If you haven’t had a chance to read Aaron Barlow’s review of Peter Henry’s Becoming Mr. Henry at the ePMedia Journal, it asks thought provoking questions about education and education reform.
Barlow opens his review of Peter Henry’s book:
“Teaching versus standardized testing: This seems to be one of the core conflicts in education today. Our education departments are turning out better-trained teachers than ever before, but when they get to their schools, they often find they are expected to be no more than test-preparation facilitators. With an obsession for measurement infecting every level of public-school administration, teachers are discovering that they have to teach the skills of test-taking, not those of citizenship (once the hallmark of our educational system) and critical thinking. “
This is a book whose purpose is to move discussion of education back from testing to teaching, from paper to people.
How do you remember your schooling? By the scores on tests? Images? Stories?
Read the review and tell us what you think.
Cross posted at our community site, where you can find great commentaries and join in the discussion.
ePMedia Contributors include: Stoy, JeninRI, Sue in KY, Standingup, and Beverly in NH
Thanks for doing this review.
I spent a lot of time and personal fortune to produce this book and I am hoping that it will generate some discussion on the blogs.
This is our issue, people. Please recommend, read the review and post a response.
Am I reading this correctly? Did you write this book?
He certainly did!
Oh and the book can be ordered right here at Booman Tribune by clicking on the Tee Pad. Yup, they’ve got it and the sales here will benefit this sight.
If you want the commercial route, Becoming Mr. Henry is at http://www.wagonlanding.com
The review is intriguing and I am very interested in reading the book. The emphasis on testing is enough to drive me out of the business. It clouds all of the decisions that we make.
Please do read it TeacherToni. I am collecting feedback and am trying to crack the MSM barricades on this issue, so any positive comments I get I collect and formulate into a kind of list for helping gain access higher up the chain of command.
Ordering information is up-thread.