May the 4’s be with you
*** (Not a katiebird image. She hasn’t got a single Christmas photograph.)
I will be here for most of today and tomorrow. I will run out at some point to do some errands, but won’t be gone any longer than I usually am at some point on a Saturday.
So, please stop by whenever you get the chance. I’m looking for company.
Good Morning! I wish I really could share this great coffee with you. I don’t know how, but it’s just about the best cup I’ve ever made.
Good morning! I too have an errand-running day. It’s finally getting warmer here in NY. 40’s! Woohoo! It’s been mighty cold here lately. Now maybe all this snow will melt. And to those not yet done, happy last shopping day! (I’m told that K-mart is open until midnight for procrastinators, you know who you are.)
Is it being a procrastinator if you plan it for today?
I am drinking my usual: EXTRA strong Cafe Du Monde french roast and chicory, no cream, sugar or whiskey (alas).
Probably accounts for my mostly rotten mood most of the time.
BTW, Since Katrina, the price of Cafe Du Monde has risen from $2.99 to $3.99 per lb. Still available though and still cheaper and tastier than Starbucks. Especially for the mud lovers out there.
Merry Holidays or whatever it is you dont believe in. π
Good to see you in the Cafe… I gave up coffee about 2 weeks ago just for the hell of it. I miss the preparation more than the taste. But I certainly don’t miss those caffeine withdrawal headaches.
Merry Holidays to you! π
Hi Olivia (did I ever tell you that I love your name? I think it’s beautiful)
Have you given up coffee forever? Or is it a temporary thing?
I gave up coffee for a year once (I gave up all caffeine I could control — even chocolate). And when I took it up again, I limited myself to just one cup a day as an experiment. I figured I could go back to not drinking it at all if even that was too much. But it’s worked pretty well (for me) for 30 years.
I don’t think it wil be forever… I’m not sure why I decided to do it. I don’t like the idea of being addicted to something, so I guess I just like to prove that I can change my routine and be okay. The headaches were a ‘pain’ π but I really don’t miss it. I was normally drinking one cup per day — but it had to be fresh ground, and the water had to be the exact right temperature, the coffee cup heated, the cream, etc. etc. etc. I miss the routine of making it, but I don’t find I’m missing it otherwise. I’m not tempted by coffee at work for instance, b/c I really don’t like any coffee that I don’t make myself b/c I’m so peculiar about how it has to be made. (I would cart all my coffee making stuff with me when I travelled if you can imagine!).
I don’t think I could give up chocolate though. Sometimes I don’t even have to eat it — just have it sitting near me is enough. Now that’s crazy!
Have chocolate near you is an eminently sane idea and the world would be a better place if everyone had a bite of chocolate every day.
I’ve made Starbucks’ Sumatra Extra Bold.
And it feels like rocket fuel. If it wasn’t raining, I could, I don’t know . . . . do something energetic.
I feel way to awake to read those Christmas stories I’ve set out.
Turned rainy and brisk on us, didn’t it, but at least we had a lovely couple of days in KC.
See you later, agitators.
I love it, this is exactly like the Northern California Christmas’s of my childhood. 40 degrees & pouring rain. I haven’t seen a Christmas Eve like this since then.
(sighing with pleasure)
You’re in the KCMo vicinity right? So all rain, no snow heading our way? I heard it was supposed to change over later today.
I think no snow (I really feel like I did as a child — staring at the thermometer praying for it to drop to 32 so we could get snow, which it never, ever did.)
They’ve kind of hinted at a possibility. But, I think that’s just wishful thinking.
What’s it supposed to change to.
Oh well. Maybe …
I hope for a dusting. So people can enjoy the snow but still be able to get to Grandma’s (or wherever) easily.
Although, I don’t know about your weather people, but ours assured us only 5 days ago that it was going to be bone dry for Christmas. No mention of rain, much less snow. Wouldn’t you like a job where you could be completely wrong and you keep your job?
I’m outta here. See you later.
Wouldn’t you like a job where you could be completely wrong and you keep your job?
