If you haven’t written your senators yet, please do so. If your Senators are Republicans, make sure to write them and tell them not to dare to support the ‘nuclear option’.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Thanks for the idea on what to do with my most repugnant Senator Alllard. I was worried about calling Salazar again.
I’m going to write to Bond and Talent but I also think we should call them on Monday. I plan on getting as many people to JIm Talent’s phone lines as possible. He’s running for re-election.
Here’s an interesting piece by former AP/Newsweek reporter Robert Parry:
When Republicans Loved the Filibuster
Read on at the link.
I recently called Parry the conscience of the nation. He’s consistently reporting on the stories that matter most. He has this unerring sense of what’s important, which is why he’s anathema to the mainstream. He’s not a pack dog, but an independent thinker.
I heard Robert Parry speak many years ago, and was so impressed I laboriously transcribed Parry’s entire speech. I suggest any who are interested in real MEDIA history check that out.
Excellent. Thank you!
My Senators, John Warner and George Allen, won’t listen to me. Warner is a little more reasonable than Allen, but he’s still a pretty hardcore Republican.
I just called Roberts & Brownbacks offices — I don’t know why the bad-guys should get off the hook on this. Plus, it makes me feel like I’ve done something possibly useful.
Warner is a member of the Gang of 14 that are opposed to the nuclear option. Make sure he knows that you agree with him.
I know. And I emailed him when the whole “gang of 14” agreement came out. No response. I’ll contact his office again tomorrow morning.
I’m in the process of filling out the latest Zobgy survey and there are a lot of questions about using military action against Iran. Needless to say, I strongly oppose any military action by any entity.
My daughter Darcy gets all of their surveys, and she just loves doing them …
My problem, I think, is that i’ve filled out way too many forms in my life, and I’m just sick of it.
But she shares some of the more interesting questions, and they sure come up with some fascinating doozies.
I also respect Zogby a lot. I think they’re as straight as any such company could possibly be.
(And I like the brother’s Middle East show that’s on LINK TV, via DiSH.)
It was a long survey this time. A lot of questions about Iran, Iraq and civil liberties and how much privacy I’d be willing to give up for “safety”. It was a really comprehensive survey. Can’t wait to hear the results.
I took it too! It was unusually long. I also noted some nasty questions that included the phrase “pre-9/11 mentality” and “post-9/11 mentality”, which just hack me off.
Yeah, that pissed me off too.
Keep it up
These lists with the local numbers are great. I got a number of busy’s and no answers at the D.C. fax numbers, but I was always able to get through at one of the local offices.
to thank her for backing the filibuster (didn’t mention Cindy Sheehan), and Barbara Boxer (BaBo?) to remind her to stand with her colleagues (though I have no doubt she will).
Nice to have a couple of Senators who’ll do the right thing (with proper prodding)…
Obama criticized the Alito Filibuster Stall tactics and said that the Democrats have to “convince” people that their values are at stake. Bloody Fucking Hell what planet does he live on? They need to be informed…….not convinced! Nobody from the Democrats in the Senate has stood up there and just laid it out in laymans terms like Bill Clinton always did. If they said anything at all it was one press conference or one speech but nobody pounded the fucking pavement over this one! Fuck, what a bunch of over educated idiots in nice suits! Pull your heads out of your asses and realize that the majority of Americans aren’t going to know what is on the line until you guys tell them. What the fuck did they vote you guys in for? Poster boys and girls? How many working Joe’s are going to fully grasp this “presidential powers thing”? At best they think that all this fuss is about abortion and just having Alito on there isn’t likely to fully overturn Roe right this minute. They can’t conceive exactly how Alito is going to bring them brand new grief daily. He is likely though to take a huge fat ass bite out of the daily rights of the little guy verses big government and big business. Anybody spell that all out loud and clear for the little guy over and over and over again so that eventually everybody would hear it when they were on break? Fuck NO!
You go girl!!!!!! Tracy, I just love the way you write. I never have to second guess you on anything! That is the way I like it too….hugs…keep it up, my Dear!
I’m afraid that Obama was never the politician we all imagined him to be, especially after his convention speech …
I’ve watched him numerous times on C-Span, during committee hearings, and — I tell you — I should tape him for the nights I have trouble falling asleep.
He’s full of caution.
Now, I defend freshman Senators because they DO have to tread carefully … I think it’s how the system works there … and I’ve watched my own Maria Cantwell go through the same cautious process (which has angered MANY Democrats in Washington state).
However, Maria Cantwell is a firebrand compared to Obama. She’s given some HOT floor speeches on Enron and ANWR, and she’s stood up to Ted Stevens in committee hearings. (her recent statement on Iraq was painful though … and so unnecessary, imho.)
I think, in all seriousness, that people need to get it out of their heads that Obama is presidential material or a progressive beacon of hope for Democrats.
He is none of that. He’s a pedestrian politician.
I’m glad he won. I hope he stays in the Senate. But he’s no answer for anything.
Add Sleasazar to the “Bloody Fucking Hell” list. Coor’s would have been worse.
But Obama, Christo!…he had a mandate with an overwhelming victory, granted, against a certifiable looney,…and now he’s Uncle Tom?…I don’t get it. No excuses accepted.
This’ll probably get me flamed…so back to the job at hand.
I doubt you’ll get flamed. I was thinking Colin Powell as I wrote my comments above yours.
It’s who he is.
It’s just so disappointing because we HOPED SO MUCH that he was more than he is.
(Another time I saw him — he was on Charlie Rose to promote his book — what a snooze.)
