The site is obviously back up. Our Server company experienced a Dos-attack, which AndiF kindly informed me is a Denial of Service hacking method. And I thought the NSA was too busy consulting their lawyers to have time to carry out Rove’s dirty tricks!
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
called the Santa Worm that is jamming up the internet. Similar to what happened a week or so ago. We can expect slowdowns and outages as router hubs get jammed and networks are shut down in defense.
Just gotta pimp my diary, which has a link to Barbara Boxer’s petition to delay Alito hearings until Bush is investigated. She uses the numbers on the floor of the Senate, so it will count for something!
I heard last night that that’s an IM (instant messenger) worm. You get an IM from a known friend that tells you to click on a file, but it’s spoofing your friend’s IM identity….
they advise you write back to your friend and verify that they sent it to you before you click.
What it does: It slows down your computer terribly.
Hubby, the IT Wizard, warned me about it a couple of days ago. The email that seems to come from a friend, says, Click on this link to get a Message from Santa. Then it downloads a worm that eats your hard drive.
for its products this morning. Just did mine. Thanks for the tip.
was finally going to cause us some problems around here.
Come on…. it’s the DOD tracking all of your anti-American comments.
Hmmph. I thought it was the Cafe. If ever there was a subversive bunch. . .
funny you should say that….that’s when I got cut off…and site went down. I had a nice long post going to Second Nature and everything just went to hell when I tried to post it…and Eurotrib was also down.
Maybe it is time for some of you to de-worm your dogs?
The government is just testing to be sure they can disrupt us through the upcoming campaign cycle…
(I am only half kidding when I say that… You never really know.)
I think the problems are related to the fact that Bob Johnson’s dog is now working for Dick Cheney!
That cur!
Oh nooooooooo … I’m laughing so damn hard my tummy huts … and I sent that to everybody, even Larry Johnson and Pat Lang! :):)
i knew that dog was no good. At least he knows how to spell Bob.
He also clearly has a two-track mind:
(Does the Boo like sushi too?)
Boo likes Milk-Bones.
BooMan can’t blame me, I haven’t been posting any diaries lately, have I?
All topics are fictional anyway, it can’t be that bad in America?
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”