I believe that’s called Secretary of Defense.
(gasp)(spit)(wipe off monitor)
Hey, ks!! What’s up?
Damn!!! You’re Buhrilliant and Hysterical!!! π
LOL — excellent!
Still no snow? It’s 45 and cloudy and damp here (it rained last night) but they keep saying its going to turn to light snow tonight. And I just came in from running around and everyone is in a very good mood today (unlike earlier this week when the whole world seemed crabby). Going out again in about 1/2 hour after I eat some lunch.
I’ll be erranding today as well.
Good luck to all as you venture out into the masses.
And to those who have completed all their tasks early and can therefore relax and enjoy the day … π
Seeing the NHL Senators beat up on Belfour was an early Christmas present in this house.
Damn it’s good to have you back here with us DJ!
Hugs and kisses to you!
Oh my, thank you, that is sooooooo funny! I laughed out loud, copied the picture, and sent it to some family.
It is cute, isn’t it. Makes me think twice about the eggnog though!!! ;^)
Merry Holidays to you!
(PS — Excellent sig line!)
Good morning all – just dropping by for a quick rest. Still making cookies today, yesterdays were a bit strange looking. I’ve just gotta keep trying to get it right. Following in my mother’s tradition of putting everything off till the last posible minute and taking on additional tasks. Perhaps I’ll resolve to stop doing that in future. Heh.
It seems cold enough for snow here. Y’all get all the beauty, but maybe not the comfort. Somebody make me a snow angel please.
What a beautiful picture Indy!
Hugs to you! ((((Indy)))))
…what kind of cookies are you making? I love cookies!
Merry Christmas Eve (or whatever) to all! I’m out to run a few errands (no shopping, just other christmasy stuff). But all this talk of coffee means I need to go to Starbucks first. Everyone have a GREAT day and if I don’t make it back (unlikely) have a great holiday tonight and tomorrow.
mmm..eggnog latte…I’m heading out too!
oh you temptress! But it is the holiday …
Should we be serving Eggnog Latte s here?
Let me know — I want everyone happy.
how about an eggnog, hold the egg, hold the cream, hold the sugar, hold the nutmeg…. an Irish Mist please.
Hi suskind, Do you mind if I give you your Christmas present now? It seems like a good time:
mille grazie !
Ooey Gooey lovies and kissies raining down on you from me!!! Missed you like mad.
your slobbering, dj !!
i missed you too. am only around for another week, then i’ll be discontentedly disconnected again. jeez.
You’re back and yet you’re leaving??? WAHHHH Just as long as you always return, mon ami. π
Hey if you’re near a public library, they do offer internet connection time for free π Will miss you AGAIN
Psst if you get a chance… you might want to try to read a diary I wrote a while back called “You don’t support the troops”… then read StevenD’s which is linked to it.
I just read them both.
Here’s a batch of quotes fer ya:
Happy Festivus! Let’s mull it all over for a few days, huh? (insert image mulled wine)
Eggnog lattes definitely make me happy…I’m feeling decadent today!
Every day you’re decadent π Your friendship is truly enriching to us all. Merry Peacemas to you and the CabinBoys!!!!
Merry Peacemas to you and Wayne and Wes and Danni!
Oh, before I leave, I saw this going around other blogs. You have to answer a bunch of questions all in lists of four things. I thought it was a great idea for the holiday — sharing yourself in a way. So I’ll start. See if anybody else wants to play.
Four jobs you’ve had in your life:
Salad Bar Girl at Ponderosa Steak House; Clerk in the Collector of Revenue’s Office (chasing down addresses of deadbeat tax payers); paralegal; lawyer.
Four movies you could watch over and over:
The Wizard of Oz; 84 Charing Cross Road; Casablanca; Singin in the Rain
Four places you’ve lived:
St. Louis, MO; Washington, DC; Chicago, ILL; my imagination.
Four TV shows you love to watch:
Gilmore Girls; CSI (the original); Cardinals Baseball; Charlie Rose.
Four places you’ve been on vacation:
Managua, Nicaragua; Scotland; Tuscany; Lake Kabatogama Minnesota.
