The Xicano Version of the Night Before Christmas, so, without further ado, I give you –
‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through la casa Not a creature
was stirring, Caramba! Que pasa?
Los ninos were all tucked away in their camas, Some in vestidos and
some in pajamas. While Mama worked late in her little cocina, El viejo was
down at the corner cantina.
The stockings were hanging con mucho cuidado, In hopes that St.
Nicholas would feel obligado To bring all the children, both buenos y
malos, A Nice batch of dulces and other regalos. Outside in the yard
there arouse such a grito, That I jumped to my feet like a frightened
I went to the window and looked out afuera, And who in the world, do
you think que era? Saint Nick in a sleigh and a big red sombrero Came
dashing along like a crazy bombero! And pulling his sleigh instead of
venados, Were eight little burros approaching volados.
I watched as they came, and this little hombre was shouting and
whistling and calling by nombre.
Ay, Pancho! Ay, Pepe! Ay, Cuca! Ay, Beto!
Ay, Chato! Ay, Chopo! Maruca and Nieto!
Then standing erect with his hand on his pecho He flew to the top of
our very own techo. With his round little belly like a bowl of jalea, He
struggled to squeeze down our old chimenea.
Then huffing and puffing, at last in our sala, With soot smeared all
over his red suit de gala. He filled the stockings with lovely regalos,
For none of the children had been very malos.
Then chuckling aloud and seeming contento, He turned like a flash and
was gone like the viento.
And I heard him exclaim and this is VERDAD,
Merry Christmas to all, And to All ¡Feliz Navidad!
Pancho Claus
And Season’s Greetings to you, XicanoPwr!
Thanks for the verse, coupled with the Spanish lesson all rolled into one. (But you have to admit . . . you were kind of pushing your rhyming . . . just a little bit . . . with “came” and “nombre” ;^)
All my best to you and yours for a wonderful holiday season, amigo! And holiday greetings to all amigos out there. (Manny . . .? :^)
We laughed our asses off at this one- thanks for that!
And feliz Navidad to you- poetic license approved!
Sorry Shycat. I thought I aimed for the 4 but it seems I missed and gave you something lower than what you deserve. i corrected it already 🙂
Merry Christmas to you too…Thank you for being among us on this wonderful day of rejoicing. hugs….
PS: I suppose I need to take a course in Spanish, Huh!!?? :o)
Merry fiestas to you tambien. this was great!! I laughed until me cague en los pantalones.
Que pases unas muy felizes fiestas.
This is wonderful, thanks and iFeliz Navidad to you also….although I know almost no Spanish the spirit and the fun of the poem came through. But let’s not let Tancredo see this, he might make it illegal.
“Prospero ano y felicidad” 😉
Gracias, XicanoPwr, for the memories de Jose Feliciano y mi youth.
LOL! Thanks!
that I e-mailed it to my Colombian “son.”
“Gozo al todo el mundo.”
Estas son las mañanitas que cantaba el Rey David;
hoy por ser dia de tu santo te las cantamos a ti; Despieta mi bien despierta mira que ya amanecio;
Ya los pajaritos cantan la luna ya se metio.
Feliz Navidad to you!
Feliz Navidad! Whenever I see “Pancho Clause”, I think of Lalo Guerrero, may he rest in peace. His music has always brought smiles to my family, I was lucky to meet him here in Tucson last year for the Christmas parade.