Hubby fetches a dollie, rocks Papa-san forward enough to slide the foot plate under him and then lashes him to the upright bars. Then, he thinks, he’ll tilt the dollie back on its wheels and roll Papa-san to the edge of the trailer.
This is hysterical. If Hubby were more like Ghostdancer in size and shape, it might have worked. But Hubby is 6′ tall and weighs barely 130 lbs. (Have a ever mentioned that one of his nick-names is Skeletor?) Even both of us tugging in unison with all our might can’t get the dollie to tilt back.
So Hubby calls his son to come over and help. All three of us together get Papa-san rolled to the edge of the trailer and he falls, dollie and all, into the sod, pointy-end down. Remember all that newly strewn top soil? Papa-san’s tip is two feet down deep in the soft earth. And all of us pushing with all of our might cannot budge him. He looks so ridiculous with his ass in the air that we end up falling on the grass with laughter.
After sitting like “The Thinker” for a while, Hubby decides that we must peel back the sod and dig a hole on one side so that Papa-san falls on his back. Then, we might be able to roll him over to his position and figure out a way to stand him up.
I do not witness this part of it because I am sent to fix dinner. Hard work generates hunger, ya’know. When I come out, Papa-san is on his side with the dollie still lashed to his back and there’s a huge hole in the front yard.
We eat, digest and go out into the twilight to finish the job. We discuss removing the dolly and whether Papa-san will roll. We think not. Hubby has a bright idea. He has one of those heavy-duty jacks/lifts (I forget what they’re called) that you use to get under cars. So the son and I fetch pavers, bricks, various pieces of lumber to create a platform for the jack. Hubby positions it under Papa-san’s tip and starts pumping away. The son and I shove stuff under Papa-san to keep him from falling back while Hubby adds more layers to the platform to put the jack higher and pump some more.
This process seems to take days. It becomes all we’ve ever known in life. We feel as one with the guys who built Stonehenge. Eventually — and I’m a little delirious at this point — Papa-san is upright and the wheels of the dolly are sunk in the dirt. We re-shape all of our flotsum and jetsum into a solid path, herniate ourselves getting the wheels onto the path and then it takes all three of us heaving in unison to roll that bad boy into positon. Whew!
The next day we all went to the chiropractor and it was a week before we’d recovered enough to pour out the pebbles and achieve Zen bliss raking them.
was a GREAT story! I feel like I need an adjustment just from reading it. 🙂
That was an incredible journey sjct!!! Thanks 🙂
“don’t worry,” he tells me, “I’m an engineer. I’ll figure something out.”
how many times have I heard that one here at this house??!!! LOL
Wesley just came home. He’s walking home from the bus nowadays. It’s a rather lengthy walk so he has a friend walk with him – another classmate.
Well today another boy joined them.
This is basically what my son told me.
Slam Bam thru the door:
Him: Mom! Mom!
Me: What?
Him: MOM! MOM!
Me: what already?
Him: this boy [was] throwing rocks at birds!!!! oh no!!!
Me: Are you okay? Did anyone tell him to stop?
Him: OH NO! Poor birds. Why throw rocks!
Me: tell me what happened. (one has to be very patient when conversing with my son)
Him: Kids told him to stop [but] he kept doing it.
—: some time to calm
Him: He kept trying to hit [the] birds with rocks. I told all the kids he must have voted for Bush.
ACK!!! 🙂
Last year, my daughter was witness to several kids stomping around a bird that was in distress, turns out it was dying from some disease. Out of all the kids only my daughter and one other girl tried to stop it. I caught the bird (was in raspberry bushes along a creek, and the other mom took it to the wildlife retreat. But.. out of all those kids… most were cheering the other kids on.
“I told all the kids he must have voted for Bush” LOL, why am I not surprised to hear that it was your son who uttered those words?
Those poor birds! Unless they were pidgeons, because those are evil wing-ed spawns of Satan! (j/k to anyone from PETA reading this)
Blue Jays are the spawn of Satan… they holler at us in the morning and they have dive bombed our pets LOL
Manny, one time I got called because Wes was flipping off the Bush/Cheney campaign signs on his way to and from school on the bus. His then bus buddy almost died laughing while trying to be all serious about it 🙂 She knew damn well where he learned that little number 🙂
kicking the bird, flipping the bird…a pattern emerges 😀
I went into the 7-11 gas station the other day and asked for five dollars worth of gas.
The clerk farted and gave me a receipt.
Got to remember that one for the spouse tonight…
I play the drums and depending on my mood or how I need to alter it, there’s so many different kinds of music that I can play to to get to where I need to be.
Here’s the real reason I want to comment here tonight,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday my dear friend Shi-irl,
Happy Biiiirthdaaay tooooo yooouu :o)
Love you
The coffee is just about ready :o)
Roses, coffee and Campfires. . .what could be better!
Thanks so much for making it a special day, and I will enjoy very much drinking that coffee with you.
Love ya,
I think you struck a nerve, ManEE… 🙂
And Shirl’s birthday contributed too, I’m sure… 🙂
Congrats to the Chicago White Sox and St. Louis Cardinals for winning their first playoff games today…and the Yankees just scored twice in the first inning, fuck…if it’s Yankees/Braves in the World Series, the TV is staying off…
I tried to soften the green abit, hope it didn’t do permanent damage to your retinas this morning 🙂
What a great milestone for shirl, in honor of her birthday, everyone gets an E-Hug!
Hugs right back at you….and everyone else….
Manny. . .you hunk, you. . .that was a great HUG you sent out to everyone. . .reminds me why I am so happy I adopted you!!!
Thanks for the good wishes.
Love you
But, but… Cali, I love the Yankees :o) I’m sorry, I can’t help it. I will say that the White Sox looked pretty f’in powerful today. I think they’re the team to beat for sure.
for your sake, Super…but they feel just so…so fucking Republican! 🙁
I’m actually rooting for St. Louis — one, because Tony La Russa is still a Bay Area resident in the offseason and he’s really active in animal rescue events; two, because I’m a National League fan at heart (the DH sucks, ’nuff said); and three, this is the last season for old Busch Stadium, so it would be cool to let the fans totally demolish it after a World Series victory… 🙂
Thanks :o)
I think Steinbrenner is the republican in the Yankees, but i doubt that the majority of the team is. I know the fans definetily aren’t. It reminds me of the time that Darth Cheney was at a game in the Bronx, kinda incogneto. When the cameras picked him up and showed him on the giant screen the crowd just launched into a big, long booooooooooo! It was great. New Yorkers are great. They tell it like it is and they aren’t worried about hurting anyones feelings in the process. It’s called honesty. Something we all need to see a lot more of :o)
Cali. . .thanks so much for all the little extras you have added to my birthday celebration. . .it has made it very meaningful for me.
Big hugs,
Btw, where’s this picture of ManEgee I’ve heard about?
know what you are talking about. 😀
Thanks, I missed that the first time…cute!
speaking of tuxedo blogging, anyone seen ejmw around?
Supersoling extends his hand…
Nice to meet you, again!, ManEgee. Sharp in a suit too.
likewise super, it would have been an honor to join you in person while you carried that flag in D.C.
…the other day, the BooTrib guys are smokin’… ;o)
Brains and beauty!
Hey all. It’s been an extremely long and tiring day. Nice to see everyone again.
New cafe is now open, late night early morning edition…