Four websites you visit daily:
The pond; Atrios, Kos, the New York Times (can I only list four?).
Four of your favorite foods:
cookies (any kind except coconut), hamburgers, popcorn, crispy bacon.
Four places you’d rather be:
Arrowhead Lodge, Lake Kabetogama Minnesota; the Tuscan countryside; the Scottish Highlands; Anywhere but work.
Hey there maryb. Sure, I’ll play:
Legal jobs: ‘exotic dancer’, landscaper, mannequin artist, renovation/construction.
Movies I’ve actually watched over & over: John Waters’ ‘Pink Flamingos’, Werner Herzog’s ‘Nosferatu’, Gus van Sant’s ‘My Own Private Idaho’, Terry Gilliam’s ‘Brazil’.
Domiciles (not counting the present wilderness): Sausalito, CA; NYC; Asheville, NC; the planet Zod.
TV: not applicable at all.
Vacation spots: Central Mexico (various towns); central & southern Italy (again, various); coastal Maine; Block Island.
Daily sites: previously, I’d have no trouble comprising a ‘puny’ list of four; now I’m lucky to visit two: the frog pond, dKos.
Favorite foods: Brie or Camembert & whole grain bread; completely home made pasta & sauce; black olives; kim chee.
Four places you’d rather be: not generally applicable, but I’d enjoy being on my own land rather than a tenant. I’m workin’ on it ..
what’s a mannequin artist? I’m picturing many things — you acting like a mannequin, or you designing mannequins? Or you decorating mannequins (perhaps with spray paint after stores have closed?)
Four jobs you’ve had in your life:
Drive-thru clerk at Burger King; stripper at a 5-star strip club; bartender at various gay bars; office manager for small law firm.
Four movies you could watch over and over:
Roll Bounce; A Knight’s Tale; Matilda; Fried Green Tomatoes
Four places you’ve lived:
Miami FL; in the woods an hour outside of Fairbanks Alaska; Flagstaff AZ; in countless alternate universes
Four TV shows you love to watch:
Arrested Development; Titus (off the air); Freaks & Geeks (off the air); Out Of Practice (I have a crush on Paula Marshall)
Four places you’ve been on vacation:
Grand Cayman; Key West; the woods & waterfalls of Middle Tennesee; Santa Barbara & Zaca Lake CA
Four websites you visit daily:
BooMan’s Rockin’ Tribune; Alas; Pandagon; a bunch of click for charity sites
Four of your favorite foods:
Am I allowed to say Paula Marshall?; dessert (what? that’s a food); homemade macaroni & cheese; the chicken francais I just learned to make
Four places you’d rather be:
Nah, I’m almost always right where I want to be.
You lived near Fairbanks AND in Miami — if you were trying to pick places more different from each other you couldn’t have done better. Were you trying?
I didn’t pick them. As it turned out, my parents were a little better at divorce than they were at marriage. Mom stayed in Miami, Dad went to Alaska, lol.
You were a stripper??!! Wow!!! That’s one of my “skintasies”
Love Matilda and Knights Tale here too.
Because of Youuuuuuuuuuuu… I will be greencining (like Netflixing only better flicks) Arrested Development. Smooch!
My dessert would be Salma Hayek- nice and thick!
I’d cross over for her…
Me too. And I wouldn’t even blame drugs or alcohol. π
She’s my sheer inspiration for perspiration.
Four jobs you’ve had in your life:
Table busgirl, Order Entry clerk, Accounts Receivable rep, Administrative Assistant
Four movies you could watch over and over:
TRON, First Wives Club, Godspell, Blazing Saddles
Four places you’ve lived:
All in California — Palo Alto, San Jose, Sunnyvale…that’s it (damn, I’m boring)
Four TV shows you love to watch:
Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Sharks hockey, Starting Over, SportsCenter
Four places you’ve been on vacation:
Disneyland, Seattle, Alaska, Las Vegas
Four websites you visit daily:
BooTrib (naturally), Street Prophets, ESPN, MacWorld
Four of your favorite foods:
potatoes, ice cream, watermelon, cream of mushroom soup
Four places you’d rather be:
Can’t really think of any right now — pretty content (though I should be at the grocery store right now…)
I don’t know why but I thought it was funny that cream of mushroom soup is one of your favorites. It was just so unexpected. Campbells or home made?
