NBC Nightly News reports that Ariel Sharon is experiencing organ failure and may not live through the night. Oui did a diary about Sharon’s stroke earlier.
I don’t have much to say about this, other than to note that the passing of Sharon will bring on a new era in the Middle East, and that however much I disagreed with Sharon politically, I wish him good health. The doctors say Sharon’s situation is so dire that they are hoping for a miracle. Maybe they will get one.
but wasn’t Sharon trying to turn the Israeli government in a more moderate direction?
Conspiracy theorists might see something odd about the timing…
[adding Reynolds Wrap to the shopping list…]
Anything is possible, of course, but Sharon is not a young man, and his weight will not have been a helpful factor in terms of his cardio-vascular health.
Moderate? Hardly — the trick was to dissociate himself from the most radical extremist elements in the settler’s movement & to “give up” Gaza. Of course, they haven’t given up control & Gaza is now little more than open-air prison camp.
Now Peretz is someone who may very well open up new terrain in Israeli politics.
Sharon rejected all international peace efforts, all negotiation, & has forced a unilateral solution on the ground. The whole Gaza thing was designed to obscure the further illegal annexation happening in the West Bank, to deflect international criticism of the Wall, and to pretend that Israel is not in the process of creating an apartheid like state with its so-called “cantons” & jews-only roads bisecting & dividing the little bit of land Sharon is willing to cede to the Palestinains.
I get nauseous every time I hear some talking head proclaim him a man of peace. May this war criminal suffer a long painful death tonight, & then save a place for his compadre, Kissinger, in the fires of hell.
“When covering the Sabra and Shatila massacres, I did not give equal time to the murderers who carried out the massacres.” -Robert Fisk
I do not wish him, or any human being a long, painful death. It is my sincere hope that he not suffer at all.
Should he recover, I would wish him a fair and open trial at the Hague, and humane treatment, a nutritious diet, and all necessary medical care.
Beyond that, there is a saying in Spanish, Lo que merece, que Dios multiplique.
(What he deserves, may God multiply it)
Senor Bush, lo que merece, que Dios multiplique.
(For the Israelis and Palestinians: Go in peace.)
It would’ve taken US support to see Sharon in the Hague. We all know that would never happen.
Lo que merece, que Dios multiplique.
Perhaps She is . . . It’s not a common sentiment for me, but I do hope Mother Nature doles out her best. I don’t feel much sympathy for the man; certainly not to the point of hoping he gets better.
The US public needs to know the full extent of this man’s crimes, and US complicty therein — not this moderate man of peace crap.
report on many things, including US-funded atrocities against the Palestinians, as well as the history of western colonization in the region as opposed to the Washington propaganda.
And few would suggest that I would ever characterize Ariel Sharon as a “man of peace,” as Mr. Danger does.
You have a fine mind, and I believe a very fine-tuned bullshit detector, and I always look forward to your posts.
However I would encourage you to take care of that fine mind, and that good heart, by resisting the temptation to perpetuate atrocities, and acknowledge the humanity and human rights of those who have denied them to so many of us.
But I am an old man, and therefore have an obligation to be preachy on occasion.
Also, I just told a very dirty joke in the Mojo and Lurker thread, and balance is important.
. . . much as I want to self-justify my intemperate remarks w/ some intertwined notion of kharma & letting nature take it’s course (which is NOT succumbing to “the temptation to perpetuate atrocities”), it’s unseemly for someone who’s often heard pleading for recognition of our common humanity.
Ultimately, it’s soul polluting.
(btw, “old man,” I doubt you have many, if any years on me . . .
In the summer of 2000, I had the opportunity to spend some time at Naropa with Queens College prof, Amiel Alcalay, who took me in out & sideways through my preconceptions of Israel & Yugoslvia, ethnicity & race, religion & humanity. His parents are from Yugoslavia, one jewish, one muslim & he holds dual US-Israeli citizenship.
City Lights published his collection of Israeli mizrahim literature, Keys to the Garden in 1996, many of whose authors were unknown to each other, even those who live but a few miles from each other. A poem by Tikva Levi:
Where were you when sykes-Picot came down?
somewhere in the cosmic ether of possibility, only to emerge actualized 40 years later
I will adopt you as an honorary descendant!
Thank you for the update, BooMan.
Personally, I don’t believe the hoped-for miracle will occur.
Added to my Breaking News diary ::
BREAKING :: Ariel Sharon Suffered Cerebral Hemorrhage ¶ Rushed Into ER for Operation
● Ehud Olmert is Israel’s Acting Prime Minister
● Ehud Olmert: Jerusalem and the Facts
● Palestinian Centrum in Jerusalem – Orient House
● CBC – An Interview With Ehud Olmert
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
must be thinking God is on his side tonight.
I’m with the others who wish no physical harm to any creature, including the creature that is Ariel Sharon.
Yet in the memory of Sabra and Shatila, there is no sadness at his passing. May Sharon’s creator have mercy on his soul.