Cross-posted at dailyKos (where there has been a lot of DLC style centrism afoot!)
Since the beginning of the Bush regime, we’ve established that
o President Bush can order American citizens held incommunicado without any charge, indefinitely
o President Bush can order the execution without any trial of an American citizen in a car in Yemen
o President Bush can approve the torture of prisoners or have them ‘disappeared’ to other countries where they will be tortured
o President Bush can divert funds allocated by Congress for one war for waging another war
o President Bush has the power to wage war against another country without a declaration of war and without proving that the situation was a dire emergency
pl. tyr·an·nies
A government in which a single ruler is vested with absolute power.
— James Madison
It’s sometimes easier to start, I suppose, with the obvious debt-funded fraud resulting from this undeclared unnecessary war against Iraq. All that dealing out of no-bid Halliburton ’emoluments’ and Presidential Medals of Freedom and ‘offices’ for suddenly redeemed Iran-Contra felons and torture lovers. It’s a lovely investment opportunity, according to Richard Perle! This kind of stuff really pisses off Al Franken. Good for him.
But we hardly even need to discuss that. I’m more concerned with the malignant aspects Madison was warning us about that have been staring us right in the face.
I’m more concerned that some don’t dare call it imperial for fear of alarming Joe and Jane America living comfortably with their simple mythology. Uh oh! I did a bad thing! FOX News might say I’m unpatriotic.
I’m more concerned that the President can start a war and kill thousands of people, because he felt like it — the intelligence was being fixed around the policy — and there is no accountability. I’m more concerned that when some of us suggest to our Democratic representatives that there be accountability, a bunch of them are off trying to figure out ways to deploy more troops to Iraq or to enlarge the size of the army that President Bush can now send off to die as he pleases.
Jose Padilla, an American citizen, can be held indefinitely because President Bush sez he’s a terrist. Due process?
Ahmed Hijazi, an American citizen, was executed using a Predator missile. Not driving an American car, perhaps?
Justice Dept. Memo Says Torture ‘May Be Justified’
Woodward alleges that in July 2002, the president secretly began to finance the war in Iraq with no authorization from Congress. He says $700 million was siphoned from operations against al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and into planning an Iraq invasion. The president allegedly took the money from one of the two supplemental spending bills passed after September 11 and left lawmakers “totally in the dark.”
Now does this sound like Congress has the power to declare war to you?
How about this?
Madison warned us. Bush is getting away with it. Democrats are not fighting it enough. Don’t tell me the war in Iraq isn’t immoral, no matter what Joe and Jane America think. And don’t tell me it isn’t helping kill the myth of what America is supposed to be, because the evidence is overwhelming.
I’m not really clear how much a billion dollars is but the United States — our United States — is spending $5.6 billion a month fighting this war in Iraq that we never should have gotten into.
We still have 139,000 soldiers in Iraq today.
Almost 2,000 Americans have died there. For what?
–Andy Rooney
see links Here
Great Diary tiggers!!!
does this ring any bells?
… American fascism will not be really dangerous until there is a purposeful coalition among the cartelists, the deliberate poisoners of public information, and those who stand for the K.K.K. type of demagoguery.”
— Vice President Henry Wallace, 1944