Our local Sweet Tomatoes does a wonderful one on Mondays (they call it “Mushroom Mondays”) — in fact, just told the spouse we’re going there for dinner Monday night. π
Actually like mushrooms in most shapes and forms…I’d make a good hobbit (though without the big hairy feet)…
but here goes:
nurse’s aide in nursing home, gas station attendant, church secretary, caregiver for guys with MR/DD
Princess Bride, Shawshank Redemption, Christmas Vacation, Stand by Me
Cleveland Ohio, Dillon Colorado, Evergreen Colorado, Raleigh North Carolina
Simpson’s, Scrubs, Grey’s Anatomy, Northern Exposure, Picket Fences (both defunct)
Virginia Beach, Blowing Rock NC (no wisecracks)Breckenridge CO, Outer Banks NC
BT, Huffington Post, Alternet,
My grandma’s rice pudding, hot and sour seafood soup, popcorn with Seasoned Salt, bacon
Rather be: home
I LOVE Princess Bride. “my name is inigo montoya …”
ahem, anyway
I also love rice pudding. Is your grandma’s baked or creamy? I like both kinds π
Ahhh…it is baked and creamy! But in a pinch Kozy Shack rice pudding will do, though it’s nothing like my grandma’s and just the name makes me ashamed to buy it.
mmm baked AND creamy. My usual rice pudding IS Kozy Shack because I never make it for myself. My mom made us baked rice pudding when we were kids but it wasn’t creamy. It was somewhat solid and then we’d pour milk over it. I’m fond if it because its what I grew up with. Then one day I was at a local greek restaurant and had some of THEIR rice pudding — really creamy. What an eye opener. But they don’t have it all the time — I guess they only make it when there is leftover rice.
We love Princess Bride here!!!! We went through TWO tapes of it because my son ADORED it and Obsessed over it. Finally got the DVD of it. It’s one of my favorite gifts to give
Favorite 4 gifts to give
Princess Bride DVD
Dave Sills CD “Sometimes Nothing”
Peter Himmleman CDs (any)
My kids know the entire dialogue of Princess Bride by heart and they’ll launch into it around the dinner table sometimes and just crack me up. The whole “never trust a Sicilian when death is on the line”…and “I can clearly not choose the one in front of me…”
“I don’t even exercise” π
“I wonder if they’re using the same wind we’re using?”
“Have fun storming the castle!!”
All here talk in Princess Brideisms π
Anybody want a peanut?
Truly a magical movie.
Four jobs you’ve had in your life:
Marketing Secretary AKA Office Slave
Employment Director’s Sec AKA Did all the work Slave.
Mom AKA Indentured Servant with no time off for good behavior
Video Rental Clerk AKA Nightly Witness to the Stupidity of Humanity
Four movies you could watch over and over:
JUST FOUR??? JFC!!!I’ve got to break it down
Princess Bride, Mystery Men, Slap Shots, Without a Paddle
Action/Series: James Bond, Star Wars, Monty Python, Austin Powers
New Addition*Four Favorite Movie Directors*
Wes Anderson, Quentin Tarantino, Tim Burton, Mel Brooks
Four places you’ve lived:
Mostly I’ve lived in houses and a few apartments…but I think it would be cool to have a modified-Pirate Ship in an apple orchard surrounded by a moat filled with Koi. π
Four TV shows you love to watch:
Hate TV… but I love hockey, Whose Line is it Anyways? Spikes MXC, Amy Goodman’s Democracy Now
Four places you’ve been on vacation:
My mind takes a daily vacation…
Four websites you visit daily:, Booman ‘natch, my email place… um that’s it for daily.
