My New Year’s (and one and only booman trib diary) Post
I would like to propose that everyone reading this blog, and all other bloggers and readers across the world, and everyone they know take this mentally constructed calendar moment to be both the observer and the actor in reinventing reality.
So, whatever your time zone, at some moment in this day, let your mind visualize the demise of fundamentalism across the world…from this moment on. See that Bush and bin Laden’s followers are illusions of hatred and fear. Let the fear be displaced by goodness and caring for all beings on this earth and beyond, for the living trees and the living microbes and the molecules and atoms and the vast nothingnesses that pass between all things and unite us.
For one moment, at least, believe that you can make the world change by replacing hate with love. Let reality be the consciousness that it is, and not the time/space prison of linear narrative.
Let the dream within a dream be a dream and not a nightmare by transforming the universe with a butterfly wing of a thought that we have other worlds we can bring forth in this one.
pass it on.
Beautiful post, faux.
and still go hang this “Impeach.” sign I made over the freeway tonight?
I hope so, because that’s my plan. Thanks for a lovely diary, fauxreal.
Absolutely my friend… for impeachment is possible because the Constitution, that the president has so willfully violated, provides just such a peaceful remedy to right such egregious wrongs.
Peace… and count me in.
Here’s to a bright and promising New Year… for everyone on this beautiful planet.
I love the highway bloggers! I live for the highway bloggers on somedays.
Laughing is good, isn’t it?
And making other people laugh is good too. I think the rest of the country will soon catch on, tho I actually think most have already and the msm tries to obscure this truth.
If Barron’s and people at the Cato Institute are starting to think and talk like that conservative guy, Paul Craig Roberts, who posts at, I can’t help but think it’s merely a matter of timing and Fitzgeralding…
but then, I’m optimistic right now….
Count me in.
Thank you for the gift of this diary. May I offer you a small token of appreciation in return:
That would make a wonderful sig line for the new year (if it fits!).
Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup,
They slither wildly as they slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my opened mind,
Possessing and caressing me.
Jai guru de va om
Nothing’s gonna change my world,
Nothing’s gonna change my world.
Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyes,
That call me on and on across the universe,
Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box
They tumble blindly as they make their way
Across the universe
Jai guru de va om
Nothing’s gonna change my world,
Nothing’s gonna change my world.
Sounds of laughter shades of life are ringing
Through my open ears inviting and inciting me
Limitless undying love which shines around me
Like a million suns, it calls me on and on
Across the universe
Jai guru de va om
Nothing’s gonna change my world,
Nothing’s gonna change my world.
– the beatles
Lovely post as usual ,faux real
I get alot bewildered and have to try to hold onto the love part.
Ilove moon but i get discouraged-you know?
is a necessity for making the change possible.
Some may scoff at this attempt, but through the sum total of what wisdom I have accumlated in this life I know in my heart that there is a tremendous power inherent in this Across the Universe Vision
I’m in and I’ll pass it on.
Wow. Doing your exercise, I’m envisioning a serious discussion over the best ways to bring prosperity to America’s poor, without anyone attacking them for being irreligious and immoral, without anyone feeling the need to bend over backwards to avoid such attacks. It’s a much more productive discussion than any I’ve sean, heard, or read about, and it holds real possibility for change rather than just a shrug of shoulders at the end.
That’s an image of hope and possibility fit for a new year indeed.
What a lovely idea for a first diary – “Jai Guru Deva” loosely translated:
Victory (or hail) to the divine spirit (or heavenly teacher) within you.
So similar to the salute “Namaste.” People all over the world have these moments, hopefully they will begin to prevail here in the land of comsumerism.
You have been an inspiration and a catalyst for change with this posting – thanks Fauxreal.
Thank you faux for this beautiful post of Universal connectedness. There is an energy out there that each and everyone of us can tap into at anytime. We all have become so busy that we fail to take a time out to just be, in a quiet, peaceful space. I know I have. I used to tap into this energy almost every day. Thank you for the reminder/
I will sit in quiwt contemplation and root myself in the energy you all send out tonight and from here forward. We will need this Universal energy to pull us through the fight we have on our hans.
Peace be with you and yours.
It gives my life the textures that make it worth staying involved in all of this right now. The small things, the good things, the good friends, the good food and wine and words and songs and the little frogs that live in my front lawn.
In the spirit of this diary I offer this little poem of mine:
We are nice little Poems
which are nice
when we’re nice
to us.
are blobs of energy
and energy
is eternal.
are to be read.
Do you read me?
I read you.
Whenever you need me
just read me.
another word is Souls.
The meaning of life is
the amusement of the Souls.
Some of us don’t understand.
Neither do I. I know.
We are nice little Poems
which are nice
when we are nice
to us.
Happy New Year!
Those of us who has the luxury to enjoy it.
And let’s hope for a much better 2006.
Thank you all for your beautiful thoughts.
Immediately after I posted this, I had no email access until this moment. What a wonderful gift to return here and see your posts.
On a physical level, to separate things, we can change the synapses in our brains to link to happiness rather than hatred, by imagining a better world.
I used to think of thought as a river. My emotional reactions, my thoughts were rivulets that became streams of thought that became rivers that became ruts. It’s easier to stay there sometimes.
But as Ghandi said, Let us be the change we wish to see in the world.