It’s because the control-freaks and worriers are frenzied about the length of time that have to go without getting their fixes and thus try to stock-up.
All my overnight stuff worked flawlessly, I have a few loose ends to tie up and then I’m out of here until Tuesday. Woot!
I’ll slip the barista a fiver to make your coffee an espresso. You might still be juggling crises, but you’ll feel like Wonder Woman so it’ll be okay. 🙂
geez, I’m starting my own thread here..but that post was supposed to be under the wonderfully obscene ahem mountains/canyon photo, not the cute marmotdudes.
December 22, 2005: Andi, with the love, guidance, and dirty-minded inspiration of the Blue Dot, leaves kansas speechless, an event heretofore unknown in the entire existence of the universe.
Oh my god…that’s priceless…and it does look even more obscene smaller…I think the note in the holiday card should wax poetic about the wonders of nature-praise be to God!
or did I have to hang around with you sickos for a few posts until I finally got the joke?
Either way, send it to all the wingnuts you can think of. They’ll probably either get all worked up over the “Happy Holidays” or think it’s just some Arizona thing, while staffers snicker as they walk past.
which is between Albuquerque and Santa Fe. Water, wind, time, and differentiation in the hardness of the rock layers causes it (the lighter volcanic tuff below erodes faster than the harder caprock on top).
Kansas, you’re almost reading my mind, doll. I was sitting here typing and deleting geology-porn because I could not find the right combination of dirty-but-safe-enough-to-post. Teehee.
It’s actually difficult to write geologic descriptions that aren’t suggestive. I get all kinds of interesting visuals whenever I read about subduction zones.
As close as I got to something useable involved the phrases “wind stroking rock” and “rain as a lube”, but I just don’t know enough about geology to string it together right. “Subduction zone” sounds like it could be a nice place to spend a long weekend, though.
The older, heavier plate bends and plunges steeply through the athenosphere, and descending into the earth, it forms a trench that can be as much as 70 miles wide, more than a thousand miles long, and several miles deep.
Tent Rocks…ah ah …ok forgot it..I think though that you changed the name slightly to protect the innocent?-wasn’t it really named Tent Pole Canyon? How can even the name be to put it mildly-wildly suggestive or is it just everyone here in the Cafe today doing some nipping at the holiday cheer bottle and not telling us? I of course would never sully my lips by sucking on a bottle.
Wow! What a solstice party last night! The neighbors cooked up two kinds of vegan lasagna with mostly local ingredients and another neighbor brought homemade cherry mead. Some of the other folks put on a cd of their own music, made out back in the garage-local and homemade is good! And this is in the city too, not some commune out in the woods. If I could eat this well every day I would go back to being a vegetarian in a NY minute.
Happy Returning-of-the-Light to all!
Good morning all.
How is everyone? Pretty much ready for the holidays?
Not much time to be on-line these days. Year-end reporting, closing of accounts. All sorts of boring house keeping. But we’re almost there..
Typical Christmas Street in Norway. The contraptions the two people are standing on is called a “Spark” (translates literally to: “kick(er)”). They are great on icy roads. You stand on the two steel skids and an occasional kick speeds you ahead.
Hey CG,
I see you found a site selling them below. Never saw one here in the US.
Snow-covered streets; it used to be like that, but over the last 2-3 decades, spreading salt and sand to remove the icy conditions has become more prevalent. Too bad, cause it is great fun and exercise – and the salt ruins cars, footwear and clothes.
Thanks for having the cafe open, Kansas. I just finished my ‘For Justice’ work and had to wade past two diaries about what a swine Bill O’Reilly is. Why do people waste their time on that junk when they could sit here with us and enjoy hot beverages along with works of art.
Can’t stay too long, I’m supposed to bake cookies today.
Did you see that Suskind made an appearance in yesterday’s Cafe? 🙂
I’m supposed to be baking too — but couldn’t get out of bed to go grocery shopping. 🙁 Will see if I can venture out by bus later today (possibly about noon-ish) to at least get the baking supplies.
Got to go make the bed before I climb back in it…back in a while…
Where the heck was I? Oh yeah, housework. Just as well, I would have reacted as if Paul McCartney himself showed up on my doorstep. And you all would make fun.