Four of your favorite foods:
Mexican, Chinese, Hot, and spicy
Four places you’d rather be:
I’d rather be without the Red Regime
Merry Christmas Eve to all froggies and tadpoles and their families.!
I woke up to a Christmas surprise…the african violet on my nightstand finally blooming again after months of me trying my best to kill it.
It’s not an Olivia special, but it’s the best I could do with my cheapo digital.
We decided to have our festivities tonight and sleep in tomorrow, eat leftovers, and finally see King Kong. Today it’s baked ham, scalloped potatoes, baked beans, baked pineapple and, to top it off, Fresca for me. I usually don’t drink pop but I thought I’d treat myself. And that teaspoon of Bailey’s last night? Did the trick. I’m in the mood (the Christmas mood you pervs)and raring to go. Now…let me at those presents…
ummm, Fresca!
Good morning SN!!
I’m so glad you’re “in the mood”. I think I’m “in the mood”, but I don’t think anyone can tell. My lazy nature is keeping me in my pajamas & I just don’t look Christmassy yet.
Every now and then I like to ge Henry Weinhardts Rootbeer. Then I burp at the kids π Makes them squeal like piggies π
Speaking of in the mood:
I had an exquisite sex dream towards the early morning hours. Andi and Indy must’ve spiked my cafe coffee because I swear they wrote and produced the entire pillow drama. π It was very good while being very naughty. (and NO it wasn’t my first girl on girl on girl dream LOL)
Merry Christmas SIN!!!!!! My only regrets this weekend is that we all can’t spend time IN THE FLESH (not that way perves). The one thing that is hard about this internetting chatting friending gifting stuff… especially for huggy, touchy people like myself. I just wanna reach out and grab you all.
Or at least… hear you laugh.
Sex dreams? You too? Must be something in the pond.
Not only did they write and produce it… they STARRED in it as well.
Remind me some day to tell you about the naughty one I had of Manny. It involved him wearing a furry hockey mascot suit and us in the penalty box. π There’s more to it – but we are celebrating the birth of Jesus and all so I’d best shush my mouth π
Am I reading that right? I hope so, it’d be nice to think I’m getting some action somewhere. π Merry merry, Damnit Janet, may your stocking be well-stuffed this holiday weekend. ;p
Santa already filled my stockings this year… TEAL HOCKEY STOCKINGS… Joe Thornton… (pant and drool- he can find my five hole any day… )
Merry Merry to you, too, you gorgeous being!! I am so grateful to have bumped into you and several others here.
Oh… and there was a few dreams about BrotherFeldpsar and me and a makeshift version of CRASH (the earlier one) but we were in bumpercars although they still could go anywhere. Bro, is a WILD MAN!!!! π
Sex dreams, eh….I dream all the time and mostly bad dreams but I did figure out over the years that I had more sex dreams when I wasn’t dating or in a relationship….and as I’ve been single for quite a few years now you all can use your imagination about how my dreams are going.
Although one the other night had me pretty pissed off at my sister…Heath Ledger was getting it on with her and not me..instead I got an old whacko boyfriend showing up in the dream and it was creepy.
Heath Ledger = yummy. Ok I have to go
prep my Christmas turkey. I’ll check in again later! Merry everything to everyone!
It is delicious beyond all my anticipations.
Barely sweet at all, silky smooth texture, I consumed half a square with no ill effects (katiebird, meter said 116 two hours later)
I highly recommend this product to anyone who is serious about chocolate.
Thanks for the heads up on the Lindt bar.
Ductape, you might enjoy these, too. We give them out instead of cards. Pricier than other chocolate bars but less expensive than some paper card.
Endangered Species Chocolate Bars from Oregon. Great chocolate and GREAT company.
Retreat… What a lovely word. We’re in the eye of the holiday storm this morning, waiting for the winds. This is the first chance I’ve had to stop moving in days, and it’s lovely, if terribly brief. Thought I’d stop in and drink a cup of herbal tea in the corner. Don’t mind if I seem to startle easily, someone probably just said family dinner, or shopping, or decorations.
Hope all of you have a splendid holiday of your choice.
