As a Christmas project, people should start collecting quotes of Arlen Specter’s wherein he claims to be pro-choice. The latest revelations about Alito make it imperative that we throw those quotes right back in Arlen’s face.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
“…Roe took from the state lawmakers the authority to make this choice and gave it to the pregnant woman.”
That just makes my blood run cold. He thinks legislators should have more right to determine the course of women’s lives than the women themselves.
This guy has got to be stopped.
Remember, if Arlen doesn’t want Scalito to go to the floor of the Senate and the Democrats on the judiciary committee remain united then Scalito’s nomination is dead.
Sign Barbara Boxer’s petition to delay hearings on Alito until AFTER Bush is investigated! I’m sure she’ll use the number of signatures on the Senate floor, as she has done before, especially if we can get a bunch!
(Sorry for the repetitive posting. Just trying to drum up more signatures for the petition, now at ~48,000. I can’t stand the idea of Alito on the Supreme Court!)
who is this Senator Murtha?
Whoops! Posted my response in the wrong place. See below 😉
I meant to point out that Mr. Murtha is a representative, not a Senator.
who wants to save lives.
In an online chat, I asked Wesley Clark what he thought about Murtha’s proposal. He objected to a six-month timetable. Funny, though, Murtha hasn’t really tried to set a timetable, just “as soon as practicable.”
Somewhere I read speculation that Dems want to wait until after the 2006 elections to leave Iraq so they can’t be blamed for the mess. If that’s true, it’s most disappointing!
join the fun.
yer dreamy!
will you please post the final collection as a comment in this diary:;sid=2005/12/20/225036/05
i’m doing my damnedest to keep all the alito dirt in one pile.
: p
The kids & I created this image of the ‘flu based on the same idea as the evil eye. People wear images of the evil eye to let the evil eye know that it needn’t bother. So we were hoping to ward off the ‘flu.
Here’s wishing everyone a ‘flu free season.
except for political baddies. A pox on the house of Bush.
click image to enlarge
So finally the portrait of that sick bastard O’Reilly is gone from it’s prominent position on the home page and has been replaced by the mug of the always odious Kay Bailey Hutchison.
I thought about writing to Ms. Radnofsy in the hopes she’d get her ad people toredesign the ads but I didn’t wantto inadvertently risk damaging the revenue stream coming in to Boo & Co here.
any suggestions as to how we might be able to tactfully communicate with the Radnofsky campaing and persuade them that they might get more supportif their ads didn’t feature photos of atavistic barbarians like O’Reilly or scurrilous dirtbags like Hutchison.
A year more of seeing these sorts of faces “above the fold” so to speak on the BooTrib home page might wind up being cruel andunusual punishment.
Just Sayin’!
Troubling words from Specter during a CNN interview on 11/8/04:
I hope he grows some marmot-sized balls and recognizes that Roe v. Wade is in real jeopardy.
You could say this is for Arlen Specter, too.
My personal Christmas project?
Helping women recover from the Katrina rapes, and publicizing it more.
Link away to other blogs, please.
I’m contributing to LAFASA. Planned Parenthood is now part of this effort, too.
How about straight from his website?
I am personally opposed to abortion, but I am a supporter of a woman’s right to choose. I believe that it is not the role of the Federal government to interfere in an issue best handled by women and families in consultation with their minister, priest, or rabbi.
Of course, he says nothing about switching the role to the states, which is what an overturn of Roe would likely do…