Now I’m off to find it, and then – chocolate chip cookies. Party all night.
Hello there Suzanne!!! It’s been so hectic here. Trying to find
my way around. The driving here is a bit different than in No.
California. Like, you have to be in the correct lane before you
get to the lane you need to be in to be in the correct lane.
Follow?? 🙂
Got the apartment looking like it isn’t a UPS box shipping
factory 🙂 and now I’m trying to play ketchup on holidays. Have
a friend who lives up here, his son is autistic, and he and his
wife… they invited us over for Christmas eve. Can you
imagine??!! 🙂 That’s a first. We’re in an area where we can go
out and about… it’s amazing.
The DC March… that was so amazing. One of those moments in
life that will be with you the day you die. A moment that helps
you keep walking, breathing. The best part was making, meeting
so many new friends.
Speaking of which… DAMN! I haven’t been in Booman. Each
morning has been a get out of bed running. Wesley is doing a BIT
better. Danni is starting to feel the loss of her friends… but
she sees the promise of new times ahead.
Crime Scene Sex… 🙂 I’m so glad I made you smile. I’ll be in
Booman Frogday er I mean Friday. I’m just going to chill out and
hang loose that day. Need plenty of hours to hang out there ya
know. Can’t do a drive by posting there at all.
Hey, if you’re in there today – just tell them I said HI or copy
my email to ya there. I don’t mind 🙂 I love those guys
See you tomorrow. If I don’t, Have yourself a Merry Little
Christmas and let’s keep hoping for Peace on Earth.
Love, Janet… Damnit!
I thought I’d take her up on her word and post her email here….sounds like she’s busy-who isn’t when they move and more so during the holidays. Maybe she’ll get to drop in tomorrow for some R/R.
Okay first of all, it’s Janet’s term, not mine. (I don’t want credit for this one, lol!) And really, that was the cleanest way I could find to explain it.
Sounds like things are going a bit better for her, and I’m glad. We’ll have to do something extra special nice for Janet when she pokes her nose into the Cafe tomorrow. Unfortunately I’m not sure how much help in anything like that I’m going to be. I’m going to be spending my day off from work doing prep work for Christmas.
Busy day today….so I’m just popping up a nose to say good morning and grab some coffee!
I’ll drop by between mini-crises that have already started at work! Why does a week off from work precipitate panic among everyone??
Your kitty pictures are sooo cute. I loved the one of the two little guys overlooking the city. (Or did I just make that one up?)
AHEM Everybody please recommend this cafe and unrecommend the previous one. (Great job yesterday, SallyCat.)
It’s because the control-freaks and worriers are frenzied about the length of time that have to go without getting their fixes and thus try to stock-up.
All my overnight stuff worked flawlessly, I have a few loose ends to tie up and then I’m out of here until Tuesday. Woot!
I’ll slip the barista a fiver to make your coffee an espresso. You might still be juggling crises, but you’ll feel like Wonder Woman so it’ll be okay. 🙂
is the proper place to clarify any remaining questions about what it means to be “hung like a marmot”:
OMG! That’s the most obscene photograph I’ve ever seen. Good job, Andi!
in a cafe, one in keeping with the standards and attitudes of the host.
Too kind. That had better be a chorus of marmots in that photo, and not just one of them.
they all are wishing you very merry holidays.
I say we slap ‘Holiday Greetings’ on that photo, put a wreath around it and send it to Falwell, Dobson etc just for the hell of it.
Asscroft also…he might just want to put a drape over the whole outdoors after seeing that.
lol! Or we could maybe get Christo to drape it. Much prettier.
geez, I’m starting my own thread here..but that post was supposed to be under the wonderfully obscene ahem mountains/canyon photo, not the cute marmotdudes.
It looks even more obscene when it’s small. Wow, that sounds bad.
Damn, this is going into my calendar! Mother will be so proud.
BTW, love the cafe renaming.
Which month?
Bet we get more Cafe visitors now. 🙂
December 22, 2005: Andi, with the love, guidance, and dirty-minded inspiration of the Blue Dot, leaves kansas speechless, an event heretofore unknown in the entire existence of the universe.
