As we forge ahead into 2006, OneWorld’s editors take a look back at the people who made a difference in our world in 2005. Discover their stories, and let us know who you think we should all know about.

The Trailblazers
Powerful women crashed the all-boys clubs in Latin America and Africa last year while some corporations and local governments took the lead in promoting environmental stewardship…

The Movements
Colombians “opted out” of war; Hiroshima survivors, American youths, and weapons experts demanded a nuclear-free world; indigenous groups proved their values may be different, but not better or worse…

Disaster Responders
2005 has been called “the year of disasters.” It was also the year that individuals, organizations, corporations, and governments gave their time, talents, and money to help those whose lives were turned upside-down…

Local People Making a Global Difference
Ordinary people are making change happen everyday in their communities and around the globe. Here are some of the stories OneWorld brought to you in 2005…

Those Who Spoke Truth to Power
Consumers brandished their power over multinational corporations, students stood up to university officials, and the world’s superpower seemingly heard it from everybody…

In Memoriam
They were peace activists and human rights workers and political leaders and husbands and brothers and sisters. They will be missed, but not forgotten….

Many Embedded Links with each Subject.