What’s on your mind?
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
What’s on your mind?
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
via Huffington Post: Ex-Powell Aide Criticizes Detainee Effort
When are the meek going to inherit?
I have it on good authority.
Do you have any idea about what time?
I’d like to be ready, just in case.
6:15PM EST
After the Rapture! I can’t wait …
can I get special permission to burn down all the McMansions? And we’ll all live in sweet cottages and give the land to the heathen organic farmers.
(Anyone see “60 Minutes” last night? Those hideous mansions are sprouting up in the heretofore pristine country and farmland around here…. If I can get an accomplice, some late night, I’m going to put up signs on their fucking “Quail Meadows Road” signs … the signs will say, “WARNING! Architectural monstrosities ahead!”
“Those hideous mansions are sprouting up in the heretofore pristine country and farmland around here….”
That’s happened around this area too. The cornfields that were nearby when we moved here 20 years ago are gone. In their place are these huge homes on tiny lots that you look at and think “I’d hate to pay the heat bill on that this winter!” Four stories on a big footprint with 3 & 4 car garages, large windows that stretch two stories in height, & mature trees & shrubs trucked in for landscaping. What do these people do for a living? A stretch of formerly country road near here is now dubbed “the Billion Dollar Mile” because of the huge houses being built in six subdivisions along it. Given the property taxes on my small tri-level, I wouldn’t want to see their tax bills.
it gets cold and they have to heat those ugly bastards; add that to the 45 minutes they need to get to work every day in their gas-guzzling SUVs, and you start to hope for high fuel prices.
I hate what high fuel prices do to the poor, but I get a little schadenfreude frisson of pleasure when I think about the SUV and McMansion people as prices get higher.
I’m increasingly convinced people are only going to get serious about fuel conservation and efficiency when it gets really expensive.
Though suffering from a massive headache emanating from the back of my head, I’m thinking that you should all start preparing photos of your own original artwork for posting this saturday @ 9:00, shameless art whore that I am. Now I’m going to keel over from the pain, ughh.
Ugh, headache…but since you’ve braved the pain to post this, I will take pictures of the products of my amazing talents…
And amazing I’m sure they are!
… figure that one out and you’ll have me pegged 😉
hoping to find an explanation by catnip of the weirdness going on in Canada, only to find her gone due to (sexually exploitative ads?) personal differences.
Well, where do I go now? I have to say, though, that dissolving the government and holding new elections sounds like a pretty damned good idea for the US!
I just got some disappointing news.
A young man who is the son of friends of ours upstate has just joined the military. Not sure yet which branch. He is only 18
He showed up on my doorstep a couple of months ago after not seeing him for a couple of years. He had only a backpack and told me he was sleeping in a tent in a nearby field. Guess the rest :o)
We took Jessup in for six weeks until he found a place to live with a lot of help from my wife. He and I had at least four conversations about this. I tryed to educate the kid a little. He has no grasp really of the present illegal war. I tried to convince him that now was probably the worst time to join up. I told him straight up that chances were pretty high that he’d get shipped out to Iraq or Afghanistan pretty quick. Looks like I failed to reach him.
what was the young man’s reasoning for taking this risk?
The kid is just flat drifting with no direction. Prime pickins. I respect his decision, but it can’t be an educated decision. Damn kids. I’m pulling for him no matter what. Shit, i used to play video games with him when he was little. He’s as close to being one of my own without actually being one.
so sorry to hear this Super. The latest round of army recruitment commercials make me sick. Las night I saw one with a young Hispanic boy working on an old car, talking to his Dad(camera is his dad).He is trying to expalin what a better chance at life and an education he would get by joining the Army. The camera(dad)pans down the seedy alley and kids playing in the inner city streets, pans back to boy and the boy says, “Talk to me Dad”. Like the Army is their only hope of a better life? They sure are targeting the poor. You know the expendable in the governments eyes. These commercials are deeply disturbing to me.
I have a hard time with this issue. I have good friends in the military and one who just joined the Navy. Never know whether to push my views or respect a decision.. especially if the person’s job isn’t directly related to combat.