Put it on your calendar!
Andi puts the X in Xmas.
Oh my god…that’s priceless…and it does look even more obscene smaller…I think the note in the holiday card should wax poetic about the wonders of nature-praise be to God!
or did I have to hang around with you sickos for a few posts until I finally got the joke?
Either way, send it to all the wingnuts you can think of. They’ll probably either get all worked up over the “Happy Holidays” or think it’s just some Arizona thing, while staffers snicker as they walk past.
Ahhh. Another decent person bites the dust. A good morning’s work is done! And I love the idea of sending that “card” around to the wingnuts.
Where is that? And what caused it??
which is between Albuquerque and Santa Fe. Water, wind, time, and differentiation in the hardness of the rock layers causes it (the lighter volcanic tuff below erodes faster than the harder caprock on top).
So many temptations, so little time.
Where is Indy when we need her?
Kansas, you’re almost reading my mind, doll. I was sitting here typing and deleting geology-porn because I could not find the right combination of dirty-but-safe-enough-to-post. Teehee.
Andi, you have rendered Indylib nearly speechless, too. This is very impressive work.
It’s actually difficult to write geologic descriptions that aren’t suggestive. I get all kinds of interesting visuals whenever I read about subduction zones.
As close as I got to something useable involved the phrases “wind stroking rock” and “rain as a lube”, but I just don’t know enough about geology to string it together right. “Subduction zone” sounds like it could be a nice place to spend a long weekend, though.
Here’s one for you.
I am going to have to dream about that!
Hunh-hunh . . . hunh-hunh . . . he said “hardness”
(can’t remember whether that was Beavis or Butthead)
Now you’re in the Xmas spirit!
Tent Rocks…ah ah …ok forgot it..I think though that you changed the name slightly to protect the innocent?-wasn’t it really named Tent Pole Canyon? How can even the name be to put it mildly-wildly suggestive or is it just everyone here in the Cafe today doing some nipping at the holiday cheer bottle and not telling us? I of course would never sully my lips by sucking on a bottle.
Wow. That’s a magnificent image, Andi.
As above, so below! 😉
As above, so below?
Lol! Possibly the best line of the day.
I hate to break up this bawdy party, but I have to leave for awhile and I think I’d better put up a new cafe for the afternoon/early evening crowd.
Wow! What a solstice party last night! The neighbors cooked up two kinds of vegan lasagna with mostly local ingredients and another neighbor brought homemade cherry mead. Some of the other folks put on a cd of their own music, made out back in the garage-local and homemade is good! And this is in the city too, not some commune out in the woods. If I could eat this well every day I would go back to being a vegetarian in a NY minute.
Happy Returning-of-the-Light to all!
Good morning all.
How is everyone? Pretty much ready for the holidays?
Not much time to be on-line these days. Year-end reporting, closing of accounts. All sorts of boring house keeping. But we’re almost there..
Typical Christmas Street in Norway. The contraptions the two people are standing on is called a “Spark” (translates literally to: “kick(er)”). They are great on icy roads. You stand on the two steel skids and an occasional kick speeds you ahead.
That looks like a lot of fun.
Those “Sparks” look like something mu boys would get a kick out of. Are the streets usually covered in snow like that?
Hey CG,
I see you found a site selling them below. Never saw one here in the US.
Snow-covered streets; it used to be like that, but over the last 2-3 decades, spreading salt and sand to remove the icy conditions has become more prevalent. Too bad, cause it is great fun and exercise – and the salt ruins cars, footwear and clothes.
You understand that Grandma now has to go on line and get some for next year’s White Christmas with the grandkidlets!
Is there a brand that is better than others?
and just maybe one for grandma to go cruising ’round Lassen.
<Big Grin!>
Here’s your chance!
And if you download their brochure, the even have wheels for use in the off-season…too funny.
I’ll wait til the spouse is in the mountains with Bailey’s in his coffee before I tell him about these….
We are so bad! tee hee hee
What’s up?
Hey, kb.
You must not have seen Andi’s photo yet, or you wouldn’t need to ask that question.
Other than that, what’s up is not my son who is still asleep upstairs. He took me out for dinner last night, the sweetie.