The peaceful feeling post-rush about is a good feeling too.
Merry Holidays to you and your family!
Puget4 and I began dating this time of year so this picture of her on our first day newly-arrived out west a few yrs ago seems appropriate.
She’s the blue dot just above-left of the purple flower spray at the bottom.
Merry, merry, all wenches and strappin’ gentlemen …
We made it to, and through, Costco yesterday! No problemo! I got a new item there — a nifty folding table for my printer and phone — just love it! And Darcy got her most sought-after item: The 2nd season of “Arrested Development” on DVD at the same price as Amazon minus shipping!
And I bought a case of “Joint Juice”! WOOHOOO … it tastes really good … like orange pop (fizzy too). We also got — haaaaachoooooo — a big bunch of Kleenex. And, for my naughty treat, I got one of their very good pumpkin pies. Then we got bird food for the birds. We got wheat bread, peanut butter and jam for the raccoons. And I got frozen stir-fry veggies …
and … drum roll … a bag of frozen blueberries to mix in with my fav vanilla Brown Cow yogurt.. WOW! (We got more … wanna hear? Jeez .. I didn’t mean to type the entire list!)
just FYI:
Darcy — Miss V.P. of Marketing for — got me to add Sierra Trading Post as an affiliate. Her boss and his wife buy lots of their clothes and shoes from them…. it’s an online outlet mall. Darcy says they even sell Anne Klein, and they sell my fav shoes, Dansko, plus all kinds of outdoor gear for the more athletic types.
into sandwiches for the racoons, or set out all the elements buffet-style and empower them to make their own?
I make the sandwiches for them, but tear them into bite sized portions so it’s easier for them to eat.
Alas, no jam because I couldn’t open the damn new jam jars. Must have my manly neighbors come over and do that for me.
Hugs and kisses Susan! Merry holidays!
Greetings & holiday blessings to one & all! So good to see you.
Amazingly, here in the Catskills we’re seeing the possibility of rain — not snow — for Christmas day. My Christmas eve is full of the sound of melting snow dripping onto the roof & the continued furious hum of distant snowmobiles.
As always, for me this holiday will be spent in serenity & solitude. Just the way I like it!
Happy Hockeydays!! And a huge toast of many rounds to those who work towards and teach Peace on Earth.
I am truly blesed this year. I was able to meet so many new and wonderful friends from all over the world.
Even though I’ve moved, I haven’t had to say goodbye to a single loved one. Tonight I’m going over to spend time with a hockey friends family and then Monday in a last minute surprise, I get to spend time with my best friend who is driving up here to the Northwest Neighborhood as she’s seeing her family who are from here. I must have been very good, (or extremely naughty) for Santa to pull all that off for us π
A decorated tree in the house… nawwww that’s not Pagan.. π I love how this holiday one can wrap up all the traditions and ideas into one festive binge.
I hope all of you and yours find and fulfill exactly what your heart desires.
((((Supersoling)))) made it for his house and shared it in one of RubDMC’s diaries. I think it’s fantastic and want one for my house for the whole year long. π
Ditto…that’s fucken awesome. Why didn’t I think of that..I have a small, small peace sign that hangs on the outside of my apartment door and has for over a year now..right now it’s covered up by a plain wreath.
OH YEAH that is GREAT!!!!
I hope he’d post it on one of the very widely read blogs.
I so need one of these.
whatever kind of holiday – may this be a day to love your friends- just like I love you- and BEHAVE dammit!
Behave??? Not if I can help it! π
(I totally ripped the above from an Austin Powers flick) π
OK, don’t behave, I love you anyway ((((((janet)))))
both near and far,
I wish you joy where ‘ere you are.
So my hubsband and I didn’t go to the store until late last night (it was too scary in the afternoon). While we were picking out the Christmas capon, we saw something horrifying in the same freezer case. They didn’t appear to be big sellers, because there were a lot of them. It was this turkey-duck-chicken-sausage…thing…called turducken. They looked absolutely disgusting, and ranged from 5-lb size up to these monstrously huge things that looked like they weighed a good 30 pounds.