Oh Susan, I too am so let down with him. I have talked to my friend in Illinois and let her know she needs to get on the phone and ream them out up there. She does a lot of getting on the phone and reaming out so I want here to straight for the jugular…he is such a disappointment to a lot of us.
that if he’s too far “out there”, he’ll be targeted as a Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton type — just out for the publicity, not for the people.
Whereas someone like Conyers has worked hard for years, and has earned his right to speak out (albeit in the basement of Congress thanks to the Repubs). Would that we could transplant Conyers’ fire into Obama’s soul…
didn’t take Obama too long before he glossed over Alito’s membership in CAP. Unbelievable.
Seems there’s a special virus residing in the beltway. Whatever it is, be warned it’s contagious.
Obama is shaping up as another Colin; one who goes along to get along.
politicians’ freedom to make stirring speeches or wear nice suits – even Democratic politicians.
I just heard the replay of Obama on NPR and it occurs to me that Obama is aware that this (if it happens) will be a strategic filibuster meant to disrupt the SOTU. For a filibuster to actually achieve the goal of defeating Alito the Dems are going to have to be much clearer than they are now and explain to the country what is wrong with Alito. We just don’t have the votes in the Senate to sustain a long filibuster unless we get the country on our side. And we all know that the majority of people aren’t paying attention to this at all. If Obama is simply being pragmatic — I can’t fault him.
Just got this in an e-mail from Karen in Seattle!
Everyone who I tried to call, even in their state and different areas too of said state are all full up! Makes me wonder what in the hell they are making statements that America wants alito….just plain out wrong. I tried to call both yesterday and today…still no luck..so Monday is the day of reckoning I suppose..
It’s crossed my mind that they may have a means to shut off calls after a certain number are reached, and that they can set the # of calls … call me suspicious, but I kind of wonder…
My office voice mail only takes about 40 messages before it becomes full. So you may have 2,000 people call but still only room for 40 messages. Which isn’t a lot. And you can’t tell how many missed calls there were. So from the senate staffs point of view, the number of calls they received is what is in the voice mail, not how many people called.
That’s why faxing is important.
And for those who haven’t sent your fax yet. Put the topic right up at the top and say exactly what you want them to do in the first line of the letter/fax.
The senators will not read 99.9999% of these letters, their aides will tally them and, if you are a constituent, send you a standard response a few weeks later. Go ahead and wax poetic if you want to — just don’t bury the lead. Put it right there in the first line.
No need to explain your position, IMO.
My Fax is two lines:
“signature here”
All they’re looking for…
FAX will date and time stamp…that’s all you need.
sorry, meant to say I agree.
I think their offices open at 9:00 AM EST. Brenda. I tried to call Senator Levin’s office, and some of the others on Friday Evening, and their voice mail was already full. Let’s jam the phone system on Monday AM!
Weekends with Maury and Connie just started on MSNBC … i’ve not seen it before … so far, so good … they’re giving us a history of the West’s relationships with Iran!
filibuster round up:
keep those calls and faxes coming and please encourage everyone you know to do so as well.
“What would Paul WELLSTONE do about Judge Alito’s nomination?”
I’m a Minnesotan, and this question begins all of my correspondence to Senators. It says it all.
An update from georgia10’s tally at DKos:
We went from two to 37 in three days! Keep those calls, faxes, emails coming. I may stop in person to McCain’s local office tomorrow just to register my disgust with his voting in person.
Really asking for everyone’s input after reading an anaylsis and taking it a bit further. Thanks.
But really my time would have been better spent writing “Filibuster Alito” on fifty paper airplanes and throwing them out my window. It would have been more likely that they would reach a fence-sitting Democratic Senator, than it is that my appeals to my actual Senators will make any difference.
I’d say that contacting Coburn and Inhofe on any issue is like talking to a brick wall, except brick walls generally treat one with more respect than these two do. Indeed, Jim Inhofe’s staff should win some sort of award for being so dependably self-important, bone-headed and unpleasant. I’ve never been treated so consistently terribly by any political staffers in my life…and I’m a constituent!
Isn’t it infuriating? Jim Talent’s staff is like that too.
I can’t stand Kit Bond, but at least his staff acts professionally. I have a (probably irrational) feeling this is because he was a governor at one time. Of course their professionalism simply means that they professionally ignore me. AND his staff was apparently smart enough to leave the fax machines with not enough paper over the weekend so that they wouldn’t have to get faxes.
Talents’staff regularly insults me. OK I’m tired of venting.
a cousin Jesus, he’s dark like me and gets just as much trouble with airport security.
the most incompetent president
in the history of the U.S.
Agreed as to Bush, but really, this can’t be laid at his feet (besides, he’s got enough on his plate right now for which he’s not up to being responsible ;).
But Goss, Negroponte . . . I thought the intelligence agencies were supposed to be staffed by “professionals.”
Sure it can. With a unitary executive he is responsible for every action at state and at the intelligence agencies.
Seriously, the intelligence agencies aren’t staffed by professionals and are staffed by incompetents because that is what happens in this administration. He puts incompetent people in charge at the top and the incompetence creeps down. There is no accountability, ever, for screw ups in the executive and agencies. The blame for that goes straight up to the top.
That is so pathetic it should be a Simpsons episode.
where Former President Bush moves into Springfield? And he and Bart and Homer get into this huge feud? And George HW pulls a garotte out of his watchband and snarls, “Here’s a little trick we learned in the CIA, Simpson!”