I missed a lot of yesterday’s cafes. Is there anything I should know?
because I’ve been very, very bad.
::big, shit-eating grin::
Thanks for having the cafe open, Kansas. I just finished my ‘For Justice’ work and had to wade past two diaries about what a swine Bill O’Reilly is. Why do people waste their time on that junk when they could sit here with us and enjoy hot beverages along with works of art.
Can’t stay too long, I’m supposed to bake cookies today.
Hi, Alice. What kinda cookies and how soon can we get there?
Did you see that Suskind made an appearance in yesterday’s Cafe? 🙂
I’m supposed to be baking too — but couldn’t get out of bed to go grocery shopping. 🙁 Will see if I can venture out by bus later today (possibly about noon-ish) to at least get the baking supplies.
Got to go make the bed before I climb back in it…back in a while…
I didn’t see that. Is all well in Suskind land?
Where the heck was I? Oh yeah, housework. Just as well, I would have reacted as if Paul McCartney himself showed up on my doorstep. And you all would make fun.
Now I’m off to find it, and then – chocolate chip cookies. Party all night.
Hello there Suzanne!!! It’s been so hectic here. Trying to find
my way around. The driving here is a bit different than in No.
California. Like, you have to be in the correct lane before you
get to the lane you need to be in to be in the correct lane.
Follow?? 🙂
Got the apartment looking like it isn’t a UPS box shipping
factory 🙂 and now I’m trying to play ketchup on holidays. Have
a friend who lives up here, his son is autistic, and he and his
wife… they invited us over for Christmas eve. Can you
imagine??!! 🙂 That’s a first. We’re in an area where we can go
out and about… it’s amazing.
The DC March… that was so amazing. One of those moments in
life that will be with you the day you die. A moment that helps
you keep walking, breathing. The best part was making, meeting
so many new friends.
Speaking of which… DAMN! I haven’t been in Booman. Each
morning has been a get out of bed running. Wesley is doing a BIT
better. Danni is starting to feel the loss of her friends… but
she sees the promise of new times ahead.
Crime Scene Sex… 🙂 I’m so glad I made you smile. I’ll be in
Booman Frogday er I mean Friday. I’m just going to chill out and
hang loose that day. Need plenty of hours to hang out there ya
know. Can’t do a drive by posting there at all.
Hey, if you’re in there today – just tell them I said HI or copy
my email to ya there. I don’t mind 🙂 I love those guys
See you tomorrow. If I don’t, Have yourself a Merry Little
Christmas and let’s keep hoping for Peace on Earth.
Love, Janet… Damnit!
I thought I’d take her up on her word and post her email here….sounds like she’s busy-who isn’t when they move and more so during the holidays. Maybe she’ll get to drop in tomorrow for some R/R.
Well I, for one, need an explanation of “crime scene sex.” Do you do it surrounded by yellow tape? Chalk outlines?
Iirc, “crime scene sex” can only happen one week a month.
That Masturbating Idiot? That more closely resembles what happens around here about 1 week out of the month.
Too Much Information…
Okay first of all, it’s Janet’s term, not mine. (I don’t want credit for this one, lol!) And really, that was the cleanest way I could find to explain it.
Sounds like things are going a bit better for her, and I’m glad. We’ll have to do something extra special nice for Janet when she pokes her nose into the Cafe tomorrow. Unfortunately I’m not sure how much help in anything like that I’m going to be. I’m going to be spending my day off from work doing prep work for Christmas.
YAY I’m glad she’s well, I love her too. She’s got such a fun brand of naughtiness.
Hello, hello! Brightest Yule greetings to one & all.
Just stepping in briefly today — & I do mean briefly — to wish everyone a lovely day, as I must attend to severe plumbing problems due to ice.
Ah, the wonders of nature ..
Tell us that’s not a picture of your plumbing problems!
No, the ice in the plumbing is far less attractive.
Truly must run (as the water won’t) — have a fine day, all!
Well, none of my plumbing problems, personal or household, have ever been the least bit attractive, let alone gorgeous.
I definitely hear you, Andi.
Alas, nature doesn’t call, it arrives in person.