Has anyone else seen these? Or tried one? What are they like? It looked scary and possibly very greasy.
No haven’t seen one but they sound like a science experiment gone very, very bad.
They’ve been around for a few years now, and now there’s a new one that’s like 10 different critters. It’s like the whole damn food chain conveniently packaged for gluttony.
I don’t get it. Are all the ingredients ground up together and then shaped into something (yuck). Or are different parts of the “mass” different things? (yuck again, plus HOW would you know how long to cook it.)’s so gross you don’t want to know. The sausage is stuffed into the chicken which is stuffed into a duck which is stuffed into a turkey. Or maybe I’ve got the order wrong.
That is revolting — even worse than I imagined it was. Now all I can picture in me head is one animal eating another etc., and then we cook the whole thing up and eat them all. YUCK!
Exactly. The whole food chain.
eeewww. I didn’t even think of that. It sounds horrible.
what they call a hot dog? π
about turducken. What can I say? I’m bored and just did a Google search.
You cook it for 9 to 10 hours. Apparently, somehow you take all the bones out of the turkey, chicken and duck and spread the meat out on top of each other with sausage in the middle, then tie it up inside the turkey.
Doesn’t it make you thankful for Honeybaked Ham?
I decided to google it too and found some sight that claimed a single serving contained something like 1,700 calories. Now I believe that the holidays are a time for gluttony, but that’s just nasty.
Bye everyone! I have to leave and I doubt I’ll be back today. Off to my parents to help set up for and then attend the big mandatory family Christmas gathering. It’s mandatory because my oldest aunt is a nun and she ORDERS us to come. But it will be fun — there will be over 50 of us there. Sometimes its the only time all year that I see some of my cousins. We’re a pretty diverse group economically and somewhat diverse politically (fortunately we’re MOSTLY Democrats but the republicans among us are VERY LOUD and obnoxious). For the last couple of years my aunt the nun has banned any talk of money, politics or religion at the Christmas celebration — but talk about sex is OK.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone.
BTW if Susanhu checks in — I just used the itunes link and bought something. (It was “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas” for the rest of you who are dying to know.)
Finally a break. I have been making pierogies(sp?) since noon. Before that, the reporter from the local paper stopped by to interview us about Andrew’s first Christmas. I have a half hour before I start the dill pickle soup.
Dill pickle soup? You had me at pierogies.
Awww shucks. Just following in my mom’s footsteps.
Ok ,I NEED the dill pickle soup recipe-Is it like sauerkraut soup kinda?
I could not find the recipe I have used before and I am not so happy with the way the recipe turned out. My husband and our guest liked it, but me not so much. Do you still want it?
3 or 4 dill pickles
2 tablespoon butter
6 c. chicken stock/broth
2/3 c. sour cream
1 tablespoon flour
Peel and slice (thin) dill pickles. Cook pickle slices in butter and 1 c. of stock/broth until pickles are transparent and tender. 25-30 minutes, med-low heat.
Combine with the rest of the stock/broth and sour cream. Before adding sour cream, add the flour to sour cream – blend completely. Season with salt just to bring our the sour taste. If not tart enough, add pickle juice or lemon juice.
Good luck.
Thanks- I have some ham stock cooking right now- I will try it!
Ho Ho Ho….Merry Christmas to one and all. I wanted to drop by before I shut down tonight to say how great it has been this holiday season to have such great friends in each of you. I could not have asked for any more of a wonderful group of ppl to be with, in my life.
My heart is rejoicing to have you with me in my heart. I love ya all. I want to say my wish for each of you is that you have the best of holidays with wonderful health and that you stay warm and aglow for the whole year to come. hugs to you all…..oh yes, keep the great pictures coming my way..:)
Thank you, sweetie. Same to you x1,000.
Because the sunrise this Christmas Eve morning was just for you.
I just got back — I didn’t think I’d be gone NEARLY this long!!
New clean diary on the way. (I’ll catch up on the action when I get back!!)
Come visit at Retreat Part II