[From the diaries by susanhu. This is disgusting.]

Some (or many) of you may have seen Josh Marshall’s piece about the WaPo removing a very specific reference to VP Cheney and Scooter Libby, from an article by Barton Gellman.

With a very quiet editorial slight of hand — between editions — the WaPo deleted about 50 words from Gellman’s story, including statements from an attributed, but unnamed source who claimed Cheney told staff members an “attack” on Wilson’s credibility was underway. The other changes significantly softened the tone of the story.

I think we should let the WaPo know we’re watching and hold them accountable.
At the ePluribus Media Community Site, Marshall’s find has been discussed, an email sent asking for an explanation, and the WaPo’s completely banal reply has been posted. It is truly devoid of information.

There’s a call out for others to email the WaPo as well, and pressure them for a better explanation. There’s an email link and template — just click, edit if desired, and send.

GO HERE TO EMAIL THE WAPO, if you think it appropriate.

This is my first Booman post, so if this type of heads-up to another site is impolite, please let me know, and accept my apologies.